A table configuration is used to open the right D365 FO page from Rental Management for D365 Sales.

On installation of Rental Management for D365 Sales, these standard table configurations are created automatically:


  • account - accountnumber
  • contact - ti_contactforpartynumber
  • quote - msdyn_quotenumber
  • salesorder - msdyn_salesordernumber 


Do not change or delete these standard table configurations.

If desired, you can add custom table configurations. If you do so, follow the steps in this topic. As a result, the 'Open' button is added to the command bar of the applicable form in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Note: You can only add table configurations for Rental Management for D365 Sales tables which have the Company field.

Standard procedure

1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales.
2. In the Site map, at the bottom, click DynaRent, App Settings.
3. In the Site map, click Table Configurations.
4. To add a table configuration, in the command bar, click New.
5. Fill in the fields.

Note: For a detailed explanation of the fields, refer to the Notes section.

6. If the 'Allow Multiple Tables opening?' field is set to 'Yes':
  • The 'D365 FO Menu Item Name' field is not available.
  • Fill in the 'Conditional Column' field
  • In the 'Conditions' pane, add the desired conditions. To do so, click 'New Condition', and fill in the fields.

Note: For a detailed explanation of the fields, refer to the Notes section.

7. To return to the DynaRent area, in the Site map, at the bottom, click App Settings, DynaRent.


General table configuration fields:





By default, the table configuration name is composed of the Table Name and the Primary Key Column values, divided by ' - '. If you want another name, you can enter a name as desired .

Table Name

Select the desired Rental Management for D365 Sales table .

Primary Key Column

Enter the name of the table column that is the primary key of the table. The primary key is used to find and open the right record in D365 FO .

Allow Multiple Table Opening?

Sometimes, a table in Rental Management for D365 Sales is related to several tables in D365 FO. For example, the quotes in Rental Management for D365 Sales are related to the sales quotations, rental quotations, and project rental quotations in D365 FO.
In this case, select 'Yes' in this field.
As a result, the
D365 FO Menu Item Name field is hidden and the Conditional Column field is shown .

D365 FO Menu Item Name

Enter the applicable D365 FO menu item to be opened for the Rental Management for D365 Sales table.
Note: This field is only available if the 'Allow Multiple Table
O pening?' field is set to 'No' .

Conditional Column

Enter the column of the Rental Management for D365 Sales table that defines the condition. Based on this condition, a D365 FO page is opened.
Usually, an enum type field is used as condition. Example: ti_type. For each of the enum values, create a condition record in the
Conditions pane.
Note: This field is only available if the 'Allow Multiple Table opening?' field is set to 'Yes'


Conditions fields:





By default, the condition name is composed of the ‘Value’ and the D365 FO Menu Item Name values, divided by ' - '. If you want another name, you can enter a name as desired.


The value of the defined ‘Conditional Column’ to which the condition applies. Usually, this is the number of an enum value.

D365 FO Menu Item Name

Enter the applicable D365 FO menu item to be opened for the value.

Table Configuration

The table configuration to which this condition belongs.
Note: This field is not editable.

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