
Flow Description


In Rental Logistics Scanning, you can use Picking to pick rental items. 

Receive bulk items

You can use Mass return to receive the returned bulk items.

Return item

In Rental return, you can return rental items and add information.

Scan serialized item

You can use Mass return to receive the returned serialized items.

Select picking route

In Picking, select the desired picking route to start picking. 

Set general Anywhere app parameters

Set the general parameters for the Anywhere apps. These parameters define, for example, how Anywhere apps use barcodes and product dimensions.

Set up Rental Logistics Scanning parameters

Set the parameters for Rental Logistics Scanning. These parameters define, for example, how the Rental Logistics Scanning app handles rental shop deliveries and returns, mass returns, and item counting.

Start picking route

When you have selected the desired picking route, you can start the picking process. 

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