If you want to use EDI to receive picking list registrations from a 3PL warehouse:

  • Set up the related document flow for the 3PL warehouse with the 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration' message from the desired tutorial project or a custom 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order' message.
  • Use this setup to receive picking list registrations through EDI messages.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Seller Seller Start Start Set up document flow - Picking list registration Set up document flow - Picking list registration Set up a document flow to define how to import a picking list registration that you received from a specific 3PL warehouse. On the document flow, you can set one of these EDI messages to import a picking list registration: 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order' (custom message): If you use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration into the EDI inventory order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically. 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration': If you do not use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration directly into the Picking list registration journal. You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with one of the above messages as request message. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio EDI Party setup. 2. Click the Document flow tab. 3. Click New. 4. You can use origins to indicate where messages originate from. For example, a message can originate from EDI, a web shop, or a customer self-service portal. You can set the origin to indicate that the document flow only applies to messages with the same origin. In the Origin field, enter or select a value. Note: If you do not define an origin, the document flow only applies to messages that also don't have the origin defined. 5. In the Account code field, select 'Site' or 'Warehouse'. Note: You can also select 'EDI group' to link the document flow to an EDI group. As a result, the document flow is applied to all EDI parties with the EDI group assigned. 6. In the Account selection field, enter or select a value. 7. In the Document flow field, select 'Picking'. 8. In the Direction field, select 'Inbound'. 9. In the Number sequence field, enter or select a value. 10. Select the Test check box. 11. In the Message field or in the Web service action field, enter or select a value. 12. Clear the Active check box. 13. Close the page. Notes To be able to receive an EDI message based on this document flow, the GLN code must be set for the current company (legal entity). End End EDI picking list  registration message  file received from  3PL warehouse EDI picking list  registration message  file received from  3PL warehouse Staging? Staging? Warehouse -  XML to Picking list registration  (940) Warehouse -  XML to Picking list registration  (940) XML picking list registration to  EDI inventory order  (940) XML picking list registration to  EDI inventory order  (940) Monitor EDI inventory order journal

Monitor EDI inventory order journal

Use the EDI inventory order staging journal to monitor the EDI inventory orders. If you use EDI inventory order staging, custom messages are required.

You can, for example, use staging in your EDI process for picking list registrations or product receipts. You can use these messages to import the received information into the EDI inventory order journal:
  • 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order'.
  • 'XML product receipt to EDI inventory order'.
The EDI inventory orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are:
  • Met, the EDI inventory order is automatically approved. An approved EDI inventory order is processed by the applicable custom message. For example: 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' or 'EDI inventory order to product receipt'.
  • Not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI inventory order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

EDI inventory order  to picking list  registration EDI inventory order  to picking list  registration Updated picking list  registration Updated picking list  registration No Yes


Name Responsible Description

Set up document flow - Picking list registration

Application Consultant

Set up a document flow to define how to import a picking list registration that you received from a specific 3PL warehouse.

On the document flow, you can set one of these EDI messages to import a picking list registration:

  • 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order' (custom message): If you use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration into the EDI inventory order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.
  • 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration': If you do not use staging, use this message to receive a picking list registration from a 3PL warehouse. This message imports the received picking list registration directly into the Picking list registration journal.

You can choose to exchange this EDI message using a web service. In this case, instead of a message, use an inbound web service action with one of the above messages as request message.

Warehouse -  XML to Picking list registration  (940)


If you do not use staging, you receive a confirmation from the 3PL warehouse that items are picked, with the 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration' message. This message imports the received confirmation directly into the Picking list registration journal.
For the 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration' message, use the predefined 'BisDocumentPickingListRegistration' handler. This handler:
  • Updates the route after the picking list data is imported.
  • Stores errors in the message history.
Define this handler on the target document of the 'Warehouse - XML to Picking list registration' message. You define the handler on the document header, in the Custom section.

XML picking list registration to  EDI inventory order  (940)


You can use the EDI inventory order staging journal to receive and validate picking list registrations from a 3PL warehouse. The related messages are not included in the EDI tutorial project. So, these need to be custom build during implementation.
If you use staging, you receive a confirmation from the 3PL warehouse that items are picked, with a custom 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order' message. This message imports the received confirmation into the EDI inventory order journal. When the import is completed, the applicable validations are done automatically.

Monitor EDI inventory order journal


Use the EDI inventory order staging journal to monitor the EDI inventory orders. If you use EDI inventory order staging, custom messages are required.

You can, for example, use staging in your EDI process for picking list registrations or product receipts. You can use these messages to import the received information into the EDI inventory order journal:
  • 'XML picking list registration to EDI inventory order'.
  • 'XML product receipt to EDI inventory order'.
The EDI inventory orders are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are:
  • Met, the EDI inventory order is automatically approved. An approved EDI inventory order is processed by the applicable custom message. For example: 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' or 'EDI inventory order to product receipt'.
  • Not met, an error or warning is given. Before the EDI inventory order can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

EDI inventory order  to picking list  registration


You can use the EDI inventory order staging journal to receive and validate picking list registrations from a 3PL warehouse. The related messages are not included in the EDI tutorial project. So, these need to be custom build during implementation.
If a picking list registration is validated and approved in the EDI inventory order journal, it can be imported in the Picking list registration journal with a custom 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' message.
For the custom 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' message, use the predefined 'BisDocumentPickingListRegistration' handler. This handler:
  • Updates the route after the picking list data is imported.
  • Stores errors in the message history.
Define this handler on the target document of the custom 'EDI inventory order to picking list registration' message. You define the handler on the document header, in the Custom section.

See also

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