On the project quotation work breakdown structure, you can define the project setup:

  • For the root project line - You can change the default project type and project group as retrieved from the Project Control Suite parameters.
    Before you transfer the project quotation to a project, you must at least define a project contract for the root project line.
  • Optionally, for other project lines - If specific project setup is required, you can override the project setup as inherited from the root project line.

Standard procedure

1. Click Advanced project management.
2. Click Project quotation.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
5. Click Advanced WBS.
6. Click Edit.
7. Select a project node.
  Click the Setup tab.
8. You can change the project type.
  In the Project type field, select an option.
9. You can change the project group.
  In the Project group field, enter or select a value.
10. You can create a new project contract or use an existing project contract. To create a new project contract, click the plus button.
  In the Project contract ID field, enter or select a value.

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