
Activity Area Description

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for counting process

Setup Set the parameters that define how to count or cycle count inventory with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for inventory adjustment process


Set the parameters that define how to manage inventory adjustments with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for picking process

Setup Set the parameters that define how to pick items with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for production picking process


Set the parameters that define how to manage production picking with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for receipt process

Setup Set the parameters that define how to receive items with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for tag counting process

Set the parameters that define how to do tag counting with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for transfer journal picking process

Setup Set the parameters that define how to manage internal transfers with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set Anywhere for logistics app parameters for transfer journal receipt process

Setup Set the parameters that define how to transfer items with the Anywhere for logistics app.

Set general Anywhere app parameters


Set the general parameters for the Anywhere apps. These parameters define, for example, how Anywhere apps use barcodes and product dimensions.

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