Before you sign off a task, review the recorded time. You can:

  • Make changes to a recorded time overview entry. When you confirm the changes:
    • The entry in the time overview is updated.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is updated.
  • Add a time overview entry. When you confirm the new time overview entry:
    • An entry is added to the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, a transaction is created of type 'Hour'. The transaction description is defined by the selected registration type in the Rental Mobile Operations app.
  • Delete a time overview entry. When you delete a time overview entry:
    • The entry is deleted from the time overview.
    • In D365 FO, in the Work order line transactions, the related transaction is deleted.

Note: If you work offline, the transactions in D365 FO are only created when you synchronize to D365 FO.

Standard procedure

1. On the Task details page, tap 'Time overview'.
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2. You can change a recorded or manually added time overview entry.
  On the desired time overview entry, tap the edit icon.
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3. In the Entry section, you can make the desired changes.
4. Tap 'Confirm'.
5. You can manually add a time overview entry.
  On the action bar, tap '+'.
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6. In the Entry section, fill in the fields.
7. Tap 'Confirm'.
8. You can delete a time overview entry.
  On the desired time overview entry, tap the delete icon.
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You can only change or delete a time overview entry if the related work order line transaction in D365 FO is not posted.

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