
Activity Area Description

Add quotation lines


Add the desired quotation lines to the created rental quotation or project rental quotation.

You can add lines to a:
  • Rental quotation for:
    • Bulk rental items
    • Serialized rental items
    • Service items
  • Project rental quotation of types:
    • Item. The item quotation lines can be for:
      • Bulk rental items
      • Serialized rental items
      • Service items
    • Hour
    • Expense
    • Fee
For quotation lines, a one-way synchronization is applied. You can only add quotation lines in D365 FO. When a quotation line is added in D365 FO, it is synchronized to the Products section of the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Change default quote type

If a quote is created from an opportunity, the Quote Type is defined by a default setting in Power Apps. So, a default value for the Quote Type, if set in the Default Parameter Configurations, is not applied.
These quote types are applicable to Rental Management for D365 Sales:


  • Rental: The quote is not related to a rental project. On synchronization with D365 FO, a rental quotation is created.
  • Project rental: The quote is created for a rental project. On synchronization with D365 FO, a project rental quotation is created.


To change the default quote type setting for the applicable Dataverse table column, follow the steps in this topic.

Convert prospect to customer


If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, and the prospect accepts the quotation, you must convert the prospect to a customer before you can confirm the (project) rental quotation.

If the prospect is converted to a customer, in Rental Management for D365 Sales, for the related account, the relationship type is changed to 'Customer'.
Note: You can only convert a prospect to a customer in D365 FO.

Create lead


Use leads to keep track of business prospects. A lead can be an existing customer or a company or someone you have never done business with before.

In the integration between Rental Management for D365 Sales and D365 FO, leads are not synchronized.

For more information, refer to Create or edit leads.

Create quote


Use quotes to make an offer to a potential customer. A quote includes the pricing details of products your potential customer is interested in.

You can create a quote from an opportunity. You can also directly create a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.
For more information on creating and editing a quote, refer to Create or edit quotes.
Additionally, on creation of a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales, define the:
  • Quote type
  • Rental details
  • Rental dates
For more information, refer to the notes of this topic.

Edit account in Rental Management for D365 Sales


In the Rental Management for D365 Sales main process, when you qualify a lead, an account is created. You can also directly create an account in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

You can edit:
  • An existing account in Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to Manage account.
    In Rental Management for D365 Sales, an account is a company with which you (potentially) do business.
  • A D365 FO prospect that is related to an account in Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to the steps of this topic.
    In D365 FO, a prospect is a company with which you potentially do business.
For accounts and prospects, a two-way synchronization is applied. If you edit:
  • An account in Rental Management for D365 Sales, the changes are synchronized to the related prospect in D365 FO.
  • A prospect in D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related account in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Edit contact in Rental Management for D365 Sales


In the Rental Management for D365 Sales main process, when you qualify a lead, a contact is created. You can also directly create a contact in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

You can edit:
  • An existing contact in Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to Manage contacts.
  • A D365 FO contact that is related to a contact in Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to the steps of this topic.
For contacts, a two-way synchronization is applied. If you edit a contact in:
  • Rental Management for D365 Sales, the changes are synchronized to the related contact in D365 FO.
  • D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related contact in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Edit quote header

You can edit the general quote information in:
  • Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to Create or edit quotes.
  • D365 FO: For more information, refer to the steps and notes of this topic.
For general quote information, for most fields, a two-way synchronization is applied. If you edit:
  • General quote information in Rental Management for D365 Sales, the changes are synchronized to the related rental quotation header or project rental quotation header in D365 FO.
  • A rental quotation header or a project rental quotation header in D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Edit rental order

An order, as shown in Rental Management for D365 Sales, can be created in D365 FO:
  • Automatically when a rental quotation is confirmed, resulting in a rental order.
  • When a project rental quotation is transferred to a project, resulting in a project rental order.
  • Manually as rental order or project rental order.
For (project) rental orders and lines, a one-way synchronization is applied. So, you can edit a (project) rental order and its lines in D365 FO only. If you edit a (project) rental order or line in D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related order in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Link Rental Management for D365 Sales to D365 FO environment


During implementation, link the Rental Management for D365 Sales environment to the desired D365 FO environment.

You can link a Rental Management for D365 Sales environment to only one D365 FO environment.

Qualify lead

Rental Qualify the lead after you have defined the timeframe, budget, and purchase process of the lead.
For more information, refer to Qualify or convert leads.

Register response of prospect on quote

If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, the prospect can:
  • Accept the quote. In this case, confirm the quotation.
  • Reject the quote. In this case, mark the quotation as lost.
You can also cancel a (project) rental quotation.
If you confirm a:
  • Rental quotation, automatically a rental order is created.
  • Project rental quotation, no rental order is created. You must transfer a confirmed project rental quotation to a project.
  • You can only mark a (project) rental quotation as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled' in D365 FO.
  • In D365 FO, you cannot change a (project) rental quotation that is marked as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled'. In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you cannot change the related quote.

Send project rental quotation

Rental If the creation of a project rental quotation is finished, send it to the customer for approval.
To do so, post the Quotation journal. As a result, a project rental quotation journal is created.
If desired, you can print the project rental quotation.
When you send the project rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the project rental quotation is not sent before.
Note: You can only send a project rental quotation from D365 FO.

Send rental quotation

Rental If the creation of a rental quotation is finished, send the rental quotation to the customer or prospect. You create a rental quotation document which you can, for example, send by email or mail. 
When you send the rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the rental quotation is not sent before.
Note: You can only send a rental quotation from D365 FO.

Set DynaRent for D365 Sales integration parameters in D365 FO


In the Rental parameters in D365 FO, set the Rental Management for D365 Sales integration parameters.

In Rental Management for D365 Sales, when a product line is created, it must have either the Existing Product or the Sales Product Category defined.

In D365 FO, a project rental quotation or project rental order can have lines of these transactions types:

  • Item
  • Expense
  • Fee
  • Hour

If the type is 'Item', an item must be always filled in for the line in D365 FO. So, lines of type 'Item' are properly synchronized to Rental Management for D365 Sales. The defined item is filled in the 'Existing Product' field of the Rental Management for D365 Sales product line.

For the other transaction types, for the lines in D365 FO, the Sales category field is not mandatory. And if it is not filled in, no product line can be created in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

To make sure, always a product line can be created in Rental Management for D365 Sales, set a default sales category for these transaction types:

  • Expense
  • Fee
  • Hour

If in D365 FO the sales category is defined in either the project rental quotation/order line or the Rental parameters, a product line is created in Rental Management for D365 Sales with the Sales Product Category field filled.

Set Sales and marketing parameters related to DynaRent for D365 Sales


In the Sales and marketing parameters in D365 FO, set the Opportunities parameters to 'Never'.

If the integration between D365 FO and Rental Management for D365 Sales is active, opportunities are managed in Rental Management for D365 Sales. So, it is not desirable that opportunities are created in D365 FO.

If not set to 'Never', on synchronization of (project) rental quotations from Rental Management for D365 Sales to D365 FO, an error message is shown.

Set up default values for new Rental Management for D365 Sales records


You can define default values that are applied when you create a new record. 

In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you can apply default values to new:
  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Quotes
  • Default values are only applied if no other value is already filled in. For example, if a quote is created from an opportunity, where applicable, the values as defined for the opportunity are applied instead of the default values.
  • If a quote is created from an opportunity, the Quote Type is defined by a default setting in Dataverse. So, a default value configuration for the Quote Type in the Default Parameter Configurations is not applied.

Transfer project rental quotation to project


If a project rental quotation is confirmed, transfer it to a project. Only if you transfer quotation items to a rental order, a rental order is created for the project rental quotation.
In the transfer quotation wizard, you can, for example, indicate if:

  • The quotation is transferred to an existing project, or a new project is created.
  • The quotation transactions are transferred to the project forecast.
  • The quotation items are transferred to rental lines on a rental order. This is done only for quotation lines with these settings:
    • Transaction type = Item
    • Rental transaction type = Rental
    • Order line type = Sales/Purchase
  • You can only convert a project rental quotation to a project in D365 FO.
  • If a rental order is created based on the project rental quotation, it is synchronized to Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Upload files in D365 FO


In D365 FO, you can attach files to records. The files are uploaded to a SharePoint folder. For these D365 FO entities, the path to an attached file is synchronized to Rental Management for D365 Sales:

  • Prospect: Synchronized to the related account.
  • Rental quotation: Synchronized to the related quote.
  • Project rental quotation: Synchronized to the related quote.
  • Rental order: Synchronized to the related order.
  • Project rental order: Synchronized to the related order.

Uploaded files are stored in SharePoint in one general folder.

Upload files in Rental Management for D365 Sales


In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you can upload files. The files are uploaded to a SharePoint folder. For these Rental Management for D365 Sales entities, the path to the SharePoint folder is synchronized to D365 FO:

  • Account: Synchronized to the related prospect.
  • Quote: Synchronized to the related rental quotation or project rental quotation.
  • Order: Synchronized to the related rental order or project rental order.
The uploaded file is stored in SharePoint in a specific folder for the Rental Management for D365 Sales record. If:
  • No folder exists for the Rental Management for D365 Sales record, a folder is created in which the uploaded file is stored.
  • A folder exists for the Rental Management for D365 Sales record, the uploaded file is stored in this folder.

View files from D365 FO that are uploaded in DynaRent for D365 Sales


In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you can upload files. The files are uploaded to a SharePoint folder. For these Rental Management for D365 Sales entities, the path to the SharePoint folder is synchronized to D365 FO:

  • Account: Synchronized to the related prospect.
  • Quote: Synchronized to the related rental quotation or project rental quotation.
  • Order: Synchronized to the related rental order.
From D365 FO, using the synchronized path, you can access the SharePoint folder where the files are stored.

View files in Rental Management for D365 Sales that are uploaded in D365 FO


In D365 FO, you can attach files to records. The files are uploaded to a SharePoint folder. For these D365 FO entities, the path to an attached file is synchronized to Rental Management for D365 Sales:

  • Prospect: Synchronized to the related account.
  • Rental quotation: Synchronized to the related quote.
  • Project rental quotation: Synchronized to the related quote.
  • Rental order: Synchronized to the related order.

In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you can view and open the files that are attached in D365 FO.

View or add table configurations to open D365 FO pages from Rental Management for D365 Sales


A table configuration is used to open the right D365 FO page from Rental Management for D365 Sales.

On installation of Rental Management for D365 Sales, these standard table configurations are created automatically:


  • account - accountnumber
  • contact - ti_contactforpartynumber
  • quote - msdyn_quotenumber
  • salesorder - msdyn_salesordernumber 


Do not change or delete these standard table configurations.

If desired, you can add custom table configurations. If you do so, follow the steps in this topic. As a result, the 'Open' button is added to the command bar of the applicable form in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Note: You can only add table configurations for Rental Management for D365 Sales tables which have the Company field.

View segments and subsegments


Segments and subsegments let you create groups of related prospects or customers that you can target with different customer journeys based on your business requirements.

For segments and subsegments, a one-way synchronization is applied. The segments and subsegments are maintained in D365 FO and synchronized to Rental Management for D365 Sales.
In Rental Management for D365 Sales, on creation of an account, you can indicate to which segment the account belongs. If you have defined a segment, you can indicate to which subsegment the account belongs.
You can view the synchronized segments and subsegments in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

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