A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project.

It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task. 

To create a WBS, you can use three types of nodes.

  • Root node: Root node is the project header node. 
    This is created automatically and is shown by default after you click Advanced WBS.
    When you transfer a project quotation to a new project, the root node becomes the main project.
    When you add the project quotation to an existing project, the root node is ignored.
  • Project node: In the WBS, you can have multiple sub-projects which are called project nodes.
  • Activity node: Activity nodes contain the project tasks.
    • Standard - You can add tasks to lines of type Project and Standard.

    • Summary - You can add summary lines to lines of type Project.

    • Detail - You can add detail lines to lines of type Summary and Detail.

  • You can use these activity types.

You can add several activities under the root node or a project node.
You can add an activity under an activity. You cannot add a project node under an activity.
For more information on working with work breakdown structures, refer to About work breakdown structures

Product designer Product designer Project manager Project manager Start Start Create WBS - Manually Create WBS - Manually A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project. It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task.  In Project Control Suite, you can add these types of lines to a project quotation work breakdown structure: Project - You can add project lines to lines of type Project. Standard - You can add tasks to lines of type Project and Standard. Summary - You can add summary lines to lines of type Project. Summary lines don't have own estimate lines. Summary lines summarize the calculated values of the related detail lines. Detail - You can add detail lines to lines of type Summary and Detail. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Quotations > Project quotations. 2. In the list, find and select the desired record. 3. Click Advanced WBS. 4. Click Edit. 5. Sub-task: Add a project. 6. In the list, find and select the desired record. 7. Click New project. 8. In the Project name field, type a value. 9. Select Yes in the Override field. 10. In the Project type field, select an option. 11. In the Project group field, enter or select a value. 12. In the Project contract ID field, enter or select a value. 13. In the Subproject ID suffix field, type a value. 14. Click OK. 15. Sub-task: Add a task. 16. In the list, mark the selected row. 17. Click New task. 18. In the Activity template field, enter or select a value. 19. In the Task name field, type a value. 20. Click OK. 21. Click Save & Close. 22. Close the page. 23. Close the page. 24. Go to Default dashboard. Notes To change the task hierarchy, you can:Indent tasks: Indent a task to make it a child of the task directly above it.Outdent tasks: Outdent a task to make it no longer a sub-task of its original parent task.Move tasks up and down: Move tasks up and down in the hierarchy of its parent task. Moving a task up or down has no effect on its effort, cost, dates, or duration. Create WBS - Import template Create WBS - Import template You can use templates to easily add (parts of) a work breakdown structure. A template is a predefined work breakdown structure that you can reuse in several advanced work breakdown structures. A template can contain predefined: Projects Activities Estimate lines Calculation data Cost codes The project setup and price setup are not included in a template. You can import a template beneath the root project or a subproject.   When you import a WBS template: The complete WBS as defined in the template is imported. The start dates of the imported tasks are defined based on: The start date of the task to which you import. The predecessor relations of the imported tasks. The standard work calendar of the destination project is applied to define the end dates of the imported tasks. After a template import, you can change the imported WBS lines. Procedure 1. Click Advanced project management. 2. Click Project quotation. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Advanced WBS. 5. Click Edit. 6. Select the node in the WBS beneath which to import the template. 7. Click Import. 8. Select the template to import. 9. Click OK. 10. Click Yes. Create WBS - Bid import

Create WBS - Bid import

In a project contracting environment, a quotation or bid typically starts with a tender Microsoft Excel format.

These tenders often have large work breakdown structures. So, it is time-consuming to manually enter this in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Use the WBS bid import to easily create a work breakdown structure based on a tender.

On bid import, the Microsoft Excel tender is imported into the project quotation work breakdown in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

The import is done via an integration journal.

Use calculation groups

Use calculations in work breakdown structure

In a project quotation work breakdown structure, you can set prices on several levels. For example, project quotation, task, or estimate line.

The total sales value is calculated based on the quantity times the sales price.

If the project type is:

  • Time and material: sales prices have a direct consequence for the project invoicing.
  • Fixed price: sales prices are shown by the on-account transactions.

In construction projects, quantities are often calculated based on specific settings.

In Project Control Suite, this is done with calculation groups.

Calculation groups define:

  • The formulas that are used to calculate the estimate line quantities for activities in the work breakdown structure.
  • Models with the default formulas for each transaction type.
  • The setup that is required for progress billing: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit. For progress billing, usually, the scheduled unit variable is a percentage.
  • The setup that is required for subcontracting: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit and for which the unit is defined as well.
    Reason: subcontracting uses purchase orders. On the purchase lines, a unit is required.
  • A cost price (expense) or sales price (expense) for a specific scheduled unit.

Use cost codes

Use cost codes in work breakdown structure

You can use cost codes to budget and track cost in a project. A cost code represents a fixed activity or cost category.

You can use:

  • External codes, for example, based on an external standard or list. This can be required for external reporting.
  • Internal codes, for example, for reporting and analysis purposes.

A cost code is always linked to a cost code standard. To each project quotation and related projects, one cost code standard can be linked. You can do so on the project quotation work breakdown structure root node. In a project quotation and the related projects, you can only use cost codes of the linked cost code standard.

Cost code standards are, for example, provided by these organizations:

  • CSI (Construction Specifications Institute).
  • NAHB (National Association of Home Builders).

You can group cost codes for reporting and analysis purposes.

Define project setup Define project setup On the project quotation work breakdown structure, you can define the project setup: For the root project line - You can change the default project type and project group as retrieved from the Project Control Suite parameters. Before you transfer the project quotation to a project, you must at least define a project contract for the root project line. Optionally, for other project lines - If specific project setup is required, you can override the project setup as inherited from the root project line. Procedure 1. Click Advanced project management. 2. Click Project quotation. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. In the list, click the link in the selected row. 5. Click Advanced WBS. 6. Click Edit. 7. Click the Setup tab. 8. In the Project type field, select an option. 9. In the Project group field, enter or select a value. 10. In the Project contract ID field, enter or select a value. Enter estimated costs and revenues Enter estimated costs and revenues A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project. It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task.  For each activity in the work breakdown structure, you can define the estimated costs and revenue that are required to complete the activity. Estimated costs and revenue For an advanced WBS, you add estimated costs and revenue lines of these types: Hour: Use this type to specify the number of hours. Item: Use this type to specify the items and related costs. Fee: Use this type to add a fee to be charged when an activity is done. Expense: Use this type to specify any expenses that are required for an activity. For example, travel costs and hotel costs. On account: Use this type for fixed price projects to create invoices. Equipment: User this type to specify which equipment is required and how long it is required. Each task in the work breakdown structure, with the effort (hours) filled in, automatically results in an hour line in the estimated costs and revenue. On the Project Control Suite parameters, you can select the create quotation lines from WBS check box. As a result, if you close the Advanced WBS page, for each estimated costs and revenue line, a project quotation line is created automatically. Procedure 1. Click Advanced project management. 2. Click Project quotation. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Advanced WBS. 5. Click Edit. 6. Select an activity. 7. Select the Estimated costs and revenues tab and click New to enter estimate lines. Notes For a task, you can define an activity template. If the activity has estimate lines, these are automatically added. You can remove or change these estimate lines. Run WBS calculation Run WBS calculation If the setup of the work breakdown structure or a part of it is complete, run the WBS calculation.As a result, based on the calculation setup, this data is calculated.Estimate line quantities if impacted by formulas or variables.Totals for both cost values and sales values.Rates. Procedure 1. Click Advanced project management. 2. Click Project quotation. 3. In the list, click the link in the selected row. 4. Click Advanced WBS. 5. Click Edit. 6. Click Run WBS Calculation. Notes If your WBS includes any estimates with additional costs, you can also run the WBS calculation for additional costs.If a WBS calculation is required, the relevant work breakdown structure line is marked with a red exclamation mark. Verify design with customer Verify design with customer Before you transfer the project quotation to a project, verify the design with the customer. Does the design meet customer requirements? Does the design meet customer requirements? Generate quotation lines from WBS Generate quotation lines from WBS If you have finished the setup of the WBS, create project quotation lines from the WBS.With the quotation lines in place, you can define the project quotation pricing and send the project quotation to your customer. Procedure 1. Click Advanced project management. 2. Click Project quotation. 3. In the list, click the link in the selected row. 4. Click Generate. 5. Click Create quotation lines from WBS. End End Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Create WBS - Manually

Project manager

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project.

It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task. 

In Project Control Suite, you can add these types of lines to a project quotation work breakdown structure:

  • Project - You can add project lines to lines of type Project.
  • Standard - You can add tasks to lines of type Project and Standard.
  • Summary - You can add summary lines to lines of type Project. Summary lines don't have own estimate lines. Summary lines summarize the calculated values of the related detail lines.
  • Detail - You can add detail lines to lines of type Summary and Detail.

Create WBS - Import template

Project manager

You can use templates to easily add (parts of) a work breakdown structure.
A template is a predefined work breakdown structure that you can reuse in several advanced work breakdown structures.

A template can contain predefined:

  • Projects
  • Activities
  • Estimate lines
  • Calculation data
  • Cost codes

The project setup and price setup are not included in a template.
You can import a template beneath the root project or a subproject.


When you import a WBS template:

  • The complete WBS as defined in the template is imported.
  • The start dates of the imported tasks are defined based on:
    • The start date of the task to which you import.
    • The predecessor relations of the imported tasks.
  • The standard work calendar of the destination project is applied to define the end dates of the imported tasks.

After a template import, you can change the imported WBS lines.

Create WBS - Bid import

Project manager

In a project contracting environment, a quotation or bid typically starts with a tender Microsoft Excel format.

These tenders often have large work breakdown structures. So, it is time-consuming to manually enter this in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Use the WBS bid import to easily create a work breakdown structure based on a tender.

On bid import, the Microsoft Excel tender is imported into the project quotation work breakdown in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

The import is done via an integration journal.

Use calculation groups

Project manager

In a project quotation work breakdown structure, you can set prices on several levels. For example, project quotation, task, or estimate line.

The total sales value is calculated based on the quantity times the sales price.

If the project type is:

  • Time and material: sales prices have a direct consequence for the project invoicing.
  • Fixed price: sales prices are shown by the on-account transactions.

In construction projects, quantities are often calculated based on specific settings.

In Project Control Suite, this is done with calculation groups.

Calculation groups define:

  • The formulas that are used to calculate the estimate line quantities for activities in the work breakdown structure.
  • Models with the default formulas for each transaction type.
  • The setup that is required for progress billing: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit. For progress billing, usually, the scheduled unit variable is a percentage.
  • The setup that is required for subcontracting: a variable that is marked as scheduled unit and for which the unit is defined as well.
    Reason: subcontracting uses purchase orders. On the purchase lines, a unit is required.
  • A cost price (expense) or sales price (expense) for a specific scheduled unit.

Use cost codes

Project manager

You can use cost codes to budget and track cost in a project. A cost code represents a fixed activity or cost category.

You can use:

  • External codes, for example, based on an external standard or list. This can be required for external reporting.
  • Internal codes, for example, for reporting and analysis purposes.

A cost code is always linked to a cost code standard. To each project quotation and related projects, one cost code standard can be linked. You can do so on the project quotation work breakdown structure root node. In a project quotation and the related projects, you can only use cost codes of the linked cost code standard.

Cost code standards are, for example, provided by these organizations:

  • CSI (Construction Specifications Institute).
  • NAHB (National Association of Home Builders).

You can group cost codes for reporting and analysis purposes.

Define project setup

Project manager

On the project quotation work breakdown structure, you can define the project setup:

  • For the root project line - You can change the default project type and project group as retrieved from the Project Control Suite parameters.
    Before you transfer the project quotation to a project, you must at least define a project contract for the root project line.
  • Optionally, for other project lines - If specific project setup is required, you can override the project setup as inherited from the root project line.

Enter estimated costs and revenues

Project manager

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project.

It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task. 

For each activity in the work breakdown structure, you can define the estimated costs and revenue that are required to complete the activity.

Estimated costs and revenue

For an advanced WBS, you add estimated costs and revenue lines of these types:

  • Hour: Use this type to specify the number of hours.
  • Item: Use this type to specify the items and related costs.
  • Fee: Use this type to add a fee to be charged when an activity is done.
  • Expense: Use this type to specify any expenses that are required for an activity. For example, travel costs and hotel costs.
  • On account: Use this type for fixed price projects to create invoices.
  • Equipment: User this type to specify which equipment is required and how long it is required.

Each task in the work breakdown structure, with the effort (hours) filled in, automatically results in an hour line in the estimated costs and revenue.

On the Project Control Suite parameters, you can select the create quotation lines from WBS check box.

As a result, if you close the Advanced WBS page, for each estimated costs and revenue line, a project quotation line is created automatically.

Run WBS calculation

Project manager

If the setup of the work breakdown structure or a part of it is complete, run the WBS calculation.

As a result, based on the calculation setup, this data is calculated.

  • Estimate line quantities if impacted by formulas or variables.
  • Totals for both cost values and sales values.
  • Rates.

Verify design with customer

Product designer

Before you transfer the project quotation to a project, verify the design with the customer.

Generate quotation lines from WBS

Project manager

If you have finished the setup of the WBS, create project quotation lines from the WBS.
With the quotation lines in place, you can define the project quotation pricing and send the project quotation to your customer.

Use calculations in work breakdown structure

Use cost codes in work breakdown structure

Create WBS - Bid import

See also

Provide feedback