Cases as created in the Rental Customer Portal, are created in Dataverse. These cases can be synchronized to D365 FO. To synchronize cases from Dataverse to D365 FO, an application must be registered in Azure Active Directory.

To access D365 FO from Dataverse, you must register the Azure Active Directory application in D365 FO.

Standard procedure

1. Go to System administration > Setup > Azure Active Directory applications.
2. Click New.
3. In the Client Id field, enter the ID of the Azure Active Directory application.
4. In the Name field, enter the name of the Azure Active Directory application.
5. Define the user to whom the cases, as created from the Rental Customer Portal, are assigned. So, this user defines the employee responsible for the cases.
  In the User ID field, enter or select a value.

Note: Make sure, this user has:
- Roles assigned with sufficient rights to manage cases and access rental orders and rental invoices.
- The correct default company defined.

6. Close the page.

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