You can export task guides to create security scenarios in the Security and compliance studio.
You export the task guides based on a selected business process. Also, the children of the selected business process are exported.
On export, the applicable task guides are searched for. The search for and export of task guides is different depending on the business process setup. If the business process has:

  • A procedure activity, task guides are created and exported based on the sub activities that are linked to the steps of the procedure activity. Available flow activity task guides aren't exported.
  • No procedure activity, the task guides of the flow activities are exported.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click Business processes.
3. In the tree, select 'the desired business process'.
4. Click Publish.
5. Click Task guides.
6. You can apply a filter to the selected business process and the business processes beneath it. Task guides are exported only for the business processes that meet the filter conditions.
You can apply only one filter at a time.
  In the list, find and select the desired filter.

Note: - By default, the Use filter field is set to 'Yes'. If you do not want to apply a filter, set it to 'No'.
- You can also set up a new filter. To do so, click New, and fill in the fields.

7. Click OK.
8. Close the page.

See also

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