
Activity Area Description

Add pictures

Service and Maintainence

You can take pictures of the object that is related to the task.

If you save a picture:

  • It is uploaded to SharePoint.
  • An attachment is added to the related work order line. This attachment is of type URL and its URL refers to the picture as stored in SharePoint.
  • A picture entry is added to the Pictures page of the Rental Mobile Operations app.


  • If you work offline, uploading picture to SharePoint and adding it to work order line is only done when you synchronize to D365 FO.
  • The default camera for taking pictures is defined in the Default camera parameter.

Change status

Service and Maintainence

You can manually change the status of a task in the Rental Mobile Operations app.

You can change the status to:

  • Start a task. The status is changed from 'Released' to 'In progress'.
  • Complete a task. The status is changed from 'In progress' to 'Completed'. If you do so, you are automatically guided to the Sign-off page.

Note: If you work offline, the status is only updated to D365 FO when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Do task based on order note

Service and Maintainence

In the Task notes, in the Order notes, you can find the task instructions.

In D365 FO, on a work order line, an order note can be entered to instruct the field engineer on the task to be done. This order note can give any relevant information on the task. To enter an order note in D365 FO, on the Work order page, select a work order line, and click Additional notes, Line notes.

Do task based on task check list

Service and Maintainence

In the Task checklist, you can find the work to be done for the task.

In D365 FO, for a work order line, a task checklist can be defined. Usually, the task checklist is added automatically based on the used work order template. A task checklist instructs the field engineer on the work to be done. If in D365 FO a task checklist is defined for the work order line, it is shown in the Rental Mobile Operations app on the Task checklist page.

When you confirm the task checklist, for each task in the task checklist, the task status and notes are synchronized to the task checklist of the related work order line in D365 FO. Note: If you work offline, the task checklist is only synchronized when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Enter task-related notes

Service and Maintainence

In the Rental Mobile Operations app, you can view or enter these types of notes:

  • Order notes:
    In D365 FO, on a work order line, an order note can be entered to instruct the field engineer on the task to be done. This order note can give any relevant information on the task. Usually, you do not change the order notes in the Rental Mobile Operations app. However, if you created the work order from the Rental Mobile Operations app and assigned it to yourself, you can enter an order note.
  • Internal notes:
    You can enter any task-related note for internal purposes. For example, explain the maintenance activities that are done or mention defect parts that are repaired or replaced.
  • Invoice note:
    You can enter an invoice note to explain the task done. When in D365 FO an invoice is created for the related work order line, the invoice note is added to the invoice.

When you confirm the task notes, these are synchronized to the task notes of the related work order line in D365 FO. To view the task notes in D365 FO, on the Work order page, select a work order line, and click Additional notes, Line notes.

Note: If you work offline, the task notes are only updated in D365 FO when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Find task

Service and Maintainence

In D365 FO, work order lines can be assigned to you. The work order lines, which are assigned to you, are shown as tasks in your Rental Mobile Operations app.

To start work on a task, first find the tasks that are assigned to you. You can find tasks in several ways:

  • Calendar: You can find tasks based on one or more selected dates.
  • List: You can scroll a list of assigned tasks. The tasks are sorted by scheduled start date.
  • Search: Type (a part of) the name of the task that you want to find.

Note: Only tasks are shown with status 'Planned' or 'In progress'.

Register mileage

Service and Maintainence

If you must travel for a task, you can register the mileage.

For each task, you can register mileage several times. For example, to register the mileage of the outward journey and the return journey.

When you confirm the entered mileage:

  • An entry is created in the spare parts list. This entry shows the item that is used for fuel consumption and the entered mileage.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of registration type 'Item'. The item of the transaction is the item that is used for fuel consumption. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

The item that is used to register fuel consumption is defined in D365 FO, in the Rental Parameters, on the General tab, in the Fuel item field. The default company, as defined in the app parameters, defines from which D365 FO company the fuel item is taken.

Register other task-related costs

Service and Maintainence

You can register task-related costs, also called fees. So, costs that are not hours or items.

When you confirm a new costs entry:

  • An entry is added to the 'Other costs' overview.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Fee' is created. The transaction description is the description as entered in the Rental Mobile Operations app. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Register used spare parts

Service and Maintainence

You can register the items and spare parts that you use doing a task.

You can scan a barcode or manually enter the item number or serial number of the used spare part.

When you confirm the entered spare part:

  • An entry is created in the spare parts list.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of registration type 'Item' or 'Item requirement'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Review and confirm time spent on task

Service and Maintainence

Before you sign off a task, review the recorded time. You can:

  • Make changes to a recorded time overview entry. When you confirm the changes:
    • The entry in the time overview is updated.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is updated.
  • Add a time overview entry. When you confirm the new time overview entry:
    • An entry is added to the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of type 'Hour'. The transaction description is defined by the selected registration type in the Rental Mobile Operations app.
  • Delete a time overview entry. When you delete a time overview entry:
    • The entry is deleted from the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is deleted.

Note: If you work offline, the transactions in D365 FO are only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Sign off task

Service and Maintainence

To complete a task, have it signed off by your contact at the customer site.

Before your contact signs off the task, you can show the:

  • Work you have done.
  • Spare parts that you have used.
  • Time you have spent.
  • Cots you have incurred.

If you confirm a task sign-off:

  • The task is moved to 'My completed tasks' in the Rental Mobile Operations app.
  • In D365 FO, the related work order line is set to 'Completed'.
  • An email with the task summary is sent to the defined email address.
  • The signature is stored as an image in SharePoint.
  • An attachment is added to the related work order line. This attachment is of type URL and its URL refers to the signature image as stored in SharePoint.

Note: If you work offline, the actions for which an online connection is required are only done when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record break time

Service and Maintainence

Use the break time ticker to record the time you use on a break. Use this time ticker if take a break. You can only use the break time ticker if the job time ticker is recording.

When you end the break time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded break time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type Hour is created. The transaction description is 'Break time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record extra time

Service and Maintainence

Use the extra time ticker to record the extra time you work on a task. Use this time ticker if you start working extra time on the task. For example, when you have completed a task and some additional work is required. You can reopen the task and record the time spent as extra time.

When you end the job time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded extra time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Extra time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record travel time

Service and Maintainence

Use the travel time ticker to record the time you travel for a task.

When you start the travel time ticker, and the task status is 'Planned', the task status is set to 'In progress'. Also the related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

When you end the travel time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded travel time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Travel time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Use time ticker to record working time

Service and Maintainence

Use the job time ticker to record the time you work on a task. Use this time ticker if you are at the task location and start working on the task.

When you start the job time ticker, and the task status is 'Planned', the task status is set to 'In progress'. Also the related work order line status in D365 FO is set to 'In progress'.

When you end the job time ticker:

  • An entry is created in the time overview. This time overview entry shows the recorded working time.
  • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction of registration type 'Hour' is created. The transaction description is 'Work time'. Note: If you work offline, the transaction is only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

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