You can manually map a requirement to an Azure DevOps work item. For example, if a relevant work item already exists in the DevOps project or if you have earlier unmapped the requirement.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process implementation.
2. Click the Requirements tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click DevOps.
5. Click Map to DevOps.
6. Sub-task: Map to not mapped work item in DevOps project.
  6.1 In the Work item ID field, type a value.

Note: Copy the work item ID from DevOps and paste in in this field.

  6.2 Check if the work item exists in the connected DevOps project. If OK, the name and description are copied from the work item.
  Click Check.
7. Sub-task: Map to an already mapped work item.
  7.1 In the Existing work item section, select the desired work item.

Note: On selection, the work item ID, name, and description are filled in the upper section of the dialog.

8. Click OK.


You can also unmap a requirement from a DevOps work item. To do so, select the requirement, and click DevOps, Unmap.

When you again synchronize the requirement, a new work item is created for the requirement. Note that the original work item also stays in the DevOps project. This can result in an issue with the Parent link in DevOps. If you do not want a new work item created, you can manually map the requirement again to the original work item.

Related to Notes

Use Azure DevOps integration


See also

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