You can use severities to determine how severe the impact of a change on an engineering change order is or can be. 

For example, for high-impact changes, set the severity to "Very high" and for only a small change, set the severity to "Very low". 

You first set up the severities and then you set up the rule sets for these severities. A severity rule set defines how a severity is calculated based on the changes that are made with an engineering change order.

Set up the severities that you can use to:

  • Manually define the severity.
  • Set up severity rule sets which calculate the severity based on the applied changes. 

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product engineering > Setup > Engineering change management > Severities.
2. Click New.
3. In the Severity field, type a value.
4. Close the page.


You can use the Up and Down buttons to define the display sequence of the severities.

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