You can use templates to easily add (parts of) a work breakdown structure.
A template is a predefined work breakdown structure that you can reuse in several advanced work breakdown structures.

A template can contain predefined:

  • Projects
  • Activities
  • Estimate lines
  • Calculation data
  • Cost codes

The project setup and price setup are not included in a template.
You can import a template beneath the root project or a subproject.


When you import a WBS template:

  • The complete WBS as defined in the template is imported.
  • The start dates of the imported tasks are defined based on:
    • The start date of the task to which you import.
    • The predecessor relations of the imported tasks.
  • The standard work calendar of the destination project is applied to define the end dates of the imported tasks.

After a template import, you can change the imported WBS lines.

Standard procedure

1. Click Advanced project management.
2. Click Project quotation.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Advanced WBS.
5. Click Edit.
6. Select the node in the WBS beneath which to import the template.
7. Click Import.
8. Select the template to import.
9. Click OK.
10. This message is shown: "Do you want to apply the rate card for this customer instead of the rates in the selected work breakdown structure template? "
  Click Yes.

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