
Activity Area Description

3PL warehouse receives picking list

EDI The 3PL warehouse receives the picking list from the seller.

3PL warehouse receives receipts list

EDI The 3PL warehouse receives the receipts list from the buyer.

3PL warehouse sends arrival journal update

EDI The 3PL warehouse sends the arrival journal update to the buyer.

3PL warehouse sends item counts

EDI The 3PL warehouse sends the item counts to Inventory management.

3PL warehouse sends picking list registration

EDI The 3PL warehouse sends the picking list registration to the seller.

Add an item cross reference

You can get validation errors or warnings on the received item number, name, or bar code in the EDI sales order. This can be another number, name, or bar code than you use for the related item. For example, a customer sends an external bar code to order the item.
In this case, you can add an item cross reference. An item cross reference indicates which item to deliver for an external item number, name, or bar code. For example, the customer has ordered paracetamol with a bar code of a brand that you don't have. But you have the same paracetamol in another brand. With the item cross reference between the bar code of the ordered brand and your item, the sales line can be approved on validation.
The search sequence for the applicable item cross reference is from specific to general:
  1. Origin, Customer, Item, External item
  2. Origin, Item, External item
  3. Item, External item

Add GLN code to 3PL warehouse address setup

EDI For each 3PL warehouse, you can set up several addresses. For each of these addresses, you can define the Global Location Number (GLN code). You can use the GLN code in EDI to identify the unique location.

Add GLN code to customer address setup

Sure Step Design For each customer, you can set up several addresses. For each of these addresses, you can define the Global Location Number (GLN code). You can use the GLN code in EDI to identify the unique location.

Add GLN code to legal entity address setup


For each legal entity, you can set up several addresses. For each of these addresses, you can define the Global Location Number (GLN code). You can use the GLN code in EDI to identify the unique location.

Add GLN code to vendor address setup

EDI For each vendor, you can set up several addresses. For each of these addresses, you can define the Global Location Number (GLN code). You can use the GLN code in EDI to identify the unique location.

Allow registered app to access Key Vault


For the created key vault, set up an access policy to allow the earlier registered app to access the key vault.

On creation of the access policy:

  • On permission selection, select these Secret permissions: Get and List.
  • On principal selection, select the earlier registered app.

For more information, refer to Assign a Key Vault access policy.

Approve EDI Delfor journal


If all errors and warnings of an EDI Delfor journal are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI Delfor journal. The EDI Delfor journal is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI Delfor journal journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI Delfor journals are processed by the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message batch.

Approve EDI inventory order

EDI If all errors and warnings of an EDI inventory order are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI inventory order. The EDI inventory order is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI inventory order journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI inventory orders are processed by the applicable custom message: 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' or 'EDI inventory order to product receipt'.

Approve EDI purchase order confirmations

EDI If all errors and warnings of an EDI purchase order confirmation are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI purchase order confirmation. The EDI purchase order confirmation is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI purchase order confirmation journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI purchase order confirmations are processed by the 'Purchase - EDI confirmation to Order' message batch.

Approve EDI sales order

If all errors and warnings of an EDI sales order are solved, accepted, or canceled, you must approve the EDI sales order. The EDI sales order is again validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are met, the EDI sales order journal status is set to Approved. Approved EDI sales orders are processed by the 'Sales - EDI order to Order' message batch.

Clean up EDI journals and EDI history


In EDI studio:

  • All EDI transactions are logged in EDI history management (BisEdiHistory table).
  • You can use the staging concept to validate data in an intermediate area before it is further processed. Several predefined staging journals are available for EDI studio:
    • EDI purchase journal
    • EDI Sales journal
    • EDI Delfor journal
    • EDI inventory journal
    • EDI transfer journal

To prevent the database from containing too much data, you can clean up the EDI history and EDI staging journals in recurring mode.

For example, you want to keep the EDI staging journals for six months. Each week, you can do a cleanup, deleting staging journals older than six months.

Clean up EDI journals manually


In EDI studio, you can use the staging concept to validate data in an intermediate area before it is further processed.

Several predefined staging journals are available for EDI studio:

  • EDI purchase journal
  • EDI sales journal
  • EDI Delfor journal
  • EDI inventory journal
  • EDI transfer journal

To prevent the database from containing too much data, you can clean up the EDI staging journals manually.

Complete app registration


To enable browsing the app service, add a redirect URI to the earlier registered app.

To add the redirect URI:

  • Select the 'Web' platform.
  • Enter this URI: [app service URL]/signin-oidc. For example: You can copy the URL from the App service Overview page.
  • Select the ID tokens check box.

For more information, refer to Add a redirect URI.

Confirm purchase order

When a purchase order is confirmed, it is added to the Purchase order confirmation journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Order' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Purchase - Order to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI order message file is created and sent to your vendor.
For more information on purchase order confirmation, refer to Approve and confirm purchase orders.

Confirm sales order

EDI When a sales order is confirmed, it is added to the Sales order confirmation journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Confirmation' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Sales - Confirmation to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI confirmation message file is created and sent to your customer.
For more information on sales order confirmation, refer to Confirm sales orders.

Create key vault and generate certificates and secrets


When you use the AS2 web app, you need a key vault to set up the secrets and certificates that are required to run the AS2 web app.

Create a key vault and generate these certificates and secrets in the key vault:

Certificate/Secret Description
Certificate for the AS2 web app

This certificate is used by the AS2 web app in the:

  • Outbound process to sign the data that is sent to the EDI partner.
  • Inbound process to decrypt the received data.

Download the certificate in CER format. The downloaded CER file contains the public key of the certificate. Send the CER file to the EDI partner. So, the EDI partner can use this key to:

  • Encrypt the data that is sent by the EDI partner to the AS2 web app.
  • Verify the data that is sent by the AS2 web app to the EDI partner.
Public key of your EDI partner, registered as secret

This secret (public key) is used by the AS2 web app in the:

  • Outbound process to encrypt the data that is sent to the EDI partner.
  • Inbound process to verify the received data.

Note: You receive this public key from your EDI partner in a CER file. Open the CER file with a text editor and copy the file content to Secret value field of the secret.

Access key of Azure storage account, registered as secret

In the AS2 inbound process, this secret is used by the AS2 web app to access the general storage location to store EDI message files.

Note: Usually, the general storage location is defined by an Azure Storage account. Copy the Storage account access key to the Secret value field of the secret. Usually, key1 is used.

For more information, refer to:

Deploy app


To get the AS2 web app running in the cloud, deploy the created app service. Ask STAEDEAN for the file that contains the AS2 web app files that are required for deployment.

Deploy the AS2 web app files with the Zip Push Deploy tool of the Kudu services portal.

Distribute AS2 inbound message files

Master Data Management

You can use EDI studio to receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app. These EDI message files are stored in a general storage location. From the general storage location, these EDI message files must be distributed to specific storage locations from where the files can be processed by the applicable inbound messages.

To distribute the EDI message files from the general storage location, run the project inbound definitions. Usually, you run the inbound definitions in recurring mode. Always, all inbound definitions of the selected project are run. The inbound definitions are run in the defined sequence.

When an inbound definition is run:

  1. It connects to the general storage location as defined by the connector.
  2. The EDI message files that match the read filter are opened to search for this data:
    • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
    • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported. For example, the GLN.
  3. Based on this data, the applicable file distribution definition is determined.
  4. The message, as defined for the applicable file distribution definition is used to:
    • Rename the EDI message file: If renaming is applicable, the source document of the message defines how the EDI message file is renamed.
    • Move the EDI message file: The source connector of the message defines to which specific storage location the EDI message file is moved for further processing.
  5. If the inbound definition is mandatory, and an EDI message file cannot be processed, the EDI message file is moved to the error location as defined for the connector.

Generate picking list

EDI Outbound process When a picking list is generated, it is added to the Picking list journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Picking' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Warehouse - Picking list to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI picking list message file is created and sent to the 3PL warehouse to inform them on what must be picked.
To generate a picking list, on a Sales orders page, on the Action pane, on the Pick and pack tab, in the Generate group, click Picking list.
For more information on picking lists, refer to Outbound process.

Generate receipts list

When a receipts list is generated, it is added to the Receipts list journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Receipts list' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Warehouse - Receipts list to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI receipts list message file is created and sent to the 3PL warehouse to inform them on the expected receipt.
To generate a receipts list, on a Purchase orders page, on the Action pane, on the Receive tab, in the Generate group, click Receipts list.

Import standard EDI tutorials from resource


To have a quick start with the EDI setup, you can use the standard EDI tutorials. These tutorials have several pre-defined EDI messages with related setup. The related setup includes, for example: the project, the source and target connectors, and the source and target documents.

These standard EDI tutorial projects are available as a resource:

  • Tutorial - EDI
  • Tutorial - EDI - 3PL
  • Tutorial - EDI Delfor

You can import the standard EDI tutorials by importing the related projects from resource.

Import TIE Kinetix EDI tutorials from file

Master Data Management

If you set up an EDI integration using TIE Kinetix, to have a quick start with the EDI setup, you can use the TIE Kinetix specific EDI tutorials. These tutorials have several pre-defined EDI messages with related setup. The related setup includes, for example: the project, the source and target connectors, and the source and target documents.

These TIE Kinetix specific EDI tutorial projects are available as download:

  • Tutorial - TIE Sales
  • Tutorial - TIE Purchase
  • Tutorial - TIE Warehouse 3PL

You can import these EDI tutorials by importing the related projects from file.

Before you can import the project, download the ZIP file that contains the project files. To do so, click this link: TIE Kinetix integration EDI tutorial projects. After download, extract the ZIP file.

Monitor customer document flows

EDI For each customer with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related document flows.
Only the applicable document flows are shown. For more information on how the applicable document flows are searched for, refer to:
  • 'Search for document flow: Customer'
  • 'Search for document flow: Customer + legal entity'
To edit customer document flows, refer to 'Set up seller messages document flows'.

Monitor customer EDI history

EDI All EDI transactions are logged in EDI history management (BisEdiHistory table).
For each customer with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related EDI history.

Monitor customer EDI journal validations

EDI For each customer with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related journal validations.
All journal validations for the customer and legal entity are shown.
To edit journal validations, refer to 'Set up EDI validations'.

Monitor EDI history


All EDI transactions are logged in EDI history management (BisEdiHistory table).

This topic explains how to monitor the overall EDI history.

Monitor vendor document flows


For each customer with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related document flows.

Only the applicable document flows are shown. For more information on how the applicable document flows are searched for, refer to 'Search for document flow: Vendor'.
To edit vendor document flows, refer to 'Set up buyer messages document flows'.

Monitor vendor EDI history

EDI All EDI transactions are logged in EDI history management (BisEdiHistory table).
For each vendor with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related EDI history.

Monitor vendor journal validations

EDI For each vendor with whom you exchange EDI messages, you can monitor the related journal validations.
All journal validations for the vendor and legal entity are shown.
To edit journal validations, refer to 'Set up EDI validations'.

Monitor warehouse document flows

EDI For each warehouse with which you exchange EDI messages (for example a 3PL warehouse), you can monitor the related document flows.
Only the applicable document flows are shown. For more information on how the applicable document flows are searched for, refer to 'Search for document flow: Warehouse'.
To edit customer document flows, refer to 'Set up seller messages document flows'.

Monitor warehouse EDI history

EDI All EDI transactions are logged in EDI history management (BisEdiHistory table).
For each warehouse with which you exchange EDI messages (for example a 3PL warehouse), you can monitor the related EDI history.

Monitor warehouse journal validations

EDI For each warehouse with which you exchange EDI messages (for example a 3PL warehouse), you can monitor the related journal validations.
All journal validations for the customer and legal entity are shown.
To edit journal validations, refer to 'Set up EDI validations'.

Open related purchase order for EDI purchase order confirmation

EDI For each EDI purchase order confirmation with message status Processed, you can open the related purchase order from the EDI purchase order confirmation journal.

Open related sales order for EDI Delfor journal


For each EDI Delfor journal with message status Processed, you can open the related sales order from the EDI Delfor journal.

Open related sales order for EDI sales order

EDI For each EDI sales order with message status Processed, you can open the related sales order from the EDI sales order journal.

Post packing slip

When a packing slip (also known as an advance shipping notice (ASN)) is created and posted for a sales order, it is added to the Packing slip journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Advance ship notice' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Sales - Delivery to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI sales ASN message file is created and is sent to your customer.
For more information on packing slip posting, refer to Ship sales orders without warehousing.

Post sales invoice

When an invoice is created and posted for a sales order, it is added to the Invoice journal. If an applicable document flow with direction 'Outbound' and type 'Invoice' exists, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue. When this record is processed, the 'Sales - Invoice to XML' message is run. As a result, an EDI invoice message file is created and sent to your customer.
For more information on sales order invoice posting, refer to Create sales order invoices.

Process inbound messages

EDI To process received EDI message files, run the Process inbound EDI documents batch job. Usually, you run this batch job in a recurring pattern.
You run the Process inbound EDI documents batch job for a specific document flow type, and optionally for a specific message.
Each time the batch job is run, all document flows of the defined document flow type are processed. So, all messages, as defined for these document flows, are run.
Each message that is run, picks up the relevant received EDI message files (if any) from the location as defined for the message connector and processes the data.

Process outbound messages

If you use EDI messages and post one of the following journals, also a record is added to the Outbound message queue:
  • Confirm sales order
  • Post packing slip
  • Post sales invoice
  • Confirm purchase order
  • Generate picking list
  • Generate receipts list
Also, a record can be added to the Outbound message queue for sales acknowledgements. When a received sales order message is processed, it is added to the EDI history (with direction 'Inbound' and type 'Order'). If a document flow of type 'Acknowledge' exists for the customer, also a record is created in the Outbound message queue.
An outbound message queue record indicates which message must be run for which journal (or EDI history record in case of a sales acknowledgement). The message to be run is defined by the applicable document flow. When the record is added to the Outbound message queue, the applicable document flow is searched for, and the related message is linked to the Outbound message queue record.
To process the outbound message queue, run the Process outbound message queue batch job. Usually, you run this batch job in a recurring pattern.
You process the outbound message queue for a specific message. Optionally you can run a message for a specific company.

If you use a web service, as defined on the applicable document flow, also define the applicable web service action here.

Process staging journal messages

EDI If you use a staging journal in your EDI process, run the relevant messages to process the staging journals.
The message processes all relevant staging journals with status 'Approved' and message status 'To be processed'.
If processing the journal goes:
  • Fine, the EDI staging journal message status is set to 'Processed'.
  • Wrong, the EDI staging journal message status is set to 'Error'.
For more information on how to solve EDI staging journal processing errors, refer to:
  • "Monitor EDI sales order journal"
  • "Monitor EDI purchase order confirmation journal"
  • "Monitor EDI inventory order journal"

Register application with Azure Active Directory


Register an application in Azure to manage the authentication and permissions for the AS2 web app. For more information, refer to Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.

Add a client secret to the registered application. For more information, refer to Add a client secret.

Later in the AS2 setup, you need these values of the registered app:

  • Application (client) ID
  • Directory (tenant) ID
  • Application ID URI
  • Client secret value

Review AS2 inbound message files

Master Data Management

You can use the File explorer to quickly access and view the general storage location as defined by the connector of a selected inbound definition. The File explorer offers limited functionality. You can only view, copy, move, or delete files.

You can, for example, use the file explorer to see if all EDI message files in the general storage location are distributed.

Run AS2 web app - Inbound

Master Data Management

If you use the AS2 protocol to receive EDI messages from an EDI partner, use the AS2 web app to manage the interaction with the EDI partner.

The AS2 web app runs in the Azure cloud.

When the web server of the EDI partner sends data to the AS2 web app, it:

  1. Decompresses the received data, if the received data is compressed.
  2. Decrypts the data.
  3. Checks the signature.
  4. Stores the data in an EDI message file in the general storage location.
  5. Sends an MDN reply to the web server of the EDI partner. The MDN reply can be that the data is:
    • Processed successfully.
    • Not processed because something went wrong. For example, the data cannot be decrypted, or the signature is invalid.

Run AS2 web app - Outbound

Master Data Management

If you use the AS2 protocol to send EDI messages to an EDI partner, use the AS2 web app to manage the interaction with the EDI partner.

The AS2 web app runs in the Azure cloud.

When you run a web service action using the AS2 protocol, an EDI message is sent to the AS2 web app.

The web service action calls the send method of the AS2 web app to send the data to the EDI partner.

The AS2 web app send method:

  • Encrypts the data.
  • Signs the data.
  • Compresses the data, if applicable.
  • Sends the data to the web server of the EDI partner.
  • Receives an MDN reply from the web server of the EDI partner.
  • Sends the MDN reply from the EDI partner to EDI history of the web service action in EDI studio that originally sent the data.

Set up app configuration


Set up an app configuration. Create the App Configuration and in the App Configuration set the required key values.

Copy the connection string of the App Configuration from the Access keys page and save it somewhere. Usually, you use the connection string of the primary key. You need the connection string to connect the App Service to the App Configuration, in the configuration of the App Service.

For more information, refer to About Azure App Configuration.

Key values

To add the key values to the App Configuration, download the Default AS2 App Configuration and extract it.

The default AS2 web app name prefix for the keys is 'AS2WEBAPP'. If you want to use another prefix, you can change it. To do so, before you import the key values, edit the 'DefaultAS2AppConfiguration.json' file in a text editor.


  • You define the AS2 web app name in the App Service settings (ApplicationSetup:ApplicationId). For consistency purposes, you are advised to use the same name for the App Service and the AS2 web app name.
  • When you edit the 'DefaultAS2AppConfiguration.json' file, you can also set the key values. However, do not set the values for these keys in the file:
    • AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:OwnedPrivateKey
    • AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:PartnerPublicKey
    • AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Key

When you have finished editing the JSON file, import the 'DefaultAS2AppConfiguration.json' file to your App Configuration. For more information, refer to Import data from a configuration file.

In the App Configuration, you can edit the values of the imported keys with the Configuration explorer. To do so:

  • For most of the keys, you can use the Edit option.
  • For these keys, use the Add Key Vault reference option:
    • AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:OwnedPrivateKey
    • AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:PartnerPublicKey
    • AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Key

The key configuration that is required for the AS2 web app is:

Key Allowed values Required Default value Description
AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:CompressData True/False No False Indicate if data must be compressed before it is sent to the web server of the EDI partner.
AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:EncryptData True/False No False Indicate if data must be encrypted before is sent to the web server of the EDI partner.
AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:FromPartner - Yes -

Enter a name that represents your EDI partner. For example, the EDI partner company name.

This name is added to (outbound) or read from (inbound) the request header. 

AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:OwnedPrivateKey Key vault reference Yes -

Add the private key of the certificate that you generated for the Key Vault.

Note: Use the Add Key Vault reference option in the Configuration explorer of the App Configuration. So, do not set this value in the JSON file.

AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:PartnerPublicKey Key vault reference Yes - Add the Key Vault secret that holds the public key that you received from your EDI partner.

Note: Use the Add Key Vault reference option in the Configuration explorer of the App Configuration. So, do not set this value in the JSON file.

AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:SignAlgorithm Valid signing algorithm. For example: SHA1 No SHA1

Enter a valid algorithm that the AS2 web app uses to sign (outbound) or verify (inbound) EDI messages.

Usually, the SHA1 algorithm is used.

AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:SignData True/False No False Indicate if data must be signed before it is sent to the EDI partner.
AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:ToPartner - Yes -

Enter a name that represents your company. For example, the company name.

This name is added to (outbound) or read from (inbound) the request header. 

AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:CertificatePassword - No - Only enter the certificate password if you have created your certificate outside the Azure portal and imported the certificate to the Key Vault. To access such a certificate, a password is required.
AS2WEBAPP:As2Setup:CertificateExpiryWarningDays - No 30 The certificate and secrets in the Key Vault can have an expiration date set. You can define how many days before the expiration date a warning is shown on the configuration page of the AS2 web app.
AS2WEBAPP:RequestHeaders:AS2Version For example: Yes

For informational purposes only, you can enter the version number of the AS2 web app.

The version number is added to the request header that is sent to the EDI partner.

AS2WEBAPP:RequestHeaders:ContentTransferEncoding Binary or no value No Binary

If set, the body of the message is encoded, for example, as as binary. If not set, the body is not encoded and sent as plain text.

The encoding setting is added to the request header that is sent to the EDI partner.

AS2WEBAPP:RequestHeaders:DispositionNotificationOptions - Yes signed-receipt-protocol=optional,pkcs7-signature;signed-receipt-micalg=optional,sha1

Define the MDN reply options.

The MDN reply options are added to the request header that is sent to the EDI partner.

AS2WEBAPP:RequestHeaders:DispositionNotificationTo - Yes -

Define where the MDN reply must be sent to.

The MDN reply recipient is added to the request header that is sent to the EDI partner.

AS2WEBAPP:RequestHeaders:Endpoint - Yes -

Enter the URL of the web server of the EDI partner to which data is sent.

Note: This endpoint is provided by your EDI partner.

AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Account - Yes - Enter the name of the Azure Storage account where the AS2 web app must store the EDI message files.

Note: This only applies to the AS2 inbound process.

AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Directory - Yes - Enter the Azure Storage account directory where the AS2 web app must store the EDI message files.

Note: This only applies to the AS2 inbound process.

AS2WEBAPP:Storage:FileExtension For example: xml Yes xml

Enter the extension of the files that are created by the AS2 web app and stored in the defined Azure storage account.

Note: This only applies to the AS2 inbound process.

AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Key Key vault reference Yes -

Add the Key Vault secret that holds the access key of the Azure Storage account where the AS2 web app must store the EDI message files.


  • Use the Add Key Vault reference option in the Configuration explorer of the App Configuration. So, do not set this value in the JSON file.
  • This only applies to the AS2 inbound process.
AS2WEBAPP:Storage:Share - Yes - The file share of the Azure Storage account in which the created EDI message files are stored by the AS2 web app. In the AS2 documentation, this file share is referred to as the 'general storage location'.

Note: This only applies to the AS2 inbound process.

Set up app service


Create and configure an App service in the Azure portal. The app service is the AS2 web app.

On creation of the app service, in the:

  • Runtime stack field, select '.NET 6 (LTS)'.
  • Operation system field, select 'Windows'.

Fill in the other fields as desired. For more information, refer to Create a Web app.

To configure the web app, add and edit the required app settings. Do not remove the automatically generated app settings. For more information, refer to Configure app settings.

Add and edit these app settings:

App setting name Description

Enter the Directory (tenant) ID of the earlier registered app.

This is used to link the app service to the earlier registered app to access the key vault via the registered app.


Enter the Application (client) ID of the earlier registered app.

This is used to link the app service to the earlier registered app to access the key vault via the registered app.


Enter the the Application ID URI of the earlier registered app.

Enter the URI in this way: [Application ID URI].default

This is used to link the app service to the earlier registered app to access the key vault via the registered app.


To link the applicable app configuration to the app service, enter the endpoint of the App Configuration.

ApplicationSetup:ApplicationId Enter the application ID prefix as used in the App Configuration key values. For example: AS2WebApp.

Enter the Application (client) ID of the earlier registered app.

This is a standard setting to access the registered app. Access to the registered app is needed to:

  • Browse the app service.
  • Connect to the app service from the EDI studio.

Enter the Directory (tenant) ID of the earlier registered app.

This is a standard setting to access the registered app. Access to the registered app is needed to:

  • Browse the app service.
  • Connect to the app service from the EDI studio.

Enter the value of secret that is created for the earlier registered app.

This is a standard setting to access the registered app. Access to the registered app is needed to:

  • Browse the app service.
  • Connect to the app service from the EDI studio.

Set up Azure Storage account with file share


If you run the AS2 web app in the AS2 inbound process, it stores the data in EDI message files in the general storage location. Usually, the general storage location is defined by an Azure Storage account.

You can create an Azure Storage account or, if you already have an Azure Storage account, use that one. For more information, refer to Create an Azure storage account.

In the storage account, create the file share where the EDI message files must be stored by the AS2 web app. For more information, refer to Create a file share.

Set up document flow - Item counting


Set up a document flow to import an item counting message from a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, set the 'Warehouse - XML to Counting journal' message. This message receives the item counting information from the 3PL warehouse.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Warehouse - XML to Counting journal' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Picking list


Set up a document flow to send a picking list message to a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, set the 'Warehouse - Picking list to XML' message. This message sends the picking list to the 3PL warehouse.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Warehouse - Picking list to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Picking list registration


Set up a document flow to define how to import a picking list registration that you received from a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, you can set one of these EDI messages to import a picking list registration:

  • 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order' (custom message): If you use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration into the EDI inventory order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.
  • 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration': If you do not use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration directly into the Picking list registration journal.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with one of the above messages as request message.

Set up document flow - Product receipt


Set up a document flow to define how to import a product receipt that you received from a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, you can set one of these EDI messages to import a product receipt:

  • 'XML product receipt to EDI inventory order' (custom message): If you use staging, use this message to receive a product receipt from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received product receipt into the EDI inventory order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.
  • 'Warehouse - XML to Arrival journal': If you do not use staging, use this message to receive a product receipt from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received product receipt directly into the Arrival journal.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with one of the above messages as request message.

Set up document flow - Purchase acknowledgement


Set up a document flow to define how to import an order acknowledgement message from a specific vendor.

On the document flow, set the 'Purchase - XML to Acknowledgement' message. This message updates the acknowledgement status in the EDI history.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Purchase - XML to Acknowledgement' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Purchase ASN


Set up a document flow to define how to import a packing slip message from a specific vendor.

On the document flow, set the 'Purchase - XML to Delivery' message. This message imports the packing slip from your vendor into the arrival journal. This message is also known as an advance shipping notice (ASN).

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Purchase - XML to Delivery' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Purchase invoice


Set up a document flow to define how to import an invoice message from a specific vendor.

On the document flow, set the 'Purchase - XML to Invoice' message. This message imports the invoice from your vendor into the invoice register journal.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Purchase - XML to Invoice' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Purchase order


Set up a document flow to define how to send a purchase order message to a specific vendor.

On the document flow, set the 'Purchase - Order to XML' message. This message sends the purchase order to your vendor.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Purchase - Order to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Purchase order confirmation


Set up a document flow to define how to import an order confirmation message from a specific vendor.

On the document flow, set the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' message. This message imports the order confirmation into the EDI purchase order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Receipts list


Set up a document flow to send a receipts list message to a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, set the 'Warehouse - Receipts list to XML' message. This message sends the receipts list to the 3PL warehouse.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Warehouse - Receipts list to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales acknowledgement

Set up a document flow to define how to send a sales order acknowledgement message to a specific customer.
On the document flow, set the 'Sales - Acknowledgement to XML' message. This message sends the sales order acknowledgement to your customer.
You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Sales - Acknowledgement to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales ASN


Set up a document flow to define how to send a sales packing slip message to a specific customer.

On the document flow, set the 'Sales - Delivery to XML' message. This message sends the packing slip to your customer. This message is also known as an advance shipping notice (ASN).

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Sales - Delivery to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales confirmation


Set up a document flow to define how to send a sales order confirmation message to a specific customer.

On the document flow, set the 'Sales - Confirmation to XML' message. This message sends the sales order confirmation to your customer.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Sales - Confirmation to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales invoice


Set up a document flow to define how to send a sales invoice message to a specific customer.

On the document flow, set the 'Sales - Invoice to XML' message. This message sends the sales invoice to your customer.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of the message, use an outbound web service action with the 'Sales - Invoice to XML' message as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales order

Set up a document flow to define how to import a received order from a specific customer.
On the document flow, you can set these EDI messages to import a sales order:
  • 'Sales - XML to EDI order': If you use staging, use this message to receive an order from your customer. This message imports the received sales order into the EDI sales order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.
  • 'Sales - XML order to Order': If you do not use staging, use this message to receive an order from your customer. This message imports the received sales order directly into the Sales orders table.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with one of the above messages as request message.

Set up document flow - Sales order (Delfor)

Master Data Management

Set up a document flow to define how to import a received order (Delfor) from a specific customer.

On the document flow, you can set the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal' message. This message imports the received sales order (Delfor) into the EDI Delfor journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal' message as request message.

Set up document flows for AS2


If you set up EDI to export data to the AS2 web app, for the outbound document flows, define a web service action instead of a message.

Make sure the desired export message is defined for the web service action that you use in an outbound document flow. You can link, for example, the EDI tutorial export messages to a web service action that you define for an outbound document flow.

Set up EDI party setup for customer

Sure Step Design Before you can exchange EDI messages with a customer, set up the related EDI party setup.
For each customer, you can set up several EDI parties. For example, if a customer has several shops, you can set up an EDI party for each shop.

Set up EDI party setup for vendor

Sure Step Design Before you can exchange EDI messages with a vendor, set up the related EDI party setup.
For each vendor, you can set up several EDI parties. For example, if a vendor has several shops, you can set up an EDI party for each shop.

Set up EDI party setup for warehouse

Sure Step Design Before you can exchange EDI messages with a 3PL warehouse, set up the related EDI party setup.
For each 3PL warehouse, you can set up several EDI parties. For example, if a 3PL warehouse has several areas, you can set up an EDI party for each area.

Set up EDI setup for legal entity


Before you can exchange EDI messages, set up the EDI setup for your legal entity.

Set up inbound definition - EDI


Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.

Set up an inbound definition of type EDI to move files that are structured in line with an EDI standard (for example, EDIFACT) from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


EDI file content example:


Example of setup that can be applied to get the type (ORDERS):

Field Setting
Segment terminator ´/r/n
Data element separator +
Field separator :
Identification (type) UNH
Segment number (type) 2
Segment field (type) 1

Set up inbound definition - Fixed text


Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.

Set up an inbound definition of type Fixed text to move files with defined start positions and lengths for fields from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


Fixed text file content example:


Example of setup that can be applied to get the customer ID (US-027):

Field Setting
Record separator /r/n
Identification (recipient) ORDER
Start position (recipient) 11
Field length (recipient) 6

Set up inbound definition - JSON


Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.

Set up an inbound definition of type JSON to move files with data-object notation from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


JSON file content example:

{"Stores":["Lambton Quay","Willis Street"],"Manufacturers":[{"Name":"Acme Co","Products":[{"Name":"Anvil","Price":50}]},{"Name":"Contoso","Products":[{"Name":"Elbow Grease","Price":99.95},{"Name":"Headlight Fluid","Price":4}]}]}

Examples of JSON path expressions that can be applied to this example:

  • Manufacturers[0].Name: Finds the name of the first manufacturer: Acme Co.
  • $..*[?(@.* == 'Acme Co')]: Finds the name of the token: Name.

Note: JSON path expressions are case sensitive.

Set up inbound definition - Text


Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.

Set up an inbound definition of type Text to move files with field and line separators (for example, CSV files) from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


Text file content example:


Example of setup that can be applied to get the customer ID (US-027):

Field Setting
Record separator /r/n
Field separator ;
Identification (recipient) ORDER
Field number (recipient) 2

Set up inbound definition - XML


Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.
Set up an inbound definition of type XML to move files in XML format from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


XML file content examples, without and with namespace:

  • <xml><invoice><header><id>invoice123</id><sender>ABC</sender></header></invoice></xml>
  • <xml xmlns=[namespace]><invoice><header><id>invoice123</id><sender>ABC</sender></header></invoice></xml>

Examples of XPath expressions that can be applied to this example:

  • /*: Finds the name of the first tag: invoice. Note: if you use * in the XPath expression, it finds the name of the tag instead of the tag value.
  • /xml/invoice/header/sender: Finds the value of the 'sender' tag: ABC.
  • /ns:xml/ns:invoice/ns:header/ns:id: Finds the value of the 'id' tag: invoice 123. Note: If the XML has a namespace, make sure to define the namespace in the Namespace field. When the inbound definition is run, in the expression, 'ns' is replaced with the defined namespace.

Set up item for EDI

EDI For EDI, you can use the standard item setup. Some of these standard settings are often used for EDI and therefore highlighted in this topic:
  • External item description
  • Bar code
  • GTIN code
The steps in this topic only guide you to where you can define these settings. For more information, refer to Product identifiers.

Set up journal validations

If you use staging in your EDI process, the received EDI messages are imported into a staging journal. On insert of the message into the staging journal, the applicable journal validations are done.
Set up journal validations for each applicable combination of document flow type, direction, and origin.
For each of these combinations, set up the applicable validation rules and related settings.

You can set up specific journal validations for a customer, vendor, or warehouse. You can also set up journal validations on legal entity level. If no specific journal validation exists, the legal entity journal validation can be used. 
On validation, the validation rules for the relevant table are applied in the sequence as defined on the Validation rules page. For each validation rule, as defined on the Validation rules page, the applicable journal validation is searched for in this sequence:
  1. Is this validation rule set up for the customer, vendor, or warehouse? If yes, the validation rule is applied according to the journal validation settings.
    (Note: If this journal validation is set up but inactive, it is skipped. The validation process continues with the next validation.)
  2. If not, is this validation rule set up for the legal entity (current company)? If yes, the validation rule is applied according to the journal validation settings.
  3. If not, the validation rule is not applied.
You have a customer for which one of the generic validation rules (as defined for the legal entity) is not applicable. In this case, you can set up this validation rule for the customer and deactivate it. As a result, on validation, the validation rule is found for the customer and therefore search for the validation rule stops.

Set up project web service application for AS2


Set up a web service application for the project that connects to the AS2 web app.

For more information refer to: Set up web service application for project.

For the web service application, use these settings:

Field Setting
Base URL

The base URL of your AS2 web app. Usually, this URL looks like:

https://[AS2 web app name]

Authentication OAuth2
Enable AS2 Make sure this check box is cleared.
Grant type Client credentials
Skip resource Yes

Enter the Application ID URI of the registered app. This looks like:

api://[Application (client) ID]/.default

Set up validation rules

If you use staging journals, you can set up the applicable journal validations. For each staging journal-related table, you can define the applicable validation rules.
You define:
  • The journal-related table for which to set up validation rules.
  • To which document flow type the validation rules apply.
  • The validation rules to be applied. You can select from pre-defined or customized validation rule classes.
  • The sequence in which the validation rules are applied.
  • For each validation rule, to which legal entity it applies (optional).

Set up web service action for AS2


Set up the outbound web service actions to export data to the AS2 web app. With the mentioned settings, the web service action calls the send method of the AS2 web app to send the data to the EDI partner.

For more information, refer to Set up web service action - Outbound.

For the outbound web service actions for AS2, use these settings:

Field Setting
Acts as Outbound
Request message Enter the desired EDI export message. For example, use one of the EDI tutorial export messages.
Resource api/as2/senddata
Client HTP class BisWsAs2ClientHttpRequest


For the outbound web service actions for AS2, set these attributes:

Name Type Value or Custom Style Description
AS2-Message-Id Custom BisTools::getGuid() Header Gets the unique message ID to be used in the message and file name.
AS2-Subject Value For example: Invoice or Order. Header You can define a subject that is used in the file name. Define the subject based on the request message that is linked to web service action.
AS2-Encoding Value Binary Header You can send the file content as binary to the AS2 web app.
AS2-documentContentFormat Value PlainText or Base64String Header You can, optionally, send the document content format to the AS2web app. If no value is set, the default value PlainText is applied. If the attribute value is set to Base64String, the content is first decoded, and then processed.

Solve EDI Delfor journal processing errors


When an EDI Delfor journal is processed with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:

  • The EDI Delfor journal is not processed.
  • The EDI Delfor journal message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI Delfor journal Infolog.

You can solve processing errors and have the EDI Delfor journal processed again.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation errors


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with errors.

You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI Delfor journal, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.

If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Solve EDI Delfor journal validation warnings


The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

These EDI Delfor journals are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI Delfor journals can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:

  • Accept the header, line, or address with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in:
    • The EDI Delfor journal, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning.
  • Cancel the EDI Delfor journal, line, or address with warnings.

If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI Delfor journal.

Solve EDI inventory order processing errors

EDI When an EDI inventory order is processed with the applicable custom message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:
  • The EDI inventory order is not processed.
  • The EDI inventory order message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI inventory order journal Infolog.
You can solve processing errors and have the EDI inventory order processed again.

Solve EDI inventory order validation errors


If you use EDI inventory order staging in your EDI process, the received information is imported into the EDI inventory order journal by the relevant custom messages. You can, for example, use staging in your EDI process for picking list registrations or product receipts. 

The EDI inventory orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI inventory order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI inventory order, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI inventory order, line, or address with errors.

You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI inventory order, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.

If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI inventory order.

Solve EDI inventory order validation warnings


If you use EDI inventory order staging in your EDI process, the received information is imported into the EDI inventory order journal by the relevant custom messages. You can, for example, use staging in your EDI process for picking list registrations or product receipts.
The EDI inventory orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI inventory order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:
  • Accept the header, line, or address with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings.
  • Cancel the EDI inventory order, line, or address with warnings.
If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI inventory order.

Solve EDI purchase order confirmation processing errors

EDI When an EDI purchase order confirmation is processed with the 'Purchase - EDI confirmation to Order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:
  • The EDI purchase order confirmation is not processed.
  • The EDI purchase order confirmation message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI purchase order confirmation journal Infolog.
You can solve processing errors and have the EDI purchase order confirmation processed again.

Solve EDI purchase order confirmation validation errors


The purchase order confirmations that you receive with the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' message are stored in the EDI purchase order confirmations journal.
These EDI purchase order confirmations are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before an EDI purchase order confirmation can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI purchase order confirmation, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI purchase order confirmation, line, or address with errors.

You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI purchase order confirmation, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.

If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI purchase order confirmation.

Solve EDI purchase order confirmation validation warnings


The purchase order confirmations that you receive with the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' message are stored in the EDI purchase order confirmations journal.

These EDI purchase order confirmations are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before an EDI purchase order confirmation can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:
  • Accept the header or line with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in:
    • The EDI purchase order confirmation, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning.
  • Cancel the EDI purchase order confirmation or line with warnings.
If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI purchase order confirmation.

Solve EDI sales order processing errors

EDI When an EDI sales order is processed with the 'Sales - EDI order to order' message, errors can occur. If an error occurs:
  • The EDI sales order is not processed.
  • The EDI sales order message status is set to Error.
  • The error is logged in the EDI sales order journal Infolog.
You can solve processing errors and have the EDI sales order processed again.

Solve EDI sales order validation errors

If you use staging in your EDI process for sales orders, the sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales - XML to EDI order' message are stored in the EDI sales order journal.
These EDI sales orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI sales order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors are given, you have these options:
  • Solve the errors. You can solve validation errors in:
    • The EDI sales order, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the error.
  • Cancel the EDI sales order, line, or address with errors.
You cannot accept headers, lines, or addresses with errors. If you do so, and approve the EDI sales order, the header, line, or address with errors is again set to Rejected.
If the errors are solved or lines or addresses with errors are canceled, approve the EDI sales order.

Solve EDI sales order validation warnings

If you use staging in your EDI process for sales orders, the sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales - XML to EDI order' message are stored in the EDI sales order journal.
These EDI sales orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI sales order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation warnings are given, you have several options:
  • Accept the header, line, or address with warnings.
  • Solve the warnings. You can solve validation warnings in:
    • The EDI sales order, where you can make the appropriate changes.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. For example, if the setup must be changed to solve the warning.
  • Cancel the EDI sales order, line, or address with warnings.
If all warnings are solved, accepted, or canceled, approve the EDI sales order.

Split EDI inventory order journal

EDI You can split an EDI inventory order journal with rejected lines. You can, for example, do so to already process the approved lines of the EDI inventory order journal. Later, you can have a look at the rejected lines.
If you split the EDI inventory order journal, a new EDI inventory order journal is created, and the rejected lines are moved to this new journal. The new EDI inventory order journal gets the original journal number with a version number suffix. For example: the original journal number is 'EDI0001', the new journal gets number 'EDI0001-1'.

Test inbound definition setup


You can test if the setup of a specific inbound definition or of all inbound definitions delivers the expected result. usually, you do so for a test file.

During the test, these checks are done:

  • Is the selected test file found? Or if no test file is defined, are the files in the general storage location found?
  • Is a matching file distribution definition found in the selected inbound definition? Or if no inbound definition is selected, is a matching file distribution definition found in any of the inbound definitions?

The test result is shown in an info message.

Note: During the test, no files are moved from the general storage location. Also, no renaming of the files is applied.

Upload file to Working folder


To test an inbound definition, make sure a test file is available in the Working folder as defined by the connector of the inbound definition.

View all EDI inventory lines

EDI You can sort and search and filter on all imported EDI inventory journal lines. For example, to find related EDI inventory journal lines or to search for inventory journal lines with the same batch.
For each line, you can open the related EDI inventory order journal.

View EDI Delfor journal


Use the EDI Delfor journal to monitor the delivery forecast sales orders.

The delivery forecast sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales (Delfor) - XML to EDI Delfor journal (830)' message are stored in the EDI Delfor journal.

If you monitor EDI Delfor journals, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

View EDI Delfor sales information


For each customer, item, and customer order combination, for which you receive delivery forecasts, you can provide an overview of the related EDI Delfor sales information. You can use this data to apply several validation rules to EDI Delfor journals.

The EDI Delfor sales information is:

  • Created and updated when an EDI Delfor journal is processed, and the related delivery forecast order is imported into the Sales orders table with the 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message. To create and update the EDI Delfor sales information, on this 'Sales (Delfor) - EDI Delfor journal to Order' message, you must add the mapping for the EDI Delfor Sales information (BisEdiDelforSalesData) table.
  • Updated when a packing slip is posted for a sales order that is created based on an EDI Delfor journal. This update is only done if the EDI Delfor sales information exists for the customer, item, and customer order combination.

View EDI inventory orders


Use the EDI inventory order staging journal to monitor the EDI inventory orders. If you use EDI inventory order staging, custom messages are required.

You can, for example, use staging in your EDI process for picking list registrations or product receipts.
If you monitor EDI inventory orders, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

View EDI purchase order confirmations

Use the EDI purchase order confirmation staging journal to monitor the EDI purchase order confirmations.
The purchase order confirmations that you receive with the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' message are stored in the EDI purchase order confirmation journal.
If you monitor EDI purchase order confirmations, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

View EDI sales orders

EDI Use the EDI sales order staging journal to monitor the EDI sales orders.
If you use staging in your EDI process for sales orders, the sales orders that you receive with the 'Sales - XML to EDI order' message are stored in the EDI sales order journal.
If you monitor EDI sales orders, the statuses are important. For more information on these statuses, refer to 'EDI staging journal statuses'.

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