If you use equipment, set the equipment parameters.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Setup > Advanced project management > Advanced project management parameters.
2. Click the Equipment tab.
3. In the Equipment revenue journal name field, enter or select a value.
4. In the Journal - Equipment field, enter or select a value.
5. In the Default category - Equipment field, enter or select a value.
6. In the Equipment revenue category field, enter or select a value.
7. In the Equipment revenue line property field, enter or select a value.
8. In the Default resource field, enter or select a value.
9. Select Yes in the Post depreciation field.
10. In the Depreciation journal name field, enter or select a value.
11. In the Depreciation category id field, enter or select a value.
12. Close the page.
13. Go to Default dashboard.

See also

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