A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a description of the work to be done for a project.

It is a hierarchy of tasks that represents the composition of work, cost, and duration of each task. 

For each activity in the work breakdown structure, you can define the estimated costs and revenue that are required to complete the activity.

Estimated costs and revenue

For an advanced WBS, you add estimated costs and revenue lines of these types:

  • Hour: Use this type to specify the number of hours.
  • Item: Use this type to specify the items and related costs.
  • Fee: Use this type to add a fee to be charged when an activity is done.
  • Expense: Use this type to specify any expenses that are required for an activity. For example, travel costs and hotel costs.
  • On account: Use this type for fixed price projects to create invoices.
  • Equipment: User this type to specify which equipment is required and how long it is required.

Each task in the work breakdown structure, with the effort (hours) filled in, automatically results in an hour line in the estimated costs and revenue.

On the Project Control Suite parameters, you can select the create quotation lines from WBS check box.

As a result, if you close the Advanced WBS page, for each estimated costs and revenue line, a project quotation line is created automatically.

Standard procedure

1. Click Advanced project management.
2. Click Project quotation.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Advanced WBS.
5. Click Edit.
6. Select an activity.
7. Select the Estimated costs and revenues tab and click New to enter estimate lines.


For a task, you can define an activity template. If the activity has estimate lines, these are automatically added. You can remove or change these estimate lines.

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