On the Rental Customer Portal, on the 'My equipment' page, a map is shown. The map shows the locations of the rented items in the equipment list.

The map, as used on the 'My equipment' page, is a Bing map. To show the map, a Bing Maps key is required.

To show a location, a longitude and latitude is required. If these are not yet available for the equipment location address, these must be defined. To define the longitude and latitude of an equipment location address, Google Maps is used. The equipment work location address is used to define the longitude and latitude. If no work location address is defined for the equipment, the delivery address is used. To find the longitude and latitude, a Google Maps API key is required.

You can only set the map keys if you have the 'Admin' user role.

Standard procedure

1. Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal.
2. Click 'More', 'Admin page'.
3. In the 'Bing Maps setup' section, enter your Bing Maps key.
4. In the 'Google Maps setup' section, enter your Google Maps API key.
5. Click Submit.

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