Use the 'My cases page to view the cases created by your company.

If you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for any purpose.

Rental contact Rental contact Start Start View cases View cases Use the 'My cases page to view the cases created by your company. The cases on the 'My cases' page can be created for: Equipment to: Report damage. Request changing rental dates. Request stopping the rental period. A rental order line to: Report damage. Request changing the on-rent date. Request changing the expected off-rent date. An invoice to start, for example, a discussion on a rental invoice. Your organization settings to request a change of the organization settings. Any purpose. Procedure 1. Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal. 2. Click 'My case'. 3. You can view the case details. Click the 'Case ID' of the desired case. Note: To open the case details, you can also click the drop-down icon, and click 'View details'. Notes Fields on the 'My cases' page: Field Description Case ID The identification of the case. Description The short description of the case. Status The case status as provided by the rental company. Rental order The rental order to which the case is related. The rental order is automatically filled when you create an equipment case, rental order line case, or invoice case. Invoice number The invoice to which the case is related. The invoice number is automatically filled when you create an invoice case.   Fields on the 'Case details' page: Field Description Description The short description of the case. Customer account The rental company’s customer account identification for your company. Rental order The rental order to which the case is related. The rental order is automatically filled when you create an equipment case, rental order line case, or invoice case. Invoice number The invoice to which the case is related. The invoice number is automatically filled when you create an invoice case. Notes The detailed description of the case. Create case? Create case? Create case Create case Use the 'My cases page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for any purpose. The default case description is the rental company’s customer account identification for your company. Procedure 1. Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal. 2. Click 'My cases'. 3. Click 'Create case'. 4. If desired, change the default description. 5. In the 'Customer' field, select the customer account. 6. In the 'Notes' field, enter detailed information. 7. Click 'Submit'. End End Yes No


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View cases

Rental contact

Use the 'My cases page to view the cases created by your company. The cases on the 'My cases' page can be created for:

  • Equipment to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing rental dates.
    • Request stopping the rental period.
  • A rental order line to:
    • Report damage.
    • Request changing the on-rent date.
    • Request changing the expected off-rent date.
  • An invoice to start, for example, a discussion on a rental invoice.
  • Your organization settings to request a change of the organization settings.
  • Any purpose.

Create case

Rental contact

Use the 'My cases page, if you have the 'Maintain' or 'Admin' user role, you can create a case for any purpose.

The default case description is the rental company’s customer account identification for your company.

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