In D365 FO, a document can be attached to several rental entities:

  • Rental order: A rental order confirmation document can be attached.
  • Invoice: A rental order invoice can be attached.

These documents are stored in a SharePoint location.

Define the SharePoint location where the attached documents are stored and where you can download these document from, using the Rental Customer Portal.

In the SharePoint setup, the file path is split into three elements:

  • Domain: The web address of your SharePoint domain, without trailing slash. Example:
  • Root folder: The root folder for documents on your SharePoint domain, without trailing slash. Example: Documents.
  • File location: The folder path, in the root folder, where the documents are stored. You can define the file locations for rental order confirmations and rental order invoices separately. Example: /Shared Documents/[folder name]/Confirmations.

The exact root folder and file locations depend on your SharePoint setup.

Note: In SharePoint, use short descriptive names for the root folder and file locations. Also use short file names. 

You can only set up the SharePoint connection if you have the 'Admin' user role.

Standard procedure

1. Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal.
2. Click 'More', 'Admin page'.
3. In the 'SharePoint setup' section, fill in the fields.
4. Click Submit.

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