
Activity Area Description

Add news article


On the Rental Customer Portal, you can add news articles to be shared with the Rental Customer Portal users.

You can only add news articles if you have the 'Admin' user role.


Create case


Use the 'My cases page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for any purpose.

The default case description is the rental company’s customer account identification for your company.

Create equipment case


On the 'My equipment' page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for an equipment record.

For an equipment record, you can create these types of cases:

  • Report damage: Report any damage to a rental item to the rental company.
  • Change rental dates: Request the rental company to change the rental dates. Example: You are currently renting a rental item that you need a few more days than the expected off-rent date/time. You can request to extend the rental period.
  • Stop rental period: Request the rental company to stop the rental period before the expected off-rent date.

The default case description consists of:

  • The item number of the equipment record for which you create the case.
  • The fleet number of the equipment record for which you create the case.
  • Case type.

Create invoice case


On the 'Invoice details' page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for an invoice. You can do so, for example, to start a discussion on a rental invoice.

The default case description consists of:

  • Invoice number
  • Case type

Create rental order line case


On the 'Rental order details' page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for a rental order line. 

For a rental order line record, you can create these types of cases:

  • Report damage: Report any damage to a rental item to the rental company.
  • Change on-rent date: Request the rental company to change the on-rent date. Example: You have ordered a rental item that you need a few days later than originally requested. You can request to change the on-rent date.
  • Change expected off-rent date/time: Request the rental company to change the expected off-rent date. Example: You are currently renting a rental item that you need a few more days than the expected off-rent date/time. You can request to extend the rental period.

The default case description consists of:

  • The item number of the rental order line for which you create the case.
  • The fleet number of the rental order line for which you create the case.
  • Case type.

Define Rental Customer Portal settings


Define the Rental Customer Portal settings.

Manage Rental Customer Portal cases in D365 FO


From the Rental Customer Portal, cases can be created for several reasons and from several places.

A case can be created for:

  • Equipment to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing rental dates.
    • Request stopping the rental period.
  • A rental order line to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing the on-rent date.
    • Request changing the expected off-rent date.
  • An invoice to start, for example, a discussion on a rental invoice.
  • The organization settings to request a change of the organization settings.
  • Any purpose.

These cases are created in Dataverse, and can be synchronized to D365 FO. If synchronized to D365 FO, the cases are created in D365 FO using the:

  • Case setup as defined on the Admin page of the Customer Portal.
  • Case identification in Dataverse as Case ID in D365 FO.
  • Case category and Category type for new case as defined on the Rental parameters.
  • User, as defined for the applicable Azure Active Directory application registration in D365 FO, to define the Employee responsible for the case.

In D365 FO, you can manage the Rental Customer Portal cases from several places:

  • Common
  • Customer
  • Rental order

For more information on cases, refer to Case management overview.

Register application with Azure Active Directory


Cases as created in the Rental Customer Portal, are created in Dataverse. These cases can be synchronized to D365 FO. To synchronize cases from Dataverse to D365 FO, set up the required authentication in Azure Active Directory.

Register a native web application in Azure Active Directory to access D365 FO. For more information, refer to Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.

On registering the application in Azure Active Directory, in the:

  • Supported account type section, choose 'Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)'.
  • Redirect URI section, select the platform 'Web', and enter the base URI of your D365 FO environment, without trailing slash. Example: https://[environment identification]

When the application is registered, create a client secret. Authentication is done, using a client secret. A client secret is a string value your app can use in place of a certificate to identity itself. For more information, refer to Add a client secret.

Register Azure Active Directory application in D365 FO


Cases as created in the Rental Customer Portal, are created in Dataverse. These cases can be synchronized to D365 FO. To synchronize cases from Dataverse to D365 FO, an application must be registered in Azure Active Directory.

To access D365 FO from Dataverse, you must register the Azure Active Directory application in D365 FO.

Request change to organization information


If you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a request to change to organization information.

The default case description consists of:

  • The rental company’s customer account identification for your company.
  • Case type.

Reset password


If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset.

Set up case creation in Customer Portal


Cases as created in the Rental Customer Portal, are created in Dataverse. These cases can be synchronized to D365 FO. To synchronize cases from Dataverse to D365 FO, on the Customer portal configure the case creation setup.

You can only configure the case creation setup if you have the 'Admin' user role.

Set up case creation parameters in D365 FO


From the Rental Customer Portal, cases can be created for several reasons and from several places. These cases are created in Dataverse, and can be synchronized to D365 FO. If synchronized to D365 FO, a case category and category type are required.

Set up customer account to use the Customer Portal

Sales & Marketing

Users can not self-register for the Rental Customer Portal. To sign in and use the Rental Customer Portal, users must be invited from D365 FO.

To enable a customer to use the Rental Customer Portal, in D365 FO, a customer account is required which is set up to use the Rental Customer Portal.


Set up customer contact to use Rental Portal

Sales & Marketing

Users can not self-register for the Rental Customer Portal. To sign in and use the Rental Customer Portal, users must be invited from D365 FO.

To enable customer employees to use the Rental Customer Portal, in D365 FO, the customer employees must be set up as contacts for the customer account. These contacts must be enabled to use the Rental Customer Portal.

As a result, for each contact, if enabled to use the Rental Customer Portal, an invitation email is sent to the defined email address.

Set up maps


On the Rental Customer Portal, on the 'My equipment' page, a map is shown. The map shows the locations of the rented items in the equipment list.

The map, as used on the 'My equipment' page, is a Bing map. To show the map, a Bing Maps key is required.

To show a location, a longitude and latitude is required. If these are not yet available for the equipment location address, these must be defined. To define the longitude and latitude of an equipment location address, Google Maps is used. The equipment work location address is used to define the longitude and latitude. If no work location address is defined for the equipment, the delivery address is used. To find the longitude and latitude, a Google Maps API key is required.

You can only set the map keys if you have the 'Admin' user role.

Set up SharePoint connection


In D365 FO, a document can be attached to several rental entities:

  • Rental order: A rental order confirmation document can be attached.
  • Invoice: A rental order invoice can be attached.

These documents are stored in a SharePoint location.

Define the SharePoint location where the attached documents are stored and where you can download these document from, using the Rental Customer Portal.

In the SharePoint setup, the file path is split into three elements:

  • Domain: The web address of your SharePoint domain, without trailing slash. Example:
  • Root folder: The root folder for documents on your SharePoint domain, without trailing slash. Example: Documents.
  • File location: The folder path, in the root folder, where the documents are stored. You can define the file locations for rental order confirmations and rental order invoices separately. Example: /Shared Documents/[folder name]/Confirmations.

The exact root folder and file locations depend on your SharePoint setup.

Note: In SharePoint, use short descriptive names for the root folder and file locations. Also use short file names. 

You can only set up the SharePoint connection if you have the 'Admin' user role.

Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal


To access the Rental Customer Portal, you must sign in.

You can only sign in to the Rental Customer Portal if you have an activated user account.

Sign out from the Rental Customer Portal


This topic explains how to sign out from the Rental Customer Portal.

View cases


Use the 'My cases page to view the cases created by your company. The cases on the 'My cases' page can be created for:

  • Equipment to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing rental dates.
    • Request stopping the rental period.
  • A rental order line to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing the on-rent date.
    • Request changing the expected off-rent date.
  • An invoice to start, for example, a discussion on a rental invoice.
  • Your organization settings to request a change of the organization settings.
  • Any purpose.

View invoices


Use the 'My invoices' page to view the rental invoices for your company.

On the 'My invoices' page, all rental invoices are shown. So, the shown invoices can be:

  • Fully paid.
  • Partially paid.
  • Not yet paid.

View organization details


You can use the 'My organization' page to view your organization's information as known to the rental company.

View rental orders


Use the 'My rental orders' page to view the rental orders of your company.

On the 'My rental orders' page, all rental orders are shown. So, the rental items on these orders can be:

  • Returned.
  • Delivered and currently in use.
  • Not yet delivered.

View rented equipment


Use the 'My equipment' page to view the equipment you have rented.

On the 'My equipment' page, all rented items are shown that your company:

  • Have rented in the past.
  • Is renting currently.
  • Have ordered, but are not yet delivered.

Note: The 'My equipment' page does not show:

  • Supplementary items.
  • Non-rental items.

The map shows the locations of the rented items in the equipment list.

Provide feedback