
Flow Description

Change work breakdown structure

Use project change orders to make changes to the work breakdown structure of an existing project.

For more information on working with work breakdown structures, refer to Work breakdown structures.

Create and manage project change orders

Once a project quotation is confirmed and transferred to a project, you can no longer make changes to, for example, the work breakdown structure. So, if changes are required, you can make these changes on the related project. To be able to track and manage these changes properly, you can use project change orders.


You can only use project change orders on projects that are created from a project quotation. This project quotation must be created according to the Project Control Suite process.

Before you can use project change orders, make sure these v parameters are set:

  • Change order forecast model - Define the forecast model for proposed project changes. If a project change order is submitted, the proposed changes are added to this forecast model. As a result, you can track submitted changes that are pending approval. On this forecast model, make sure the Use project date as invoice date check box is selected.
  • Forecast model for archived changes - Define the forecast model for processed changes. If a project change order is transferred to a project, the changes are added to this forecast model. As a result, you can track the changes history of a project. On this forecast model, make sure the Use project date as invoice date check box is selected.

Create and manage project quotations

The Project Control Suite process for project quotations is fully based on and makes use of all functions as available in D365 FO.

In this process, the focus is on the Project Control Suite additions to the project quotation process.

For more information on working with project quotations, refer to Generate and manage project quotations.

Create and manage projects

In Project Control Suite, you use the full project management functionality as available in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Project Control Suite offers several additional functions to manage and control your projects. 

You can use these functions for your projects:
  • Project logistics
  • Project inventory
  • Progress billing
For more information on working with projects, refer to Project management and accounting overview.

Create and manage subcontracts

You can subcontract parts of a project. use subcontracts to manage this, including the scope of work that you subcontract.

In the quotation phase of a project, you can subcontract activities. However, you can only activate a subcontract if the project quotation is confirmed, and a project is created.

Create and publish integration journal

Use the integration journal to import a tender in Microsoft Excel format to a project quotation work breakdown structure.

Create subcontract from project

In the project execution phase of a project, you can subcontract activities.

Create subcontract from project quotation

In the quotation phase of a project, you can subcontract activities. However, you can only activate a subcontract if the project quotation is confirmed, and a project is created.

Create WBS - Bid import

In a project contracting environment, a quotation or bid typically starts with a tender Microsoft Excel format.

These tenders often have large work breakdown structures. So, it is time-consuming to manually enter this in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Use the WBS bid import to easily create a work breakdown structure based on a tender.

On bid import, the Microsoft Excel tender is imported into the project quotation work breakdown in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

The import is done via an integration journal.

Create work breakdown structure

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project.

It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task. 

To create a WBS, you can use three types of nodes.

  • Root node: Root node is the project header node. 
    This is created automatically and is shown by default after you click Advanced WBS.
    When you transfer a project quotation to a new project, the root node becomes the main project.
    When you add the project quotation to an existing project, the root node is ignored.
  • Project node: In the WBS, you can have multiple sub-projects which are called project nodes.
  • Activity node: Activity nodes contain the project tasks.
    • Standard - You can add tasks to lines of type Project and Standard.

    • Summary - You can add summary lines to lines of type Project.

    • Detail - You can add detail lines to lines of type Summary and Detail.

  • You can use these activity types.

You can add several activities under the root node or a project node.
You can add an activity under an activity. You cannot add a project node under an activity.
For more information on working with work breakdown structures, refer to About work breakdown structures

Define price for project changes

You can apply price changes to a project change order in several ways:

  • Apply price indexation to a project.
  • Change the project WBS and accordingly change the related prices.

Define project quotation price

In Project Control Suite, you can use several ways to define the sales price for a project quotation.

You can:

  • Use the project price setup.
  • Define specific prices for project quotations.
  • Define specific prices for project lines in the work breakdowns structure of a project quotation.
  • Define contract totals for work breakdown structure project lines of type Fixed price.

You can define the default set up for pricing priority on the Project Control Suite parameters.

You can change it for each project quotation. You can also define prices during the design of the work breakdown structure.

Manage customer interaction - Project change order

The sales representative manages the customer interaction with regards to the project change order.

Manage customer interaction - Project quotation

The sales representative manages the customer interaction with regards to the project quotation.

Manage project logistics

Use project logistics to view the relation between a project and the orders that are directly or indirectly created for the project.
In an advanced discrete manufacturing environment, the supply chain planning is very important.

Product demand

Product demand can come from all levels of projects. 

The product demand must be covered in time to have it in place.

Project logistics enables master planning by project and provides material availability overview by project.


You can use different types of transactions to cover the product demand.

You get an overview of the transactions for a selected project and a good insight into the progress of the supply chain planning of that project.

Project logistics

Project logistics gives you an overview of the selected project. All its sub-projects, activities, and related product demand lines, including BOM lines, are shown.

It also shows how these product demand lines are covered. The coverage can be a hard allocation, but it can also come from master planning (anonymous orders).

This information is shown in the Project logistics hierarchy:

  • Item requirements (shown as sales orders)
  • Sales orders
  • Production orders
  • Purchase orders
  • Planned production orders
  • Planned purchase orders
  • Planned transfers
  • Transfers
  • Purchase requisition
  • On hand inventory reservations

Ensure that:

  • Your project has item requirements.
  • You have a well-defined master plan and that is run before you use project logistics.

Monitor budget allocation - Cost codes

You can review and allocate the work breakdown structure budget by cost codes.

Monitor budget allocation by activity

You can review and allocate the work breakdown structure budget by activity.

Review bid value and markup

You can review and modify the bid values and bid rates, as calculated by the WBS calculation. You can, for example, compare the bid value with the calculated markup.

You can change the bid value in these ways:

  • Add a contingency.
  • Apply an index.
  • Manually change the bid rate or bid value.

Set Project Control Suite parameters

Before you can use Project Control Suite, define the Project Control Suite parameters.

Set up activity templates

You can use activity templates to quickly create tasks in the work breakdown structure.

For each activity template, you can define values and estimate lines that are used as default values for work breakdown structure tasks.

If you enter an activity template for a new task in the work breakdown structure, the default values of the activity template are copied to the task.

You can group activity templates to structure the activity templates and make it easier to find the proper activity template.

Set up bid import

Set up shown below is required for bid import.

  • Initialize document templates
  • Set up integration parameters

Set up calculation

In construction projects, quantities are often calculated based on specific settings. In Project Control Suite, this setup is done in calculation groups.

Use calculation groups to define:

  • The formulas that are used to calculate the estimate line quantities for activities in the work breakdown structure.
  • The models with the default formulas for each transaction type.
  • The setup that is required for progress billing: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit. For progress billing, usually, the scheduled unit variable is a percentage.
  • The setup that is required for subcontracting: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit and for which the unit is defined as well. Reason: Subcontracting uses purchase orders, and on the purchase lines a unit is required.
  • A cost price (expense) or sales price (expense) for a specific scheduled unit.

Set up calculation groups

Use calculation groups to define:

  • The formulas that are used to calculate the estimate line quantities for activities in the work breakdown structure.
  • The models with the default formulas for each transaction type.
  • The setup that is required for progress billing: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit. For progress billing, usually, the scheduled unit variable is a percentage.
  • The setup that is required for subcontracting: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit and for which the unit is defined as well. Reason: Subcontracting uses purchase orders, and on the purchase lines a unit is required.
  • A cost price (expense) or sales price (expense) for a specific scheduled unit.

Set up contractors

In construction business, it's common to hire external persons to do (a part of) the work for you. If you hire an external worker, you purchase a service from a vendor. This service usually includes only labor.

To be able to hire subcontractor workers, in Project Control Suite, specific setup is required:

  • Set up the subcontractor and related workers.
  • Set up the subcontractor worker cost price (hour).

Set up cost codes

You can use cost codes to budget and track cost in a project. A cost code represents a fixed activity or cost category.

You can use:

  • External codes, for example, based on an external standard or list. This can be required for external reporting.
  • Internal codes, for example, for reporting and analysis purposes.

A cost code is always linked to a cost code standard. To each project quotation and related projects, one cost code standard can be linked. You can do so on the project quotation work breakdown structure root node. In a project quotation and the related projects, you can only use cost codes of the linked cost code standard.

Cost code standards are, for example, provided by these organizations:

  • CSI (Construction Specifications Institute).
  • NAHB (National Association of Home Builders).

You can group cost codes for reporting and analysis purposes.

Set up cost prices for project categories

Set up default cost prices for hour, equipment, and expense project categories. 

Set up equipment categories

To use equipment in project quotations and projects, the ‘Equipment’ transaction type is available. Define the categories for equipment in the same way as categories for hours.
Set up the equipment categories and related information to use equipment journal entries in your projects. You can set up equipment in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Asset management or in Project Control Suite - Asset Management.

Set up pricing for subcontracts

For work that is often or usually subcontracted, you can set up the relevant subcontract pricing that is used as default pricing in the estimation of a project quotation.

Set up progress billing

You can use progress billing as an alternative way to invoice a project. In progress billing, you invoice the amount of work completed so far.

Before you can use progress billing, you must set the progress billing parameters on the Project Control Suite parameters.

In progress billing, you can apply retentions. You can set up and use retentions that are based on:

  • Percentage of work completed
  • Invoiced amounts schedule

Set up project pricing

Set up the cost prices and sales prices for project categories. Note that item cost prices are derived from setup in the Product management module.

You can set up:

  • Cost prices for hours, expenses, and equipment.
  • Sales prices for hours, expenses, equipment, fee, and subscriptions.

Set up sales prices for project categories

Set up default sales prices for hour, expense, equipment, fee, and subscription project categories.

Set up subcontract management

In construction business, it's common to:

  • Subcontract subprojects or activities to another company, which does the work you. If you subcontract a subproject or activity, you purchase a service from a vendor. This service usually includes a combination of labor, equipment, and materials.
  • Hire external persons to do (a part of) the work for you. If you hire an external worker, you purchase a service from a vendor. This service usually includes only labor.

Set up subcontractors

In construction business, it's common to subcontract subprojects or activities to another company, which does the work you. If you subcontract a subproject or activity, you purchase a service from a vendor. This service usually includes a combination of labor, equipment, and materials.

To be able to subcontract work to another company, in Project Control Suite, specific setup is required:

  • Define which vendors are subcontractors.
  • If applicable, set up subcontractor retentions.
  • Set up the pricing that applies to subcontracting.
  • Set up procurement categories that are used for subcontracting.

Update integration journal

When the integration journal is published to the advanced WBS, you can change the bid values and bid rates in the advanced WBS.

You can update these changes to the integration journal to keep the bid rates and bid values intact.

Use calculations in work breakdown structure

In a project quotation work breakdown structure, you can set prices on several levels. For example, project quotation, task, or estimate line.

The total sales value is calculated based on the quantity times the sales price.

If the project type is:

  • Time and material: sales prices have a direct consequence for the project invoicing.
  • Fixed price: sales prices are shown by the on-account transactions.

In construction projects, quantities are often calculated based on specific settings.

In Project Control Suite, this is done with calculation groups.

Calculation groups define:

  • The formulas that are used to calculate the estimate line quantities for activities in the work breakdown structure.
  • Models with the default formulas for each transaction type.
  • The setup that is required for progress billing: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit. For progress billing, usually, the scheduled unit variable is a percentage.
  • The setup that is required for subcontracting: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit and for which the unit is defined as well.
    Reason: subcontracting uses purchase orders. On the purchase lines, a unit is required.
  • A cost price (expense) or sales price (expense) for a specific scheduled unit.

Use cost codes in work breakdown structure

You can use cost codes to budget and track cost in a project. A cost code represents a fixed activity or cost category.

You can use:

  • External codes, for example, based on an external standard or list. This can be required for external reporting.
  • Internal codes, for example, for reporting and analysis purposes.

A cost code is always linked to a cost code standard. To each project quotation and related projects, one cost code standard can be linked. You can do so on the project quotation work breakdown structure root node. In a project quotation and the related projects, you can only use cost codes of the linked cost code standard.

Cost code standards are, for example, provided by these organizations:

  • CSI (Construction Specifications Institute).
  • NAHB (National Association of Home Builders).

You can group cost codes for reporting and analysis purposes.

Use progress billing

You can use progress billing as an alternative way to invoice a project. In progress billing, you invoice the amount of work completed so far.

Progress bill helps to temporarily claim the revenue internally before the customer has approved the progress bill. 

As a result, a fee journal is posted, which can be reversed when required for a financial impact.


  • To apply progress billing to a (sub)project, on the related project quotation WBS, the Use progress billing check box must be selected for the related WBS project line.
  • Progress billing requires a scheduled unit, a forecast quantity, and a bid rate for each activity. 
  • The sum of the progress amounts of all lines is the total progress amount to be invoiced.
  • Only one open/active progress bill can exist per root project.

Use progress billing with temporary revenue claim

You can choose to temporarily claim the revenue internally before the customer has approved the progress bill. As a result, a fee is posted.

Use progress billing without temporary revenue claim

You can choose to only recognize the revenue on the final posting of the progress bill after the customer has approved.

Use project inventory

You can use project inventory tracking to make sure that project-specific inventory is only used by the project to which it is assigned.

Project inventory ensures a direct relation between demand lines and coverage unlike regular master planning which is done anonymous.

To track project inventory, you use project inventory numbers on projects and tracking dimension groups on products:

  • Tracking dimension group: Assign a tracking dimension group, with the project dimension active, to the products for which you want to track project inventory.
  • Project inventory number: If you want to track project inventory for a project, you must assign a project inventory number to the project.

As a result, you can track project inventory for the products with a tracking dimension group for which the Project inventory number dimension is active.

If there is demand for a project, for example an item requirement, with a project inventory number defined, this demand can be fulfilled with on hand inventory:

  • With the same project inventory number defined.
  • Without a project inventory number defined.


If you have project demand for a BOM product, and project inventory is tracked, the project inventory number is applied to all levels of the BOM.

However, if for a product on a BOM line no project inventory tracking is active, the project inventory number is not applied to this product, and also not to BOM levels beneath this product.

Master planning:

If you run the master plan for demand for the same product but with different project inventory numbers defined, a separate planned order is created for each project inventory number.

If you have project-specific demand, for example an item requirement with a project inventory number defined, and:

  • Anonymous inventory on hand is available, master planning takes this inventory to cover the project-specific demand.
  • An anonymous production order or purchase order is available, master planning does not consider these orders to cover the project-specific demand. Instead, master planning creates project-specific planned orders to cover the project-specific demand.

Split pegging:

If you have, for a project, several project-specific item requirement lines with the same item, one planned order is created for these requirements.

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