In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications with the Maps Embed API. To use this API, you must register for it, get an API key from Google, and enter this key in the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.

In your applications, you can use these predefined actions to embed Google Maps:

  • Search Map: Use this action to show a location on a map. For example, the location of a machine on a map.
  • Direction Map: Use this action to show a route between a starting point and a destination on a map.
  • Add waypoint: Use this action to add waypoints between the starting point and destination of a direction map.
To use:
  • The search map or direction map, create a form with a Literal HTML control to position the map on the form. Add the 'Search Map' or 'Direction Map' action to the OnLoad form event. You can add fields to the form that are related to the action parameters.
  • Waypoints, create a form with at least a field to enter the waypoint and a button to confirm it. Add the 'Add waypoint' action to the button event control. You can only use the 'Add waypoint' action in combination with the 'Direction Map' action. To do so, also add a button to the 'direction map' form to open the 'add waypoint' form.
For each action, you can set and use several parameters. For example, the 'Direction Map' action has parameters to set the default map type, the selection of way points, the travel mode, and whether to avoid highways, tolls, or ferries. For more information on the parameters, also refer to the Map Embed API developer guide.


Name Responsible Description

Register for Google Maps API


In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications. To be able to embed a map, you must register for it and get an API key from Google. Google may charge you for this.

Set map API provider parameters


In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications. To be able to embed a map, you must register for it and get an API key from Google and enter it in the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.


Name Responsible Description

Register for Google Maps API


In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications. To be able to embed a map, you must register for it and get an API key from Google. Google may charge you for this.

Set map API provider parameters


In Anywhere mobility studio, you can embed Google Maps in your applications. To be able to embed a map, you must register for it and get an API key from Google and enter it in the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.

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