For EDI, you can use the standard item setup. Some of these standard settings are often used for EDI and therefore highlighted in this topic:

  • External item description
  • Bar code
  • GTIN code
The steps in this topic only guide you to where you can define these settings. For more information, refer to Product identifiers.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
3. Sub-task: Set up external item description for purchase.
  3.1 On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
  3.2 In the Related information group, click External item description.
  3.3 Close the page.
4. Sub-task: Set up external item description for sales.
  4.1 On the Action Pane, click Sell.
  4.2 In the Related information group, click External item description.
  4.3 Close the page.
5. Sub-task: Set up bar code.
  5.1 On the Action Pane, click Manage inventory.
  5.2 In the Warehouse group, click Bar codes.
  5.3 Close the page.
6. Sub-task: Set up GTIN code.
  6.1 On the Action Pane, on the Manage inventory tab, in the Warehouse group, click GTIN codes.
  6.2 Close the page.
Related to Notes

Set up items for EDI


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