
Activity Area Description

Activate workflow template version


If the full setup of a data entry workflow version is finished, to apply it, make the version active.

You can only get a data entry workflow template version activated if these conditions are met:

  • Each step has at least one assignment.
  • Assigned users are enabled.
  • Assigned teams:
    • Are active.
    • Have at least one effective member that is related to an enabled user.
    • Have a team type for which the Team members must be users in the system check box is selected.
  • For each approval step, on the Outcome tab:
    • The Approve field is set to Yes.
    • One of these fields is set to Yes: Reject or Change request.
  • Each step has at least one field.
  • Organization assignments of the steps are in line. If the first step has a specific organization assignment, the next steps must have the same organization assignment or no organization assignment.
  • Each mandatory field of the used tables is:
    • Added to the workflow document.
    • Configured to get a value in one of these ways:
      • It is used as a data entry field in the workflow template.
      • It has a default value set in the workflow document.
      • It has a parent that sets its value.
  • For grid controls, the fields that are used in the grid are:
    • Part of the same workflow document record.
    • Not a Document attachment field or a Picture field.

Add document attachment field


To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a document.

This document attachment field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the document attachment field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the document attachment field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a document attachment field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a document attachment is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add field from workflow document


Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered or approved.

You can manually add fields to a field group. You can only add fields that exist in the applicable workflow document.

Add field from workflow document


Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered or approved.

You can manually add fields to a field group. You can only add fields that exist in the applicable workflow document.

Add field group - Approval


For a workflow approval step, define the fields to be approved.

For approval steps, you can:

  • Add field groups with the 'Select field groups' function in the Workflow diagram section. So, you use the field groups as defined for the data entry steps.
  • Manually create specific field groups for approval. This topic explains how to do so.

Note: If you manually create a field group for an approval step tab page, you must also manually add or select the fields for this field group.

Add field group - Data entry


Usually, you create field groups when you select data entry fields with the 'Select fields' function.

You can manually field groups to each step tab page.

Add inventory dimension field


On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value.

To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set.

Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document.

You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add inventory dimension field


On several D365 FO tables, inventory dimensions exist. Each inventory dimension is expressed in a RecId that refers to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table. So, it does not reflect the inventory dimension name and value.

To a data entry workflow template step, you can add the desired inventory dimension fields. So, on the resulting task dialog, these inventory dimensions can be set.

Before you can add an inventory dimension field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document. You add an inventory dimension field as a virtual field to the workflow document. For each desired inventory dimension, add a separate virtual field. For example, if you need five inventory dimensions, add five virtual fields to the applicable record in the workflow document.

You can only add an inventory dimension field to a workflow document record that has a relation to the Inventory dimensions (InventDim) table.

When you have added an inventory dimension field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add picture field


To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a picture.

This picture field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the picture field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the picture field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a picture field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a picture is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Add product attribute field


During data entry for a product, it can be needed to classify the product using category hierarchies. In a data entry workflow, you can add the needed product attributes.

If the EcoResProduct table is part of your workflow document records, you can add product attributes to a field group. The product attributes are added as 'Virtual' field to the field group and workflow document.

To be able to define product attributes during data entry, you must also add these fields to the same field group:

  • Category hierarchy
  • Category

With the Select fields function of the step, you can select these fields from the Product categories page.

Add purpose field


During data entry of address information or contact information, it can be needed to define the purpose.

Before you can add a purpose field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document.

You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record that is related to one of these tables:

  • DirPartyLocation
  • LogisticsElectronicAddress

You add a purpose field as a virtual field to the workflow document.

When you have added the purpose field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add purpose field


During data entry of address information or contact information, it can be needed to define the purpose.

Before you can add a purpose field to a data entry workflow template step, create the field in the related workflow document.

You can only add a purpose field to a workflow document record that is related to one of these tables:

  • DirPartyLocation
  • LogisticsElectronicAddress

You add a purpose field as a virtual field to the workflow document.

When you have added the purpose field to the workflow document, you can add it to a data entry workflow template step. To do so, use the Add field from workflow document function.

Add step tab page


You can manually add tab pages to each step.

Add virtual field


To a data entry field group, you can add a virtual field.

You can use a virtual field for several scenarios, for example, to:

  • Pass information to a next step.
  • Control if data, as entered for a workflow, is transferred to the target. To do so, use the Write control option of the virtual field. The entered data is only transferred to the target if the virtual field has a value.
  • Skip a step. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.
  • Hide or disable a tab page, field group, or field. To do so, use the virtual field in a condition.

When you create a virtual field, link it to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the virtual field is added, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the virtual field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a virtual field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. However, the value of a virtual field is not transferred to the target.

Add workflow template to change management


If workflow template change management is activated in the Data entry workflow parameters, you can add workflow templates to change management. So, change management is only applicable to the workflow templates that you added to version management.

If you add a workflow templates to change management, it is automatically checked out to make changes. To add the current workflow template setup to change management as the first workflow templates change set, check in the workflow template. As a result, a change set file is created and added to the folder as defined in the Data entry workflow parameters.

Assign step to user, team, or role


Assign each workflow step to the responsible user, team, or role.

If no target company is defined for the data entry workflow, the company in which the workflow is started is the company in which the workflow is executed. In this case, you can assign a different user, team, or role for different companies.

You can define conditions for each step assignment. An assignment with conditions is only applied to a step if all conditions are met.

Cancel data entry workflow


You can cancel a workflow that is in progress. For example, if the record that is entered doing the workflow is not needed.

The workflow can be canceled by any Data entry workflow user.

When you cancel a data entry workflow, the:

  • Workflow status is set to Canceled. You cannot further process the workflow.
  • Status of the already created tasks is set to Ended.
  • Workflow is kept in history with the entered data.


  • If during data entry a number is retrieved from a continuous number sequence, this number becomes free for use by the number sequence again.
  • If for one of the already done tasks the data is transferred to the target tables, the data in the target tables stays.
  • You cannot cancel a workflow that has a task with the status 'In progress'.

Change field sequence


The sequence in which the fields are shown in the Fields section is the sequence in which the fields are shown on the related data entry workflow task pages.
You can change the sequence of the fields.

Check in workflow template


If workflow template change management is active and a workflow template is checked out to make changes, check in the workflow template to make the changes generally available for other environments.
As a result, the changes to the workflow template are stored as a new workflow template change set. The workflow template change set is stored as a file in the file storage folder as defined in the Data entry workflow parameters.

Check out workflow template


If workflow template change management is active, you must check out a workflow template to make changes to the workflow template.

You check out a workflow template in an environment. Each user in this environment can make changes to the checked-out workflow template. If a workflow template is checked out, it cannot be checked out in another environment.
You can only check out the latest workflow template change set. If you check out a workflow template and the active change set is not the latest change set, you can choose to first get the latest change set. If you do not get the latest change set, the workflow template is not checked out.

Configure step - Customer


In D365 FO, the customers setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template to set up customers. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the customer setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to configure the desired step field groups.

For example, split the customer setup over these steps:

  • Create customer: Used to enter the main data of a customer.
  • Enter customer addresses: Used to enter the address information of the customer.
  • Enter customer contacts: Used to enter the contact information of the customer.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Configure step - Customer


In D365 FO, the customers setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template to set up customers. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the customer setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to configure the desired step field groups.

For example, split the customer setup over these steps:

  • Create customer: Used to enter the main data of a customer.
  • Enter customer addresses: Used to enter the address information of the customer.
  • Enter customer contacts: Used to enter the contact information of the customer.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Configure step - Product


In D365 FO, the products setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template for products setup. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the product setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to select the desired step field groups.

For example, split the product setup over these steps:

  • Create product: Used to enter the product identification data and reference groups.
  • Define units of measure and prices: Used to enter the units of measure and related prices for the product.
  • Define category: Used to define the product category.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Configure step - Vendor


In D365 FO, the vendors setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template to set up vendors. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the vendor setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to configure the desired step field groups.

For example, split the vendor setup over these steps:

  • Create vendor: Used to enter the main data of a vendor.
  • Enter vendor addresses: Used to enter the address information of the vendor.
  • Enter vendor contacts: Used to enter the contact information of the vendor.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Configure step - Vendor


In D365 FO, the vendors setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template to set up vendors. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the vendor setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to configure the desired step field groups.

For example, split the vendor setup over these steps:

  • Create vendor: Used to enter the main data of a vendor.
  • Enter vendor addresses: Used to enter the address information of the vendor.
  • Enter vendor contacts: Used to enter the contact information of the vendor.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Copy or move data entry workflow template step


You can copy or move a step of a data entry workflow template.

You can copy or move a step:

  • In the current data entry workflow template.
  • To another data entry workflow template.

Create Azure Storage account


Use an Azure Storage Account to exchange change management files between your D365 FO environment and other environments.
You can:

  • Create an Azure Storage Account.
  • Use the Azure Storage Account of your D365 FO environment. If a cloud-hosted D365 FO environment is created with LCS, automatically the related Azure Storage Account is created. The default name of this Azure Storage Account is the same as the D365 FO environment name. Note: When you delete the D365 FO environment, the related Azure Storage Account is also deleted.

For more information, refer to Create an Azure Storage Account.

Create file share for workflow template change management


For the Azure Storage Account, create a file share for the change management files.

For the file share, you can create the required folder that relates to the Shared path field of the Data entry workflow parameters.
For more information, refer to Create file share.

Create post action


You can define post actions to run a menu item for a data entry workflow step in one of these cases:

  • The step is the last step of the data entry workflow template. The defined actions are done when the workflow is finished.
  • For the step, the Transfer to target field is set to Yes. The defined actions are done when entered data is transferred to the target.


Create workflow template


Use a data entry workflow to design a workflow that is applied when data is entered.

Create workflow template step - Approval


For each data entry workflow template, you can define workflow approval steps. Use an approval step to approve the data as entered during the workflow execution. For each approval step, define which data must be approved.

You can use these dependency types for workflow approval steps:

  • Step: Adds a step next to a selected step in the workflow.
  • Parallel step: Adds a parallel step to a selected step in the workflow. You can add a parallel step to any step, except for the first step.
  • Group subsequent step: Adds a step that brings together parallel steps in one next step. You can only add a group step if at least one parallel step is defined for the workflow template. For a group step, you must select the steps that are brought together in the group step.

Create workflow template step - Data entry


For each data entry workflow template, define data entry steps. A data entry step is used to enter a set of data during the workflow execution.

You can use these dependency types to enter data entry steps:

  • Step: Adds a step to the workflow. This can be a first step or a next step. To add a next step, first select the desired previous step.
  • Parallel step: Adds a parallel step to a selected step in the workflow. You can add a parallel step to any step, except for the first step.
  • Group subsequent step: Adds a step that brings together parallel steps in one next step. You can only add a group step if at least one parallel step is defined for the workflow template. For a group step, you must select the steps that are brought together in the group step.

Create workflow template step - Fuzzy duplicate check


If Data quality studio is installed on the same environment as Data entry workflow, you can apply a fuzzy duplicate check in Data entry workflow.
For each data entry workflow template, you can define a fuzzy duplicate check step. Use a fuzzy duplicate check step to automatically check if the data, as entered in the previous workflow tasks, is a possible duplicate record.

You can use these dependency types for fuzzy duplicate check steps:

  • Step: Adds a step next to a selected step in the workflow.
  • Parallel step: Adds a parallel step to a selected step in the workflow. You can add a parallel step to any step, except for the first step.
  • Group subsequent step: Adds a step that brings together parallel steps in one next step. You can only add a group step if at least one parallel step is defined for the workflow template. For a group step, you must select the steps that are brought together in the group step.

Create workflow template version


You can create a new version of a workflow template. You create a new version if , for example, the current version is active and you want to make some changes to the workflow template.

If you create a new version, you can choose to:

  • Use an existing version as basis. As a result, all elements of the selected version are copied to the new version.
  • Create a blank version.


If you create a:

  • Workflow template, automatically its first version is created. Also, the first version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New version of a workflow template, based on a previous version, also a new version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New blank version of a workflow template, also a new blank version of the related workflow document is created.

Define approval step result options


For each approval step, define which options an approver has when doing an approval task.
You can enable these approval result options on the approval task dialog:

  • Approve: Adds an approve button to each field and a general Approve button. Result: The approver can approve by field or approve all fields at once.
  • Change request: Adds an Approve and a Change request button to each field and a general Change request button. Result: The approver can approve or request a change by field. For each change request, the approver can enter a comment to explain the requested change. If for a field a change is requested, the Change request button becomes available. If the approver clicks the Change request button, the workflow task (step) where the field was initially filled in is reactivated with related assignment.
  • Delegate: Adds a Delegate button. Result: The approver can assign the approval task to another user.
  • Reject: Adds a general Reject button. Result: The approver can reject all fields at once. As a result, the data entry workflow is canceled.


By default, all approval result options are enabled. You can consider to disable some of these options.

You are advised to always enable:

  • The Approve option.
  • One of these options: Reject or Change request.

Define history cleanup settings on data entry workflow template


For each data entry workflow template, you can define the history cleanup settings.

You can enable the cleanup of the:

  • Staging data only. In this case:
    • The field values and related field history of the applicable workflows are deleted.
    • On the Workflows details page, in the Date cleaned at field, the cleanup date is entered.
  • Tracking details as well. In this case, the applicable workflows are deleted, including the tracking details.

Define possible duplicate evaluation outcomes


When a fuzzy duplicate check step is done, possible duplicates can be found. In this case, the assigned user gets a task to compare the entered data with the found possible duplicates.

For each fuzzy duplicate check step, define which options a user has when possible duplicates are found.
You can enable these options on the task dialog:

  • Approve: Adds an Approve button. Result: You can approve that the newly entered data is not a duplicate. When you click Approve, the data entry workflow is continued.
  • Delegate: Adds a Delegate button. Result: You can assign the possible duplicates evaluation task to another user.
  • Reject: Adds a Reject button. Result: You can reject the newly entered data because it is a duplicate. When you click Reject, the data entry workflow is canceled.


You are advised to always have these options enabled:

  • Approve
  • Reject

Define step dependencies


When you create a data entry workflow step, the applicable dependencies are automatically created. The dependencies are created based on a combination of the selected step(s) and the type of step you create.

You can manually add dependencies or change existing dependencies. For example, if you add an additional step between existing steps, check and add the desired dependencies.

You can also remove a dependency for a selected step.

Define to which forms a data entry workflow template applies


Define the forms to which a data entry workflow template applies. As a result, you can start the data entry workflow from the defined forms

Buttons to start a data entry workflow

Depending on the dynamic menu form setup settings, these buttons are added to the form:

  • Create record: To add this button to the form, select the Creation check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to create a record.
  • Edit record: To add this button to the form, select the Update check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to edit a record.

If you click one of the Data entry workflow buttons, a dialog is opened on which you can select the desired template and start the data entry workflow.

Button style

Use the Style to define where and how the buttons are shown on the form:

  • New action pane tab: To the Action Pane, the 'Data entry workflow' tab is added as the first tab. This tab shows the buttons.
  • New button group: The buttons are shown on the task bar, next to the Delete button. 
  • Existing action pane tab: To an existing Action Pane tab, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added. This field group shows the buttons. In this case, you must select the Action Pane tab to which the 'Data entry workflow' field group must be added. You can indicate next to which existing field group the 'Data entry workflow' is added. If you don't do so, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added as the first field group of the Action Pane tab.

Pending workflow

For each dynamic menu form setup record, you can define if a data entry workflow can be used to edit records. To edit a record, you can start a data entry workflow only if no pending data entry workflow exists for the record.
On the applicable form, for a record, you can show if a pending data entry workflow exists. On the related dynamic menu form setup, you can define how to show if a record has a pending data entry workflow.

To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add:

  • An indicator: Depending on the setup, the indicator can be the 'Has pending workflow' field or the  sign. If you add an indicator, you must also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup.
  • A fact box: To the Related information pane of the form, a Pending workflow fact box is added. If a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, this workflow is shown in the fact box.

Note: If you run a workflow in test mode, it is not shown as pending workflow.

Delegate workflow task assignments


As a Data entry workflow manager, you can delegate data entry workflow task assignments to other users.

For example, an assigned user can have scheduled a vacation or some days off. For this period, you can schedule the delegation of workflow task assignments to another user.

You can also edit disabled workflow task assignment delegations.

Delegate your workflow task assignments


As a Data entry workflow user, you can delegate your data entry workflow task assignments to another user.

For example, you can have scheduled a vacation or some days off. For this period, you can schedule the delegation of your workflow task assignments.

Do workflow task


If a data entry workflow task is assigned to you, you can do the task.

The purpose of a data entry workflow task can be:

  • Data entry
  • Approval
  • Possible duplicates evaluation

Data entry

You can use a data entry workflow task for several purposes. This table explains the purposes:

Purpose Description
Enter data

Fill in a set of fields as defined for the related step in the data entry workflow template.

If a grid is shown, you can enter several records.

Review data Review or reconsider a filled in value for which an approver did a change request.
Complete task Complete the data entry workflow task. Based on the applicable data entry workflow template setup, the next workflow task is created with the applicable assignment.


You can use an approval step for several purposes. Depending on the step setup in the related data entry workflow template, you can have these options:

Option Description

The approver can approve by field or approve all fields at once.

If a grid is shown, you only can approve by grid record.
If you approve the full approval task, the position of the approval step in the workflow defines the next action. If the approval step is:

  • The last step in the data entry workflow, the workflow is ended, and the entered data is transferred to the target tables.
  • An intermediate approval, based on the setup of the related data entry workflow template, the next workflow task is created with the applicable assignment.
Change request

The approver can approve or request a change by field. For each change request, the approver can enter a comment to explain the requested data change for the field.

If for a field a change is requested, the Change request button becomes available. If the approver clicks the Change request button, the workflow task (step) where the field was initially filled in is reactivated with the applicable assignment.

Delegate The approver can assign the approval task to another user.
Reject The approver can reject all fields at once. As a result, the data entry workflow is canceled. So, no next workflow task is created.

Possible duplicates evaluation

During data entry workflow execution, for a fuzzy duplicate check step, the fuzzy duplicate check is done automatically. As a result of the fuzzy duplicate check, it can be that:

  • No possible duplicates are found. In this case, when the fuzzy duplicate check is finished, the data entry workflow is continued automatically. 
  • Possible duplicates are found. In this case, the assigned user gets a task to compare the entered data with the found possible duplicates. Based on the fuzzy duplicate check setup, each of the found possible duplicates gets a score. This score indicates to what extent the entered data is a duplicate.

Depending on the fuzzy duplicate check step setup, when possible duplicates are found, you can have these options:

Option Description

You can approve that the newly entered data is not a duplicate. When you click Approve, the data entry workflow is continued.


You can assign the possible duplicates evaluation task to another user.

Reject You can reject the newly entered data because it is a duplicate. When you click Reject, the data entry workflow is canceled.

Duplicate field


In some cases, it can be useful to duplicate a field in a field group.

For example, in a data entry workflow, you want to enable entering:

  • Product names in several languages. Product names are stored in the EcoResProductTranslation table. By default, the product name is stored in the system language, for example, 'en-us'. You can duplicate the Name field, for example, to enable entering the product name in the 'nl' language.
  • For a customer, contact information of different types. The contact information is stored in the LogisticsElectronicAddress table. You can duplicate the Description field, for example, to enable entering a phone number.

When you duplicate a field, its settings are taken and shown in a dialog, where you can easily change the settings. For example, you can change the field name and range.

As a result,:

  • A workflow document record is added.
  • All relevant fields are added to the document record.
  • The selected ranges are added to the workflow document.
  • The selected ranges are added to the version default values.
  • The field is created in the field group.

Edit field group details


Usually, for a step of type:

  • Data entry, you create field groups when you select data entry fields with the 'Select fields' function. When you submit your field selection, the created field groups are added to the step tab page.
  • Approval, You add field groups by selecting the fields to be approved with the 'Select field groups' function. When you close the field group selection page, the selected field groups are added to the step tab page.

You can edit the field groups for each step tab page.

Edit fields from workflow document


Usually, for each data entry workflow template step, you select the fields which data must be entered. When you submit your field selection, the selected fields are added to the applicable field group.

You can edit the selected fields for each field group.

Edit tab page details


Usually, for a step of type:

  • Data entry, you create tab pages when you select data entry fields with the 'Select fields' function. When you submit your field selection, the created tab pages are added to the step.
  • Approval, you add tab groups by selecting the fields to be approved with the 'Select field groups' function. When you close the field group selection page, the tab pages for the selected field groups and fields are added to the step.

You can edit the tab pages for each step.

Edit workflow document


The workflow document is used to write the data, as entered using a data entry workflow, to D365 FO.

If you create a:

  • Workflow template, automatically the first version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New version of a workflow template, based on a previous version, also a new version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New blank version of a workflow template, also a new blank version of the related workflow document is created.

If you select fields for a data entry workflow template step, the workflow document is updated based on the selections you made. Existing document record relations are not changed.

Based on the selected fields, this is added to the automatically created workflow document:

  • Records: Fields on a page are linked to a datasource. A page can have fields from several datasources. For each datasource from which you select fields, a record is added to the workflow document. Each page has a main datasource. Always a record is added for the main datasource, whether you select a field from the main datasource or not.
  • Fields: All selected fields are added to the applicable record in the workflow document.
  • Datasource connection fields: If you select fields from several datasources, the fields that connect the datasources are always added, whether selected or not.
  • Ranges: If a datasource has a range defined for the page, the range is also added to the workflow document record. For example, on the Released products page, you can fill in fields of the InventTableModule datasource for that apply to one of these modules: Sales, Purchase, or Inventory. For each of these modules, a separate record is added to the workflow document. For each of these records a range is added indicating the applicable module.
  • Virtual fields: To a workflow template step of type 'Data entry', you can add virtual fields. you can add virtual fields of these types: Generic, Document attachment, Picture, or Product attribute. On creation, you link a virtual field to a workflow document record. Based on this link, a virtual field is added to the workflow document.

You can review and adjust a workflow document. If you do so, make sure these rules are applied:

  • For workflow template documents, the records must be in line with how the data is structured and named in D365 FO.
  • Each document record must have the data fields which values must be written to D365 FO. The fields must be in line with naming in D365 FO. Also, the fields must have the same type as in D365 FO.

Edit workflow document


The workflow document is used to write the data, as entered using a data entry workflow, to D365 FO.

If you create a:

  • Workflow template, automatically the first version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New version of a workflow template, based on a previous version, also a new version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New blank version of a workflow template, also a new blank version of the related workflow document is created.

If you select fields for a data entry workflow template step, the workflow document is updated based on the selections you made. Existing document record relations are not changed.

Based on the selected fields, this is added to the automatically created workflow document:

  • Records: Fields on a page are linked to a datasource. A page can have fields from several datasources. For each datasource from which you select fields, a record is added to the workflow document. Each page has a main datasource. Always a record is added for the main datasource, whether you select a field from the main datasource or not.
  • Fields: All selected fields are added to the applicable record in the workflow document.
  • Datasource connection fields: If you select fields from several datasources, the fields that connect the datasources are always added, whether selected or not.
  • Ranges: If a datasource has a range defined for the page, the range is also added to the workflow document record. For example, on the Released products page, you can fill in fields of the InventTableModule datasource for that apply to one of these modules: Sales, Purchase, or Inventory. For each of these modules, a separate record is added to the workflow document. For each of these records a range is added indicating the applicable module.
  • Virtual fields: To a workflow template step of type 'Data entry', you can add virtual fields. you can add virtual fields of these types: Generic, Document attachment, Picture, or Product attribute. On creation, you link a virtual field to a workflow document record. Based on this link, a virtual field is added to the workflow document.

You can review and adjust a workflow document. If you do so, make sure these rules are applied:

  • For workflow template documents, the records must be in line with how the data is structured and named in D365 FO.
  • Each document record must have the data fields which values must be written to D365 FO. The fields must be in line with naming in D365 FO. Also, the fields must have the same type as in D365 FO.

Enable or disable workflow task assignment delegations


As a data entry workflow manager, you must approve created workflow task assignment delegations. To do so, enable the workflow task assignment delegations.

Enable workflow task assignment delegations that are created by:

  • A user.
  • You as a data entry workflow manager.

You can also disable enabled workflow task assignment delegations.

If a workflow task assignment is enabled, you cannot edit it.

Export workflow template


You can export one or more data entry workflow templates to an XML file. For all selected workflow templates, the full configuration is exported to the XML file. You can use the XML file to import workflow templates into another D365 FO environment.

Get latest workflow template change set


If in an environment, the current workflow template change set is not the latest change set, you can get the latest change set. As a result, the current workflow template change set is replaced with the latest change set.
If you have checked out a workflow template and made changes in the current environment, you can undo these changes by doing Get latest. In this case, also the check out of the workflow template is undone.

Import workflow template


You can import one or more data entry workflow templates from an XML file that is exported from another D365 FO environment.

Initialize workflow template in environment


The main purpose of 'Get latest' on the Workflow template change management page is to initialize a change-controlled workflow template in the current environment. So, if a workflow template is not available in the current environment, you can select it from the list and make it available.
Besides this, you can also use 'Get latest' in these cases:

  • If in an environment, the current workflow template change set is not the latest change set, you can get the latest change set. As a result, the current workflow template change set is replaced with the latest change set.
  • If you have checked out a workflow template and made changes in the current environment, you can undo these changes by doing Get latest. In this case, the check out of the workflow template is also undone.

Install Azure Storage Explorer and connect to an Azure Storage Account


You can use the Azure Storage Explorer to connect to and manage your Azure Storage Accounts.
First download and install the Azure Storage Explorer and then connect to a storage account.
To connect, use a storage account name and key. You can find the name and key on the Azure Portal > Storage accounts > Access keys.
When connected, you can create the required change management file share.
For more information, refer to Get started with Storage Explorer.

Monitor and troubleshoot post actions


For some steps in a data entry workflow template, post actions can be defined. A post action runs a menu item.

During or after workflow execution, you can view the run post actions and the run status.

When a post action is run, an error can occur. Usually, the error is related to configuration in D365 FO. When you have fixed the issue, you can rerun a failed post action.

Monitor data entry workflows


You can monitor the currently existing data entry workflows. For each workflow, the status, created tasks, and entered data are logged.

You can monitor these sets of data entry workflows:

  • All data entry workflows.
  • Data entry workflows that are in progress.
  • Data entry workflows that are started by you.
  • Completed data entry workflows.

Monitor workflow template change sets


To monitor data entry workflow template change sets, you can open the Workflow template change management page that shows:

  • All data entry workflow templates.
  • For each workflow template, the latest change set, and the change set in the current environment.
  • For each selected data entry workflow template, the change set history log.

Reassign workflow tasks


As a Data entry workflow manager, you can reassign an existing data entry workflow task to another user.

For example, a data entry workflow task is created and assigned to a user. However, due to illness this user is unavailable to do the task. To get the task done, you can reassign the task to another user.

Repair header info in workflow template change set files


In unusual cases, the header information can get disturbed in the files on the file storage. You can repair the header information in the files on the file storage, based on the workflow template change management table.

Repair workflow template check-in status on file storage


In unusual cases, the check-in/out status can get disturbed in the file storage. You can repair the status in the file storage, based on the workflow template change management table.

Restore workflow template change set


In an environment, you can restore another workflow template change set. As a result, the current workflow template change set is replaced with the selected change set.
You can restore a workflow template change set for these reasons:

  • To temporarily use it, for example, for reviewing or testing purposes or if the latest change set has issues. In this case, do not check out the workflow template when you restore it.
  • To make it the basis for further design. In this case, check out the workflow template when you restore it. When you check in the workflow template, the restored change set becomes the latest change set.

Select field groups from previous steps


For each approval step tab page, you can select the fields to be approved.

To add fields to be approved, you can use existing field groups from previous steps in the same data entry workflow template.

If you add a field group:

  • An approval field group is created with the same name.
  • All fields of a selected field group are added to the new approval field group.


  • On the field group selection page, for each field, a separate record is created in the right (selection) pane. Each field record indicates both the tab page and the field group to which the field belongs.
  • You can remove individual fields from the selection before you save the selection and close the selection page.

Select fields for data entry step


For each data entry workflow template step, select the fields which data must be entered. Select the fields from the desired pages.

When you submit your field selection:

  • A workflow template document is created.
  • The first page from which you selected the fields is stored. A next time you select fields for any step of the data entry workflow template, this first page is automatically opened.
  • The added tab pages are added to the step.
  • The added field groups are added to the applicable tab pages.
  • The selected fields are added to the applicable field group.

Select fields for data entry step


For each data entry workflow template step, select the fields which data must be entered. Select the fields from the desired pages.

When you submit your field selection:

  • A workflow template document is created.
  • The first page from which you selected the fields is stored. A next time you select fields for any step of the data entry workflow template, this first page is automatically opened.
  • The added tab pages are added to the step.
  • The added field groups are added to the applicable tab pages.
  • The selected fields are added to the applicable field group.

Select fields from previous steps


For each approval step field group, you can select the fields to be approved.

To add fields to be approved, you can use existing fields from previous steps in the same data entry workflow template.

You can select and add:

  • All fields of a field group at once. To do so add the field group to the selection.
  • A specific field from a field group.


  • On the field group selection page, for each field, a separate record is created in the right (selection) pane. Each field record indicates both the tab page and the field group to which the field belongs.
  • You can remove individual fields from the selection before you save the selection and close the selection page.

Select tab pages from previous steps


For each approval step, you can select the fields to be approved.

To add fields to be approved, you can use existing tab pages from previous steps in the same data entry workflow template.

If you add a tab page:

  • An approval tab page is created with the same name.
  • All field groups of the added tab page are added to the approval tab page.
  • For each field group of the added tab page, all fields are added to the new approval field group.


  • On the tab page selection page, for each field, a separate record is created in the right (selection) pane. Each field record indicates both the tab page and the field group to which the field belongs.
  • You can remove individual fields from the selection before you save the selection and close the selection page.

Set post action parameters


For some steps in a data entry workflow template, you can define post actions. You can use a post action to run a menu item.

If the menu item is of type Action, it can be required to set parameters.

An action menu item can start a dialog where you must enter parameters and/or query ranges before the action is run.

For such an action menu item, you can preset the parameters and query ranges. So, the action menu item can run without manual intervention.

Set up configurable labels


You can setup configurable labels to be used on data entry workflow template steps.

You can use configurable labels for:

  • Field group names
  • Field names
  • Field help texts

Set up configurable labels


You can setup configurable labels to be used on data entry workflow template steps.

You can use configurable labels for:

  • Field group names
  • Field names
  • Field help texts

Set up Data entry workflow categories


You can use Data entry workflow categories to group your workflow templates. For example, by functional area, like Sales or Product.

Set up data entry workflow cleanup batch job


To clean up data entry workflow history, usually, you run a recurring batch job.

The history is deleted based on the cleanup settings of the data entry workflow templates.

Set up Data entry workflow parameters


Before you start using Data entry workflow, set up the Data entry workflow parameters.

Besides the general parameters, define parameters for:

  • Approvals
  • Change management
  • Number sequences

Set up field conditions


You can define conditions for each field of a workflow step field group. On workflow execution, if the field conditions are:

  • Met, on the workflow task dialog, in the related field group, the field is hidden or disabled.
  • Not met, on the workflow task dialog, in the related field group, the field is shown and enabled.

You can define several conditions for a field. The field is only hidden or disabled if all conditions are met.

Set up field group conditions


You can define conditions for each field group of a workflow step tab page. On workflow execution, if the field group conditions are:

  • Met, on the workflow task dialog, in the related section, the field group is hidden or disabled.
  • Not met, on the workflow task dialog, in the related section, the field group is shown and enabled.

You can define several conditions for a field group. The field group is only hidden or disabled if all conditions are met.

Set up Master data management integration


You can create master records in the master data Management studio from a data entry workflow. If creating master records is enabled, and entered data is transferred to the target table, a master record is created for the applicable master data entity. Use the Master data management studio to further process the master record. For more information, refer to Master data management studio.

You can only setup the creation of master records from a data entry workflow template:

  • If the Master data management studio is installed on the same environment as Data entry workflow.
  • For steps for which Transfer to target is enabled or for the last step of the data entry workflow template. 

Set up step conditions


You can define conditions for each workflow step. On workflow execution, if the step conditions are:

  • Met, the step task is created and assigned.
  • Not met, the step task is created and skipped.

Set up tab page conditions


You can define conditions for each tab page of a workflow step. On workflow execution, if the tab page conditions are:

  • Met, on the workflow task dialog, the related section is hidden or disabled.
  • Not met, on the workflow task dialog, the related section is shown and enabled.

You can define several conditions for a tab page. The tab page is only hidden or disabled if all conditions are met.

Set version default values


A data entry workflow template and its related workflow document are version-specific. If fields are selected for or added to a workflow template step, you can set version-specific default values for each field in the workflow document.

You can use version default values, for example, to set the value of fields that are not added to a workflow step.

When you define a default value, it is automatically set as default value for the related:

  • Workflow document record field.
  • Step fields. Note that you can change this default value for each step field.

Start editing step setup


Before you can start editing the step setup, you must switch the edit mode from the Windows diagram section to the Steps section.

You can also switch the edit mode back from the Steps section to the Windows diagram section.

Start workflow


You can start a data entry workflow from the forms to which it applies.

Depending on the dynamic menu form setup of a data entry workflow template, you can start a data entry workflow to create or edit a record.

If you create or edit a record using a data entry workflow template, a workflow task dialog is opened based on the initial step setup.

When you complete the initial workflow task, based on the applicable data entry workflow template setup, the next workflow task is created with the applicable assignment.

Take over workflow template checkout


If a workflow template is checked out in another environment, you can take over the checkout in the current environment. Only do so if, for some reason, the workflow template cannot be checked in in the other environment.
As a result, the workflow template:

  • Is blocked for changes in the other environment.
  • Changes that are made in the other environment are undone.
  • Is checked out in the current environment.
  • Gets a provisional change set number in the current environment that is two higher than the latest change set. Example: The latest change set of a workflow template is '4'. When checked out in the other environment, it gets the provisional change set number '5' in the other environment. If you take over the workflow template in the current environment, it gets the provisional change set number '6' in the current environment.

Test workflow template version


You can run a data entry workflow template version in test mode. If you do so, no history is logged when you initiate a data entry workflow based on the workflow template.

If you have started a data entry workflow in test-mode:

  • The workflow dialog is opened with the first step of the workflow. So, you do not need to navigate to the form as defined in the dynamic menu form setup.
  • When you complete a step, automatically the next step is opened on the workflow dialog.
  • The entered data is saved in the target tables. Therefore, you are advised not to use the test-mode in your production environment.
  • When you have finished testing, you can deactivate the workflow template version. Based on your test results, you can make changes to the version.

Troubleshoot data entry workflow


A workflow error can occur when data is transferred from the staging table to the target tables.

Data is transferred from the staging table to the target tables when:

  • A task is completed for which Transfer to target is enabled.
  • The last task of a workflow is completed.

View workflow template change log and status


To monitor workflow template change sets, on the Data entry workflow templates page, you can show the workflow template change set:

  • Status
  • History log

Provide feedback