
Activity Area Description

Add checklists to engineering product type

Product engineering setup

You can set up a readiness check to link a questionnaire. This questionnaire must be filled in during the readiness control procedure. 

Prerequisite: Set up a questionnaire in the Questionnaire module. Make sure the persons or teams who must fill in the checklist, are defined in the Questionnaire module.

Add manual checks to engineering product type

Set up product engineering You can set up product readiness control checks for engineering product types. These checks are used to control if released products, versions, or variants are ready for use in transactions. This topic explains how to assign a predefined manual check to an engineering product type.

Add system checks to engineering product type

Product engineering setup You can set up product readiness control checks for engineering product types. These checks are used to control if released products, versions, or variants are ready for use in transactions. This topic explains how to assign a predefined system check to an engineering product type. 

Copy system checks in engineering product type

Product engineering setup

You can set up product readiness control checks for engineering product types. These checks are used to control if released products are ready for use in transactions. This topic explains how to copy an assigned predefined system check on an engineering product type. You can do so if you want to apply the readiness check to several companies, but not to all companies.

Create engineering product type

Product engineering setup

An engineering product type is a template. You need an engineering product type to create or release an engineering product.

In this topic, you create the engineering product type and fill in the main fields. Once the engineering product type is created, you cannot edit these fields. 

Define categories for engineering product type

Product engineering setup For each engineering product type, you can define one or more category hierarchies and categories to which a product belongs. If you release a product with the engineering product type, the product, product version, or product variant is assigned to these categories.

Define engineering attributes for engineering product type

Product engineering setup
Define the engineering attributes for the engineering product type.

You can subdivide the engineering attributes into the groups that you defined for the engineering product type in the Grouping section.

Define engineering change parameters

Set up engineering change management

Before you start using engineering change management, set the engineering change parameters. 

Define product engineering number sequences

Set up product engineering

Define the number sequences that are used for:

  • Staging journals: JournalId
  • Engineering change orders: Order number
  • Engineering change requests: Change request

Set up attribute types

Product engineering setup

Attributes provide a way to further describe a product and its characteristics through user-defined fields. For example: Memory size, Hard disk capacity, and Energy star compliance. 

Attributes are based on attribute types. The attribute type identifies the type of data that can be entered for a specific attribute. 

For more information, refer to Microsoft's Attributes and attribute groups.

Set up attribute-based product naming

Product engineering setup You can use the engineering attributes to configure the product number, product name, and product description. If you do so, on creation of the product, you must set the engineering attribute values. As a result, the product number, product name, and product description are set automatically, based on these attribute values.

Set up automatic number rule

Product engineering setup

You can set up a product version number rule to have a new version number automatically defined based on a format that can have constants and variables.

Example: Your format is V-XX. As a result, on the first release, the product gets version number V-01.

Set up BOM number sequence

Set up product engineering

If you use a staging journal to release products with a BOM, you cannot manually enter a BOM number. Therefore, a BOM number sequence is required in the engineering company to automatically number BOMs.

Set up category hierarchy

Product engineering setup

You can create a hierarchy of product categories and sub-categories to organize matching types and ease navigation through your range of products.

For more information, refer to Create a hierarchy of product classification .

Set up engineering attribute grouping

Product engineering setup

You can use engineering attribute grouping to create groups to which you can assign engineering attributes.

Set up engineering attribute search parameters

Set up product engineering

Define if the on-hand inventory is shown in the product attribute search.

Set up engineering attributes

Product engineering setup

You set up engineering attributes to:

  • Define additional properties for a version, for example, weight, load, material, build.
  • Enable attribute-based product naming.
  • Enable searching products based on engineering attributes.

Before you can set up engineering attributes, you must set up the relevant attribute types.

Set up engineering change categories

Set up engineering change management You can set up the categories to which engineering change orders can be assigned. Use engineering change categories to group engineering change orders.

Set up engineering change priorities

Set up engineering change management You can set up the priorities to be assigned to engineering change requests and engineering change orders.

Set up engineering change reasons

Set up engineering change management You can set up common reasons why an engineering item is changed. You can assign these reasons for change to a product on engineering change requests and engineering change orders.
Examples: Fault, Defect, Product improvement, Customer request.

Set up engineering change severities

Set up engineering change management

You can use severities to determine how severe the impact of a change on an engineering change order is or can be. 

For example, for high-impact changes, set the severity to "Very high" and for only a small change, set the severity to "Very low". 

You first set up the severities and then you set up the rule sets for these severities. A severity rule set defines how a severity is calculated based on the changes that are made with an engineering change order.

Set up the severities that you can use to:

  • Manually define the severity.
  • Set up severity rule sets which calculate the severity based on the applied changes. 

Set up engineering change severity rule sets

Set up engineering change management

You can use severities to determine how severe the impact of a change on an engineering change order is or can be. To (automatically) calculate the severity of an engineering change order, set up severity rule sets. For each severity rule set, define the rules that must be met to apply the related severity.

You can add these rules to a severity rule set: 

  • Route change (triggered by any change made to routes)
  • BOM change (triggered by any change made to BOMs)
  • Document change (triggered by any change made to documents)
  • Attribute change (triggered by any change made to engineering attributes)
  • Impact change (triggered if the Impact is changed to New version or New product)

On (automatic) calculate, the severity rule sets are checked from top to bottom. The first severity rule set for which all defined rules are met determines the severity.

Usually, you put the severity rule set with the most rules at the top, and the one with the least rules at the bottom of the list. Use the Up and Down buttons to define the sequence in which the severity rule sets are checked. 

You have three rule sets: "High", "Medium" and "Low"
  1. High: Route change, BOM change, Document change, Attribute change, Impact change
  2. Medium: Route change, BOM change, Document change
  3. Low: Document change

Scenario 1: An engineering change order has changes to the route, the BOM, and the document. On calculate, the severity is set to Medium.

Scenario 2: An engineering change order has a change to the document. On calculate, the severity is set to Low.

Scenario 3: An engineering change order has changes to route, BOM, document, attribute, and impact. On calculate, the severity is set to High.

Set up engineering change workflows

Product engineering setup To be able to work with engineering change management, you must set up a workflow for: 
  • Engineering change requests 
  • Engineering change orders 
You can add a task to the engineering change orders workflow, to process dependencies.

Set up engineering company

Product engineering setup

The engineering company is the company that releases new products or makes changes to a product. This is a prerequisite for creating an engineering product type. 

Set up engineering release control parameters

Set up product engineering

Set up the release control parameters to define the behavior of releasing and receiving products. 

Set up engineering version control parameters

Set up product engineering

Define if it is allowed to use inactive or not-effective engineering versions on transactions.

Set up environment, health, and safety

Set up engineering change management You can set up references to legal regulations, (inter)national standards, and industry standards that apply to environment, health and safety. You can assign several environment, health and safety references to each product on an engineering change order.
Examples: FDA (Food and Drug Administration), MDD (Medical Device Directive), RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances).

Set up list number rule

Product engineering setup

You can set up a product version number rule to have a new version number defined based on the order of a predefined list.
Example: Your list is A, B, C, D, E. On first release, the product gets version number A. If version E is released, further version releases are blocked.

Set up manual number rule

Product engineering setup You can set up a product version number rule to manually enter the new version number when you release a new version of a product.

Set up material dispositions

Set up engineering change management You can use material dispositions to give information on what must be done with existing inventory and orders when an engineering change is made. You can assign a material disposition to each product on engineering change requests and engineering change orders.
Examples of material dispositions are: Rework, Scrap, or Use as-is.

Set up product dimension group

Product engineering setup

If you need to set up an engineering product type with product sub-type Product master, you must also set up the relevant product dimension group. Set up a product dimension group so that it reflects the required engineering type:

  • Precise engineering: the Version dimension must be active.
  • Imprecise engineering: the Version dimension must be inactive.

For more information, refer to Product dimensions

Set up product owners

Product engineering setup
Set up the product owners who are allowed to release products and approve changes made to products. You can set up a product owner that is linked to a user or a team of users. Only the product owners, as assigned to a product, can release the product.

Set up product statuses

Product engineering setup

The product status represents the phase of the product in the product life cycle. For each product status, you can define a set of rules to allow, warn for, or block specific actions. 

Example: A product is at the end of its life cycle. Therefore, it must be blocked for use on a sales order line. To do so, use a product status called "End of life" for which use in sales order lines is blocked.

Product statuses are a prerequisite for creating an engineering product type. 

Set up received customer approval

Set up engineering change management You can set up common approval replies that you receive from customers. You can assign a customer approval reply to each product on an engineering change order.
Examples: Yes, No, N/A.

Set up release control

Product engineering setup
If you manage engineering-controlled products in an engineering company, you release the products to logistical companies. You can use release control to make the product release specific for each logistical company.
On the engineering product type, you can define how a product is released from the engineering company to logistical companies.
You can release products to companies that are not defined in the release control of an engineering product type. If you do so, no specific settings are taken into account.

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