If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.

You can synchronize:
  • Business processes
  • Requirements
You can also:
  • Manually map a RapidValue entity to a DevOps work item. For example, if you have made some changes in the business process hierarchy and the mapping is undone.
  • Monitor the mapped work item info, with its mapped entities, related work items, and synchronization history.
  • Open a mapped work item in DevOps from RapidValue.

Consultant Consultant Consultant Synchronize solution with Azure DevOps project Synchronize solution with Azure DevOps project If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup. This topic explains how to synchronize a solution. If you synchronize a solution, this is synchronized:All business processes in the business process hierarchy. If a business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the business process. Only the business processes are mapped that meet the relevant mapping conditions.Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to a business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.All requirements that are assigned to the synchronized business processes. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement.All requirements of the solution that are not assigned to a business process. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement. Note: If you use solution requirements, you are advised to define the Default parent in the related DevOps mapping setup. Otherwise no DevOps work item is available to which the created work item can be linked. Procedure 1. Click Business process management. 2. On the Solutions tab, in the list, find and select the desired record. 3. Click Edit. 4. Click DevOps. 5. Click Synchronize. Synchronize business process with Azure DevOps work item Synchronize business process with Azure DevOps work item If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.This topic explains how to synchronize a selected business process.If you synchronize a selected business process, this is done:The selected business process is synchronized. If the business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the business process.Its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.Note: If you use work packages, the mapped work item gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.All its child business processes are synchronized, all the way to the lowest nodes in the underlying business process hierarchy.Note: If you use work packages, also for the child business processes, the mapped work item gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent.The requirements that are assigned to the synchronized business processes are synchronized. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement.Note: Only the business processes are mapped that meet the relevant mapping conditions. Procedure 1. Click Business process modeling. 2. Click the Business processes tab. 3. In the tree, select 'a business process'. 4. Click DevOps. 5. Click Synchronize. Synchronize requirement with Azure DevOps work item Synchronize requirement with Azure DevOps work item If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.This topic explains how to synchronize a requirement.If you synchronize a requirement that does:Not have a business process or requirement as Parent in DevOps, only the selected requirement is synchronized. In this case you are advised to define the Default parent in the related DevOps mapping setup. Otherwise no DevOps work item is available to which the created work item can be linked.Have a business process as Parent in DevOps, its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to the parent business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as the parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.Have a requirement as parent in DevOps, its parent requirement is checked. If a parent requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent requirement. Already mapped parent requirements are not synchronized.If a parent requirement has a parent business process, its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to the parent business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as the parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package. Procedure 1. Click Business process implementation. 2. Click the Requirements tab. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click DevOps. 5. Click Synchronize. Manually map business process to Azure DevOps work item Manually map business process to Azure DevOps work item You can manually map a business process to an Azure DevOps work item. For example, if a relevant work item already exists in the DevOps project or if you have made some changes in the business process hierarchy and the mapping is undone, or if you have earlier unmapped the requirement. Procedure 1. Click Business process modeling. 2. Click the Business processes tab. 3. In the tree, select 'a business process'. 4. Click DevOps. 5. Click Map to DevOps. 6. Sub-task: Map to not mapped work item in DevOps project. 7. In the Work item ID field, type a value. Note: Copy the work item ID from DevOps and paste in in this field. 8. Click Check. 9. Sub-task: Map to an already mapped work item. 10. In the Existing work item section, select the desired work item. Note: On selection, the work item ID, name, and description are filled in the upper section of the dialog. 11. Click OK. Notes You can also unmap a business process from a DevOps work item. To do so, select the business process, and click DevOps, Unmap.When you again synchronize the business process, a new work item is created for the business process. Note that the original work item also stays in the DevOps project. This can result in an issue with the Parent link in DevOps. If you do not want a new work item created, you can manually map the business process again to the original work item. Manually map requirement to Azure DevOps work item Manually map requirement to Azure DevOps work item You can manually map a requirement to an Azure DevOps work item. For example, if a relevant work item already exists in the DevOps project or if you have earlier unmapped the requirement. Procedure 1. Click Business process implementation. 2. Click the Requirements tab. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click DevOps. 5. Click Map to DevOps. 6. Sub-task: Map to not mapped work item in DevOps project. 7. In the Work item ID field, type a value. Note: Copy the work item ID from DevOps and paste in in this field. 8. Click Check. 9. Sub-task: Map to an already mapped work item. 10. In the Existing work item section, select the desired work item. Note: On selection, the work item ID, name, and description are filled in the upper section of the dialog. 11. Click OK. Notes You can also unmap a requirement from a DevOps work item. To do so, select the requirement, and click DevOps, Unmap.When you again synchronize the requirement, a new work item is created for the requirement. Note that the original work item also stays in the DevOps project. This can result in an issue with the Parent link in DevOps. If you do not want a new work item created, you can manually map the requirement again to the original work item. Start Start What to synchronize? What to synchronize? Monitor work item mapping Monitor work item mapping If you have synchronized with Azure DevOps, you can monitor the mapped work item information, with its mapped entities, related work items, and synchronization history. Procedure 1. Go to RapidValue > Inquiries > Work item. Note: You can also open the work item mapping info for a mapped RapidValue entity. Go to the RapidValue entity page, select the desired record, and click DevOps, Work item. 2. In the list, find and select the desired record. 3. In the list, click the link in the selected row. 4. On the Details tab, you can review: - The general information of a work item. For example, if it is mapped or unmapped. - The RapidValue entities to which the work item is mapped. A work item can be mapped to several RapidValue entities. Only one of these can be the primary mapped entity. 5. You can review the work items that are related to the current work item in DevOps. You can have several types of related work items: - Parent (only once) - Child - Link Click the Relations tab. Note: To view a related work item in DevOps, select the relation, and click Open in DevOps. 6. You can monitor the synchronization history of each work item that is currently mapped or that was mapped previously. For each synchronization that is done, the updates that are done are logged in this history. On synchronize, three values play a role: DevOps value, RapidValue value, and the latest logged New value for the entity. If the direction is: - 'In' and the DevOps value differs from the latest logged New value, the RapidValue value is updated with the DevOps value and this change is logged in the work item history. If the original RapidValue value also differs from the latest logged New value, the logged change is marked as a 'Conflict'. - 'Out' and the RapidValue value differs from the latest logged value, the DevOps value is updated with the RapidValue value and this change is logged in the work item history. If the original DevOps value also differs from the latest logged New value, the logged change is marked as a 'Conflict'. Click the History tab. Note: In case of a conflict, the original values are saved in the New value field and Old value field. Which value is shown in which field depends on the direction. To solve the conflict, you can manually repair the value. You can do so, as desired, in either RapidValue or DevOps. 7. Close the page. Manually map  RapidValue entity  to Azure DevOps  work item? Manually map  RapidValue entity  to Azure DevOps  work item? Open work item Open work item If you have synchronized with Azure DevOps, you can open a mapped work item in DevOps from RapidValue. Procedure 1. Sub-task: Open work item from business process. 2. Click Business process modeling. 3. Click the Business processes tab. 4. In the tree, select 'a business process that is mapped to a work item'. 5. Click DevOps. 6. Click Open in DevOps. 7. Sub-task: Open work item from requirement. 8. Click Implement. 9. Click the Requirements tab. 10. In the list, find and select a requirement that is mapped to a work item. 11. Click DevOps. 12. Click Open in DevOps. View  work item mapping  or work item? View  work item mapping  or work item? End End Solution Business  process Requirement Map business  process Map  requirement No Work item  mapping Work item No


Name Responsible Description

Synchronize solution with Azure DevOps project


If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.
This topic explains how to synchronize a solution.
If you synchronize a solution, this is synchronized:
  • All business processes in the business process hierarchy. If a business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the business process. Only the business processes are mapped that meet the relevant mapping conditions.
    Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to a business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.
  • All requirements that are assigned to the synchronized business processes. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement.
  • All requirements of the solution that are not assigned to a business process. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement. Note: If you use solution requirements, you are advised to define the Default parent in the related DevOps mapping setup. Otherwise no DevOps work item is available to which the created work item can be linked.

Synchronize business process with Azure DevOps work item


If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.
This topic explains how to synchronize a selected business process.
If you synchronize a selected business process, this is done:
  • The selected business process is synchronized. If the business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the business process.
  • Its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.
    Note: If you use work packages, the mapped work item gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.
  • All its child business processes are synchronized, all the way to the lowest nodes in the underlying business process hierarchy.
    Note: If you use work packages, also for the child business processes, the mapped work item gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as parent.
  • The requirements that are assigned to the synchronized business processes are synchronized. Also, the child requirements of these requirements are synchronized. If a requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the requirement.
Note: Only the business processes are mapped that meet the relevant mapping conditions.

Synchronize requirement with Azure DevOps work item


If you have set up an integration between a RapidValue solution and an Azure DevOps project, you can synchronize the data between these two. With this integration you can synchronize RapidValue entities with DevOps work items in both directions. The data is synchronized according to the DevOps mapping setup.
This topic explains how to synchronize a requirement.
If you synchronize a requirement that does:
  • Not have a business process or requirement as Parent in DevOps, only the selected requirement is synchronized. In this case you are advised to define the Default parent in the related DevOps mapping setup. Otherwise no DevOps work item is available to which the created work item can be linked.
  • Have a business process as Parent in DevOps, its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.
    Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to the parent business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as the parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.
  • Have a requirement as parent in DevOps, its parent requirement is checked. If a parent requirement is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent requirement. Already mapped parent requirements are not synchronized.
    If a parent requirement has a parent business process, its parent business processes, all the way up to the top node in the business process hierarchy, are checked. If a parent business process is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the parent business process. Already mapped parent business processes are not synchronized.
    Note: If you use work packages, the work item that is mapped to the parent business process gets the work package work item as the parent. And the work package work item gets the work package group work item as the parent. If the work package group or work package is not mapped to a work item, a work item is created and mapped to the work package group or work package.

Manually map business process to Azure DevOps work item


You can manually map a business process to an Azure DevOps work item. For example, if a relevant work item already exists in the DevOps project or if you have made some changes in the business process hierarchy and the mapping is undone, or if you have earlier unmapped the requirement.

Manually map requirement to Azure DevOps work item


You can manually map a requirement to an Azure DevOps work item. For example, if a relevant work item already exists in the DevOps project or if you have earlier unmapped the requirement.

Monitor work item mapping


If you have synchronized with Azure DevOps, you can monitor the mapped work item information, with its mapped entities, related work items, and synchronization history.

Open work item


If you have synchronized with Azure DevOps, you can open a mapped work item in DevOps from RapidValue.

See also

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