You can define default values that are applied when you create a new record. 

In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you can apply default values to new:
  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Quotes
  • Default values are only applied if no other value is already filled in. For example, if a quote is created from an opportunity, where applicable, the values as defined for the opportunity are applied instead of the default values.
  • If a quote is created from an opportunity, the Quote Type is defined by a default setting in Dataverse. So, a default value configuration for the Quote Type in the Default Parameter Configurations is not applied.

Standard procedure

1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales.
2. In the Site map, at the bottom, click DynaRent, App Settings.
3. In the Site map, click Default Parameter Configurations.
4. In the command bar, click New.
5. Fill in the fields.

Note: For a detailed explanation of the fields, refer to the Notes section.

6. In the command bar, click Save.
7. In the Default Parameters pane, click New Default Parameter.
8. Fill in the fields.

Note: For a detailed explanation of the fields, refer to the Notes section.

9. In the command bar, click Save & Close.
10. To return to the DynaRent area, in the Site map, at the bottom, click App Settings, DynaRent.


Default parameter configuration fields:






By default, the default parameter configuration name is composed of the ‘Table Name’ and the ‘User’ or ‘Company’ values, divided by ' - '. If you want another name, you can enter a name as desired .

Table name

Select the Rental Management for D365 Sales table for which you want to set default values. You can set default values for these tables:

·         Accounts

·         Contacts

·         Leads

·         Opportunities

·         Quotes

Note: If you want to set default values for another table, you must first enable this table for default parameter setup.


Indicate if the default values are applicable to a specific user or to a specific company.

Note: You can set a default value for the same table and column for both a user and a company. If this user works in this company and creates a record, the user default value is applied.


Enter the company to which the default values apply.

Note: This field is only available if the value of the ‘User/Company?’ field is ‘Company’.


Enter the user to which the default values apply.

Note: This field is only available if the value of the ‘User/Company?’ field is ‘User’.


Default parameters fields:






By default, the default parameter name is composed of the ‘Column’ and the ‘Value’ values, divided by ' - '. If you want another name, you can enter a name as desired .


Select the column for which you want to set a default value.


Enter the default value for the defined column.

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