Once a project quotation is confirmed and transferred to a project, you can no longer make changes to, for example, the work breakdown structure. So, if changes are required, you can make these changes on the related project. To be able to track and manage these changes properly, you can use project change orders.


You can only use project change orders on projects that are created from a project quotation. This project quotation must be created according to the Project Control Suite process.

Before you can use project change orders, make sure these v parameters are set:

  • Change order forecast model - Define the forecast model for proposed project changes. If a project change order is submitted, the proposed changes are added to this forecast model. As a result, you can track submitted changes that are pending approval. On this forecast model, make sure the Use project date as invoice date check box is selected.
  • Forecast model for archived changes - Define the forecast model for processed changes. If a project change order is transferred to a project, the changes are added to this forecast model. As a result, you can track the changes history of a project. On this forecast model, make sure the Use project date as invoice date check box is selected.

Project manager Project manager Sales manager Sales manager Sales representative Sales representative Start Start Create project change order Create project change order Create a project change order to manage changes to a project's Advanced WBS.  Change type, change reason, and chance impact are optional fields.  The choices within those drop-down menus are defined by the user in the setup for Project Control Suite. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Project change orders > All project change orders. 2. Click New. 3. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value. 4. In the Change type field, enter or select a value. 5. In the Change reason field, enter or select a value. 6. In the Change impact field, enter or select a value. 7. Click OK. Change work breakdown structure

Change work breakdown structure

Use project change orders to make changes to the work breakdown structure of an existing project.

For more information on working with work breakdown structures, refer to Work breakdown structures.

Define project change order price

Define price for project changes

You can apply price changes to a project change order in several ways:

  • Apply price indexation to a project.
  • Change the project WBS and accordingly change the related prices.

Submit project change order for review Submit project change order for review If you have finished the project changes on a project change order, including the estimates and pricing setup, you must submit the project change order for review. A project change order must be approved internally before you can send it to the customer or transfer it to the project. Procedure 1. Click Project management and accounting -> Common -> Change orders -> Project change orders. 2. On the Project change orders form, select a project change order. 3. Double-click or press Enter on the selected project change order. 4. On the Project change orders form, click Submit 5. On the dialog, enter a comment and click Submit. 6. Close the Project change orders form. Monitor pending changes Monitor pending changes If you have submitted a project change order for internal approval, the proposed changes are transferred to the Change order forecast model as defined on the Project Control Suite parameters. As a project manager, for your projects, you can monitor the submitted changes that are pending approval.   Procedure 1. Click Project management and accounting -> Common -> Projects -> All projects. 2. On the All projects list page, select a project. 3. On the Action pane, on the Plan tab, in the Forecast group, click one of the options. 4. On a forecasts form, you can view the pending changes. You can recognize a pending change by the:Forecast model - The forecast model is the Change order forecast model as defined on the Advanced project management parameters.Change description - A description of the change is available.Project change order - A related project change order is defined.Change order date - The date on which the change order is submitted. 5. Close the forecasts form. Notes Only changes to existing activities of existing projects are shown as pending changes in the forecasts. So, new (sub-)projects or new activities, as added in the project change order work breakdown structure, are not shown as pending changes in the forecasts.If a change order is cancelled or rejected, the pending changes are removed from the project. Review project change order Review project change order If a project change order is submitted, internal approval of the project change order can be done. The user, to whom the approval is assigned, gets a task.As a result of the project change order approval, you can choose these options:Approve - The project change order can be sent to the customer.Redesign - Changes are required to the project change order. Its status is set to Created.Delegate - Assign the project change order to another reviewer.Cancel - The project change order is stopped. Procedure 1. Click Project management and accounting -> Common -> Change orders -> Project change orders. 2. On the Project change orders list page, select a project change order. 3. Double-click or press Enter on the selected project change order. 4. On the Project change orders form, click Actions -> and one of these options:ApproveRedesignDelegateCancel 5. On the dialog, enter a comment and click Approve, Redesign, Delegate, or Cancel. 6. Close the Project change orders form. Cancel Cancel Review project setup Review project setup On the project change order work breakdown structure, review the project setup for newly added (sub-)projects. If specific project setup is required, you can override the project setup as inherited from the root project line. End End Manage customer interaction

Manage customer interaction - Project change order

The sales representative manages the customer interaction with regards to the project change order.

Transfer project change order to project Transfer project change order to project If a customer has confirmed a project change order, you can transfer it to a project. As a result: The existing project forecasts are updated with the changes from the project change order. The pending changes, as created in the Change order forecast model, are transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes. And because, only changes to existing activities of existing projects are shown as pending changes in the forecasts, also only these changes are moved to the Forecast model for archived changes. So, new (sub-)projects or new activities, as added in the project change order work breakdown structure, are not shown as pending changes in the forecasts, and therefore also not transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes. If you stopped a task in the project change order work breakdown structure, the related task in the project work breakdown structure is not deleted. Only the related estimates costs and revenue lines are deleted. If you stopped an estimated cost and revenue line in a project change order work breakdown structure, the related estimated cost and revenue line is also deleted in the project work breakdown structure. New (sub-)projects, tasks, and estimated costs and revenue lines are added to the project work breakdown structure. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Project change orders > All project change orders. 2. In the list, click the link in the selected row. 3. On the Action Pane, click Follow up. 4. Click Transfer to project. 5. Click Yes. 6. Click the form caption. 7. Close the page. End End What’s the result of the review? What’s the result of the review? What is the change  order type? What is the change  order type? What’s the result? What’s the result? Cancel Reject Redesign Delegate Approve Internal External Lost Confirm Change


Name Responsible Description

Create project change order

Sales representative

Create a project change order to manage changes to a project's Advanced WBS.  Change type, change reason, and chance impact are optional fields.  The choices within those drop-down menus are defined by the user in the setup for Project Control Suite.

Change work breakdown structure

Project manager

Use project change orders to make changes to the work breakdown structure of an existing project.

For more information on working with work breakdown structures, refer to Work breakdown structures.

Define project change order price

Sales representative

You can apply price changes to a project change order in several ways:

  • Apply price indexation to a project.
  • Change the project WBS and accordingly change the related prices.

Submit project change order for review

Sales representative

If you have finished the project changes on a project change order, including the estimates and pricing setup, you must submit the project change order for review. A project change order must be approved internally before you can send it to the customer or transfer it to the project.

Monitor pending changes

Project manager

If you have submitted a project change order for internal approval, the proposed changes are transferred to the Change order forecast model as defined on the Project Control Suite parameters.

As a project manager, for your projects, you can monitor the submitted changes that are pending approval.


Review project change order

Sales manager

If a project change order is submitted, internal approval of the project change order can be done. The user, to whom the approval is assigned, gets a task.

As a result of the project change order approval, you can choose these options:

  • Approve - The project change order can be sent to the customer.
  • Redesign - Changes are required to the project change order. Its status is set to Created.
  • Delegate - Assign the project change order to another reviewer.
  • Cancel - The project change order is stopped.

Review project setup

Project manager

On the project change order work breakdown structure, review the project setup for newly added (sub-)projects. If specific project setup is required, you can override the project setup as inherited from the root project line.

Manage customer interaction

Sales representative

The sales representative manages the customer interaction with regards to the project change order.

Transfer project change order to project

Project manager

If a customer has confirmed a project change order, you can transfer it to a project.

As a result:

  • The existing project forecasts are updated with the changes from the project change order.
  • The pending changes, as created in the Change order forecast model, are transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes. And because, only changes to existing activities of existing projects are shown as pending changes in the forecasts, also only these changes are moved to the Forecast model for archived changes. So, new (sub-)projects or new activities, as added in the project change order work breakdown structure, are not shown as pending changes in the forecasts, and therefore also not transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes.
  • If you stopped a task in the project change order work breakdown structure, the related task in the project work breakdown structure is not deleted. Only the related estimates costs and revenue lines are deleted.
  • If you stopped an estimated cost and revenue line in a project change order work breakdown structure, the related estimated cost and revenue line is also deleted in the project work breakdown structure.
  • New (sub-)projects, tasks, and estimated costs and revenue lines are added to the project work breakdown structure.

Change work breakdown structure

Manage customer interaction

Provide feedback