The Analysis phase is the official start of the implementation. This phase defines the activities required to initiate and effectively plan the entire project.


Name Responsible Description

Verify processes

Business analyst

Review the business processes of the relevant solution with your customer. To what extent do the business processes fit the customer requirements. Mark the business processes that don't fit the customer needs as a gap. This usually results in questions to be answered and requirements to solve the gaps. You can use fit categories and gap categories to indicate the sort of fit or gap.

Analyze gaps

Business analyst

Analyze the business processes that are marked as a gap during the process verification. This usually results in questions to be answered, answers to questions, and requirement specifications to solve the gaps.

Collect and manage questions

Business analyst

During the analysis phase, you can at any time collect and answer questions with regards to the scope of the implementation project and which business processes fit or don't fit the customer needs.

Collect and manage requirements

Business analyst

During implementation, you can at any time collect and specify requirements with regards to the scope of the implementation project and what need to be done to fit the available business processes to the customer needs. You can also specify requirements when you define the business strategy.

You can link:

- Several requirements to a business process.

- A requirement to several business processes.

Verify processes

Analyze gaps

Collect and manage questions

Collect and manage requirements

Provide feedback