Set up the release control parameters to define the behavior of releasing and receiving products. 

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product engineering > Setup > Product engineering parameters.
2. Click the Release control tab.
3. Push:
Items are released by the engineering company and added to the released items of the logistical company.

Items are released by the engineering company (push). The logistical company decides if the items are received and added to their released items (pull).
  In the Release control field, select an option.
4. Choose if the item number is determined by the engineering product number sequence or the local item number sequence when it is received in the logistical company.
  In the Item number rule field, select an option.
5. Choose if the BOM name is determined by the engineering name or the received item number when it is received in the logistical company.
  In the BOM name rule field, select an option.
6. Choose if the route name is determined by the engineering name or the received item number when it is received in the logistical company.
  In the Route name rule field, select an option.
7. Choose whether or not you want to perform the standard D365 BOM check as part of the release.
  Select an option in the Run BOM check field.
8. Choose what happens if an item is released with an inactive BOM: allow (allow the release to continue without warning), warn (allow the release to continue with warning), or block it (the complete release is stopped).
  In the Release behavior of inactive BOM field, select an option.
9. Choose what happens if an item is sent with an inactive route: allow, warn, or block it.
  In the Release behavior of inactive route field, select an option.
10. Define the template item for non-engineering items with a BOM.
  In the Template BOM item field, enter or select a value.
11. Define the template item for non-engineering items without a BOM.
  In the Template purchase item field, enter or select a value.
12. Define the template item for non-engineering service items.
  In the Template service item field, enter or select a value.
13. Define if, on releasing an item, a BOM approval is copied from the engineering company to a logistical company. Otherwise, the BOM must be approved again in the logistical company.
  Select an option in the Copy BOM approval field.
14. Define if, on releasing an item, a BOM activation is copied from the engineering company to the logistical company. Otherwise, the BOM must be activated again in the logistical company.
  Select an option in the Copy BOM activation field.

Note: You can only select the Copy activation check box if the BOM approval is copied.

15. Define if, on releasing an item, a route approval is copied from the engineering company to the logistical company. Otherwise the route must be approved again in the logistical company.
  Select an option in the Copy route approval field.
16. Define if, on releasing an item, a route activation is copied from the engineering company to the logistical company. Otherwise the route must be activated again in the logistical company.
  Select an option in the Copy route activation field.

Note: You can only select the Copy activation check box if the approval is copied.

17. Close the page.

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