To a data entry field group, you can add a field to upload a document.

This document attachment field must be linked to a record table in the workflow document. When created, the document attachment field is added, as a virtual field, to the workflow document, to the defined record table. You can edit the document attachment field settings in the workflow document.

You can select a document attachment field for approval in an approval step.

During or at the end of workflow execution, the entered data can be transferred to the target. If a document attachment is uploaded and data is transferred to the target, a document management attachment is created for the created or updated record. For more information on document management attachments, refer to Configure document management.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Steps section, in the tree, select the desired field group.
5. On the Fields tab, click Add.
6. Click Document attachment field.
7. Link the document attachment field to a record table of the workflow document.
This is the table to which a document management attachment is created on transferring data for a data entry workflow.
  In the Document record field, enter or select the desired record table.
8. In the Field name field, type a value.
9. You can indicate if it is mandatory to upload a document when doing a related data entry workflow task.
  Select Yes in the Mandatory field.
10. Define the document type that is used to create a document management attachment for an uploaded document.
  In the Attachment document type field, enter or select a value.

Note: You can only use document types with the 'Attach file' class.

11. You can indicate if, during data entry, several documents can be uploaded for this document attachment field.
If so, on the related data entry workflow task, below the document attachment field, a button is shown to add another document. If you click the button, another instance of the document attachment field is added to the task.
  Select Yes in the Allow multiple attachment field.
12. Sub-task: Use configurable labels.
  12.1 The default label that is used for the document attachment field is the defined field name.
You can apply a configurable label to be shown on the related data entry workflow tasks.
  To use a configurable label for the field name, next to the Label field, click Overwrite.
  12.2 You can use an existing or new configurable label.
To use a new configurable label, first click New and fill in the fields.
  In the list, find and select the desired configurable field label.
  12.3 Click Select.
  12.4 For a document attachment field, by default, no help text label is used.
You can apply a configurable help text label to be shown on the related data entry workflow tasks.
  To apply a help text label to the document attachment field, next to the Help text field, click Select.
  12.5 You can use an existing or new configurable help text label.
To use a new configurable help text label, first click New and fill in the fields.
  In the list, find and select the desired configurable help text label.
  12.6 Click Select.
13. Click OK.
Related to Notes

Add field to field group


See also

Provide feedback