If you have submitted a project change order for internal approval, the proposed changes are transferred to the Change order forecast model as defined on the Project Control Suite parameters.

As a project manager, for your projects, you can monitor the submitted changes that are pending approval.


Standard procedure

1. Click Project management and accounting -> Common -> Projects -> All projects.
2. On the All projects list page, select a project.
3. On the Action pane, on the Plan tab, in the Forecast group, click one of the options.
4. On a forecasts form, you can view the pending changes. You can recognize a pending change by the:
  • Forecast model - The forecast model is the Change order forecast model as defined on the Advanced project management parameters.
  • Change description - A description of the change is available.
  • Project change order - A related project change order is defined.
  • Change order date - The date on which the change order is submitted.
5. Close the forecasts form.


  • Only changes to existing activities of existing projects are shown as pending changes in the forecasts. So, new (sub-)projects or new activities, as added in the project change order work breakdown structure, are not shown as pending changes in the forecasts.
  • If a change order is cancelled or rejected, the pending changes are removed from the project.

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