If you use staging in your EDI process, the received EDI messages are imported into a staging journal. On insert of the message into the staging journal, the applicable journal validations are done.
Set up journal validations for each applicable combination of document flow type, direction, and origin.
For each of these combinations, set up the applicable validation rules and related settings.

You can set up specific journal validations for a customer, vendor, or warehouse. You can also set up journal validations on legal entity level. If no specific journal validation exists, the legal entity journal validation can be used. 
On validation, the validation rules for the relevant table are applied in the sequence as defined on the Validation rules page. For each validation rule, as defined on the Validation rules page, the applicable journal validation is searched for in this sequence:
  1. Is this validation rule set up for the customer, vendor, or warehouse? If yes, the validation rule is applied according to the journal validation settings.
    (Note: If this journal validation is set up but inactive, it is skipped. The validation process continues with the next validation.)
  2. If not, is this validation rule set up for the legal entity (current company)? If yes, the validation rule is applied according to the journal validation settings.
  3. If not, the validation rule is not applied.
You have a customer for which one of the generic validation rules (as defined for the legal entity) is not applicable. In this case, you can set up this validation rule for the customer and deactivate it. As a result, on validation, the validation rule is found for the customer and therefore search for the validation rule stops.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio EDI Party setup.
2. Click the Journal validation tab.
3. Click New.
4. Select the document flow type to which the journal validations apply.
Use document flow type:
- 'Order' for EDI sales order journal validations.
- 'Confirmation' for EDI purchase order journal validations.
- 'Picking' or 'Product receipt' for EDI inventory order journal validations.
  In the Document flow field, select an option.
5. In the Direction field, select an option.

Note: For the standard EDI studio staging journals, the direction is 'Inbound'.

6. Define the origin to which the journal validations apply.
  In the Origin field, enter or select a value.

Note: The origin is only used for messages from customers or vendors. So, for messages from 3PL warehouses, the origin is not used.

7. In the Lines section, click New.

Note: Once a line exists for an account, the account is shown in the Account relations section.
For an existing account relation, you can select several validation rules is one go. To do so, in the Account relations section, click Select rules. Indicate if you only want to select rules that apply to the current company. Select the desired validation rules and click OK. As a result, for each of the selected validation rules, a line is added. For each added line, define the desired settings.

8. Define the account type to which the validation rule applies.
  In the Account code field, select an option.

Note: The combination of the defined Document flow and Direction define which account code must be used.
For example:
- Order and Inbound: Customer
- Confirmation and Inbound: Vendor
- Picking and Inbound: Warehouse

9. Define the account to which the validation rule applies.
  In the Account selection field, enter or select a value.

Note: You can only enter an account of the type as selected in the Account code field.

10. In the Validation rule field, enter or select the validation rule to be applied.

Note: You can select from the validation rules as defined for the current legal entity (company) or from all validation rules. Only validation rules are shown that are related to the document flow and direction.

11. Define the result to be reported if the validation rule is not met. You can choose:
- Error: An error is reported in the staging journal. The error must be solved before you can again validate and approve the record in the staging journal.
- Warning: A warning is reported in the staging journal. In the staging journal, you can manually accept records with a warning.
- Dependency: Use dependency only if you apply a validation rule that checks another journal. If the validation rule is not met in the other journal, a dependency is reported. Dependencies are only supported for the EDI inventory order journal.
  In the Type field, select an option.
12. You can indicate if further validation must continue or stop if the validation rule is not met.
  In the Exception behavior field, select an option.
13. You can define a parameter that is used for validation.
  In the Validation parameter field, type a value.
14. The identification of the message that is given if the validation rule is not met. The default number is defined in the validation rule class and automatically filled in here. You can manually overwrite it in this field. On validation, the number, as defined in this field, is used.
  In the Number field, enter a number.
15. The text of the message that is given if the validation rule is not met. The default text is defined in the validation rule class and automatically filled in here. You can manually overwrite it in this field. On validation, the text, as defined in this field, is used.
  In the Text field, type a value.
16. You can have an account for which one of the generic validation rules (as defined for the legal entity) is not applicable. In this case, you can set up this validation rule for this account and deactivate it. As a result, on validation, the validation rule is found for the account and therefore search for the validation rule stops.
  Clear the Active check box.
17. Click Save.
Related to Notes

Set up EDI validations


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