For each data entry workflow template step, select the fields which data must be entered. Select the fields from the desired pages.

When you submit your field selection:

  • A workflow template document is created.
  • The first page from which you selected the fields is stored. A next time you select fields for any step of the data entry workflow template, this first page is automatically opened.
  • The added tab pages are added to the step.
  • The added field groups are added to the applicable tab pages.
  • The selected fields are added to the applicable field group.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Workflow diagram section, select the desired data entry step.
5. Click Select fields.
6. Use tab pages to define the sections that are shown on the workflow task dialog.
  In the Tab pages section, select the desired tab page.

Note: If the desired tab page doesn't exist, click New to add the tab page.

7. In the Tab pages section, click Field groups.
8. Use field groups to define how the data entry fields are grouped in the relevant section of the workflow task dialog.
  In the Field groups section, select the desired field group.

Note: If the desired field group doesn't exist, click New to add the field group.

9. In the Field groups section, click Fields.
10. Open the page from which you want to select fields.
11. On the Select fields dialog, in the Selected fields section, click Select fields.
12. Click the '+' button for each field that you want to select.
13. Click Done to stop the field selection.
14. Click Back to go back to the Field groups section.

Note: You can select or add another field group and select fields for this field group.

15. Click back to go back to the Tab pages section.

Note: You can select or add another tab page, select or add a field group for it, and select fields for this field group.

16. Click Submit to save the added tab pages, field groups, and selected fields to the data entry workflow template step.


  • You can reset the data in the field selection dialog. This removes all tab pages, field groups, and selected fields that you added or selected during this field selection session. So, already submitted field groups and fields are not reset.
  • Tab pages without a field group are not added to the data entry workflow step.
  • Field groups without selected fields are not added to the applicable tab page of the data entry workflow template step.

See also

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