To process received EDI message files, run the Process inbound EDI documents batch job. Usually, you run this batch job in a recurring pattern.

You run the Process inbound EDI documents batch job for a specific document flow type, and optionally for a specific message.
Each time the batch job is run, all document flows of the defined document flow type are processed. So, all messages, as defined for these document flows, are run.
Each message that is run, picks up the relevant received EDI message files (if any) from the location as defined for the message connector and processes the data.

Standard procedure

1. Go to EDI > Periodic > Process inbound documents.
2. In the Document flow field, select the document flow type to be processed.
3. Optionally, in the Message field, enter or select a specific message to be run.
4. Sub-task: Set batch job recurrence.
  4.1 Expand the Run in the background section.
  4.2 Select Yes in the Batch processing field.
  4.3 Click Recurrence and define the recurrence settings.
  4.4 Click OK.
5. Click OK.


To process received EDI message files, you can also run a message itself in batch.

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