
Flow Description

Create test cases

Use a test case to test a process. For each test case, you can define a specific sequence of steps through the process to be tested. You can define several test cases for a process, as the steps done in a process can vary.

Define pre and post actions for test case

You can set up a test case event procedure with test actions that are done in a specific sequence. These actions can be done before or after the test case is run. A test case event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on a test case event.
Optionally, you can run an action under specific conditions. For conditions, you can use functions that are available for the application.

Define tests for test case steps

For a test case step that concerns a button, you can set up a control event procedure with actions that are done in a specific sequence. A control event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on the On button clicked control event. So, the procedure is started if the button is clicked.

Design application configuration

Design the configuration of a mobile application. The main elements in an application configuration are:
  • Application: The application is the base element for the mobile device applications that you can build with Mobility studio.
  • Processes: A process is a flow of actions on a mobile device to finish a task.
  • Forms: For each action to be done on a mobile device, create a form. Each form is part of a process of actions to do a task.
  • Form controls: A form control is a UI element of the form, for example, a field, a button, or a text.
Before you configure a mobile application, make sure the libraries are up-to-date.

Design application event procedure

You can set up an application event procedure with actions that are done in a specific sequence. An application event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on an application event.
Optionally, you can run an action under specific conditions. For conditions, you can use functions that are available for the application.

Design applications

Set up and manage the required applications. The application is the base element for the mobile device applications that you can build with Mobility studio.
For each application, you can define the applicable:
  • Labels - A label defines a piece of text to appear on the application as shown on the mobile device.
  • Variables - A variable is used to store data in mobile device sessions. You can also create form-specific variables.
  • Event procedures - An application event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on one of the application events.
  • Processes - A process is a flow of actions on a mobile device to finish a task.
  • Preview style sheets - These style sheets define the appearance of forms on the application previews.
  • Libraries - An application library defines which library elements can be used in the application design. Library elements are: actions, test actions, functions, test functions, and data sets.

Design control event procedure - Button

For a button, define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done when the button is clicked.

Design control event procedure - Check box

For a check box, you can also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done when the check box is cleared or selected.

Design control event procedure - Signature capture

For a signature capture control, also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done if the signature is captured and the resulting file is created. The signature capture file is stored in the file store.
Create an action to link the signature capture file to the related record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations. Add this action to the event procedure.

Design control event procedure - Text box

For a text box, you can also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done if the value in the text box is changed.

Design form control - Button

You can add a control of type Button to a form.
For a button, also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done when the button is clicked.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Camera

You can add a control of type Camera to a form. As a result, you can use the mobile device to take a picture or record a video and save it to Anywhere mobility studio.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Check box

You can add a control of type Checkbox to a form.
For a check box, you can also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done when the check box is cleared or selected.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Configurable grid

You can add a control of type Configurable grid to a form.
To fill the configurable grid, a query is required. Compared to the Data grid control, you can configure the required query for the Configurable grid. So, no coding is required.
You must also configure the configurable grid columns.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Data grid

You can add a control of type Data grid to a form. 
To fill the data grid, a data set is required. Compared to the configurable grid, you must develop the required data set for the data grid. So, coding is required to create the data set that queries your data. You use the data grid, for example, for lists that are based on enums instead of data.
You must also configure the data grid columns.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Label-old

You can add a control of type Label to a form.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Literal HTML

You can add a control of type Literal HTML to a form. With this control type, you can use literal XHTML tags to add controls to a form.

Design form control - Report output link

You can add a control of type Report output link to a form. As a result, a button is added to the form. If clicked, a file is opened and shown on the mobile device.

To be able to open the file, a class method is required that gets the file from a location that is both accessible from the mobile device and from the AOS.

Design form control - Signature capture

You can add a control of type Signature capture to a form.
For a signature capture control, also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done if the signature is captured and the resulting document is created.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form control - Text box

You can add a control of type Textbox to a form.
For a text box, you can also define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done if the value in the text box is changed.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form controls

For each form, define the applicable controls. A control is a UI element of the form, for example, a field, a button, or a text.
For several types of form controls, you also need to define the control event procedure. A control event procedure has one or more actions that are done on a specific control event, like text changed or button clicked.
If your company uses different types of mobile devices, controls can require a different layout for each device.

Design form event procedure

You can set up a form event procedure with actions that are done in a specific sequence. A form event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on a form event.

Optionally, you can run an action under specific conditions. For conditions, you can use variables or functions that are available for the application or form.

Design forms

For each action to be done on a mobile device, create a form. Each form is part of a process of actions to do a task.
For each form, define the applicable:
  • Variables - A variable is used to store data in mobile device sessions. You can also create application-specific variables.
  • Controls - A control defines an element on a form. For example, a button or a field.
  • Form event procedures - A form event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on one of the form events.

Design processes

To each application, add the applicable processes. A process is a flow of actions on a mobile device to finish a task. For each of the process actions you set up a specific form.
Assign each process to the applicable roles.

Design test cases

Use a test case to test a process. For each test case, you can define and use:
  • Test variables
    You can use test variables as input during test execution. For each test variable, you can define the default value.
  • Pre and post actions
    You can do actions before or after a test case is run. To do so, set up a test case event procedure with test actions that are done in a specific sequence. A test case event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on a test case event.
  • Tests for steps
    For a test case step that concerns a button, you can set up specific tests. To do so, set up a control event procedure with actions that are done in a specific sequence. A control event procedure has one action or a series of actions that are done on the On button clicked control event. So, the procedure is started if the button is clicked.
  • Test scenarios
    You can add test scenarios to a test case to do several tests with a different data set. Depending on the data, you can run the test under different conditions. You can only use scenarios, if you also use test variables.

Design tests

Use test cases to design tests for the processes as defined in the Mobility studio. For each test case, you can define a specific sequence of steps through the process to be tested. You can define several test cases for a process, as the steps done in a process can vary.

Exchange configurations

You can export or import a configuration with an XML file.
You can monitor the export and import history.

Exchange test setup

You can exchange the test setup to run the same tests on another environment. You can do so on several levels.

Manage automatic updates

STAEDEAN offers several apps that are designed in Anywhere mobility studio. For example, Anywhere for Logistics. For these apps, monthly updates are released and available as deployable package in LCS.
To get app updates in your D365 FO environment, install the deployable package. For Anywhere apps, after the installation, several elements must be refreshed or updated in your D365 FO environment to make the changes available:
  • Libraries
  • Applications
  • Style sheets
If you run the app from cache, also the cache must be updated with the changes.
For informational purposes, the portal version and latest update are also shown.

Monitor active sessions

Once an application is live, each time a user logs on to the application via a mobile device, a session is created. You can monitor these active sessions in the active users log.
If required, you can also delete sessions that are expired.
You can also monitor the actual license usage of a library compared to the available number of licenses.

Monitor test results

Each time you run a test, a test run is created. You can run tests for these entities:
  • Test scenario
  • Test case
  • Test suite
  • Test plan
All elements of the test entity that you run are added to the test run. For example, if you run a test suite, each of its test cases is run. And for each test case in the test suite also the test scenarios are run. So, the resulting test run has all test cases and all the related test scenarios covered.
Use the test runs to analyze the results of the tests.

Monitor tests

If you have finished the design of your tests, you can start the execution and monitoring of the actual tests.
In the execution and monitoring phase, you:
  • Compose test suites and test plans to define what is tested when.
  • Run the test plans and, if needed, test suites.
  • Monitor the test results.

Monitor transaction history

All events during a session on a mobile device, are logged in the transaction history. In case of errors, you can have a look in the transaction history.
If required, you can clean up the transaction history.

Run app from cache

Running an app on the real-time configuration in Anywhere mobility studio can be slow in a Tier 2 environment. In this case, you can choose to run an app on a cached configuration. This is faster, but the app can be outdated.
You can publish a menu or a process to cache.
In order for the cache to work optimally, you must set the cache limit to the required number of records. In the Anywhere mobility studio parameters, you can calculate the required cache size after you have published a menu or process to cache. The calculation gets the number of records that are created in the cache for the published menus and processes. You can use this number to set the cache limit.
To run an app from cache, for the applicable user accounts, set the Run time mode to Cache or Get from parameter. If set to Get from parameter, make sure the Run time mode field on the Anywhere mobility studio parameters is set to Cache.
You can check if a cached menu or process is still up-to-date.

Run tests

Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. If needed, you can also run test suites.
A test plan can have test suites from several applications. A test suite can have test cases from but one application.
Each time you run a test, a test run is created. All elements of the test plan or test suite that you run are added to the test run.
You run a test plan. As a result:
  • Each of its test suites is run.
  • For each of these test suites, also the defined test cases are run.
  • For each of these test cases, also the defined test scenarios are run.

Set up Anywhere mobility studio parameters

Set up the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.

Set up appearance

Set up style sheets to define the appearance of:
  • Menus and processes on mobile devices.
  • Applications in the design previews of Mobility studio.
You can also set up CSS classes, to define the appearance of menus and form controls on mobile devices.

Set up counters

For each process, you can set up a counter that is shown on the process tile on a menu.
A counter can give information on, for example, the workload or the escalation level of the process.
For each counter, a query is required to get the relevant data.

Set up general configuration

Define the basic settings for Anywhere mobility studio.

Set up label translations

In Anywhere mobility studio, you can translate labels with Google Translate or Microsoft Translate. To these translation services, you must register for it and get an API key from the translation service provider.

Set up map API

In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications with the Maps Embed API. To use this API, you must register for it, get an API key from Google, and enter this key in the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.

In your applications, you can use these predefined actions to embed Google Maps:

  • Search Map: Use this action to show a location on a map. For example, the location of a machine on a map.
  • Direction Map: Use this action to show a route between a starting point and a destination on a map.
  • Add waypoint: Use this action to add waypoints between the starting point and destination of a direction map.
To use:
  • The search map or direction map, create a form with a Literal HTML control to position the map on the form. Add the 'Search Map' or 'Direction Map' action to the OnLoad form event. You can add fields to the form that are related to the action parameters.
  • Waypoints, create a form with at least a field to enter the waypoint and a button to confirm it. Add the 'Add waypoint' action to the button event control. You can only use the 'Add waypoint' action in combination with the 'Direction Map' action. To do so, also add a button to the 'direction map' form to open the 'add waypoint' form.
For each action, you can set and use several parameters. For example, the 'Direction Map' action has parameters to set the default map type, the selection of way points, the travel mode, and whether to avoid highways, tolls, or ferries. For more information on the parameters, also refer to the Map Embed API developer guide.

Set up menus

The menu structure to be used on a mobile device, consists of a main menu and submenus.
For each menu, you can define the:
  • Submenus to be opened.
  • Processes to be started.

Set up printers

Set up the printers that can be used from the Anywhere apps as designed in the Mobility studio.
The printer setup in the Mobility studio consists of these elements:
  • Printer types - The different types of printers that can be used by the apps as designed in the Mobility studio. For example: packing slip printer or label printer. 
  • Printers - The links to the registered network printers for each printer type. 
  • Default printers - The default printers for each warehouse, user, and printer type combination. 

For each Anywhere app, in the related parameters, you define the printer type for each type of document that can be printed.

If you print from an Anywhere app, the document is printed on the default printer for the defined printer type and the applicable warehouse and user.

Set up roles and users

Set up roles and users to define basic authorization for the use of processes.
  • The role setup defines a set of processes that are applicable to this role.
  • The user setup defines in which company which roles are applicable to the user and what is the main menu for the user.

Set up test execution

Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. Use test plans to group test suites. So, these test suites can be run in one go. You can run a test plan according to a schedule.

Use test suites to group test cases for an application. So, these test case can be run in one go.

Test application configuration

You can test the processes as defined in Anywhere mobility studio. To be able to do so, design, run, and monitor the required tests.

Test test cases

Before you start using a designed test case, you can test it in several ways.

Translate labels

In Anywhere mobility studio, you can translate labels from these sources:
  • Anywhere mobility studio application.
  • Dynamics 356 for Finance and Operations label file.

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