To model a scenario, first add a business process of type Scenario. Usually, you add a scenario to a business process with a flow assigned. As a result, the flow is also added to the added scenario business process.


Name Responsible Description

Add scenarios

Business analyst

Use a business process of type Scenario to define a scenario for a process. A scenario can be, for example, a specific route through an existing flow.

Add a business process of type Scenario to a business process of type Process to which a flow is assigned. As a result, the flow is also added to the added scenario business process.

Define flows

Business analyst

Define the flows that are related to the business processes in the business process hierarchy. A flow is a detailed description of how to do a process.


Name Responsible Description

Add scenarios

Business analyst

Use a business process of type Scenario to define a scenario for a process. A scenario can be, for example, a specific route through an existing flow.

Add a business process of type Scenario to a business process of type Process to which a flow is assigned. As a result, the flow is also added to the added scenario business process.

Define flows

Business analyst

Define the flows that are related to the business processes in the business process hierarchy. A flow is a detailed description of how to do a process.
Related to Notes

Create scenario


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