Use a data entry workflow to design a workflow that is applied when data is entered.

For each data entry workflow template, define the desired steps.

You can set up steps for these purposes:

  • Data entry: Use a data entry step to enter a specific set of data during the workflow execution.
  • Approval: Use an approval step to approve the data as entered during the workflow execution.
  • Fuzzy duplicate check: Use a fuzzy duplicate check step to automatically check if the data, as entered during the workflow execution, is a potential duplicate record.

Designer (Data entry workflow) Designer (Data entry workflow) Start Start Create workflow template Create workflow template Use a data entry workflow to design a workflow that is applied when data is entered. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. Click New. 3. In the Name field, enter the name of the data entry workflow template. 4. In the Category field, enter or select a value. 5. In the Version name field, type a value. 6. In the Version comments field, type a value. 7. In the Target company account field, type a value. 8. Select Yes in the Show confirmation field. 9. Click Save and open. 10. Close the page. Do you need a  new workflow  template version? Do you need a  new workflow  template version? Create workflow template version Create workflow template version You can create a new version of a workflow template. You create a new version if , for example, the current version is active and you want to make some changes to the workflow template. If you create a new version, you can choose to: Use an existing version as basis. As a result, all elements of the selected version are copied to the new version. Create a blank version. Note: If you create a: Workflow template, automatically its first version is created. Also, the first version of the related workflow document is created. New version of a workflow template, based on a previous version, also a new version of the related workflow document is created. New blank version of a workflow template, also a new blank version of the related workflow document is created. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, find and select the desired workflow template. 3. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 4. Click Create new version. 5. In the Version name field, enter a descriptive name of the workflow template version. 6. In the Version comments field, enter any desired information on the workflow template version, like a brief description, notes, or comments. 7. In the Start from field, select an option. 8. In the Version number field, enter or select a value. 9. Click OK. 10. Close the page. Notes If you want to edit another workflow template version than the currently shown version, first select the desired version. To do so, on the Action Pane, on the Versions tab, click Versions. On the dialog, select the desired version and click OK. What 's the purpose  of the workflow step? What 's the purpose  of the workflow step? Set up workflow template step - Data entry

Set up workflow template step - Data entry

For each data entry workflow template, define data entry steps. Use a data entry step to enter a specific set of data during the workflow execution.

The setup of the data entry fields has these elements:

Element Description
Tab pages Each data entry step must have at least one tab page. Use tab pages to define the sections that are shown on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you can create tab pages when you select fields with the 'Select fields' function.
Field groups For each tab page, use field groups to define how the data entry fields are grouped on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you create field groups when you select fields with the 'Select fields' function.
Fields For each field group, define the data entry fields. Usually, you select the data entry fields with the 'Select fields' function.
As a result, also a workflow document is created with the selected fields.

Set up workflow template step - Approval

Set up workflow template step - Approval

For each data entry workflow template, you can define workflow approval steps. Use an approval step to approve the data as entered during the workflow execution.

The setup of the fields to be approved has these elements:

Element Description
Tab pages Each approval step must have at least one tab page. Use tab pages to define the sections that are shown on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you add tab pages when you select field groups with the 'Select field groups' function.
Field groups For each tab page, use field groups to define how the approval fields are grouped on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you add field groups when you select field groups with the 'Select field groups' function.
Fields For each field group, define the fields to be approved. Usually, you select the fields to be approved with the 'Select field groups' function.

Set up workflow template step - Fuzzy duplicate check

Set up workflow template step - Fuzzy duplicate check

In Data quality studio, you can set up and use a fuzzy duplicate check. This option checks for duplicates applying fuzzy logic. A fuzzy duplicate check compares values from several fields. based on the comparison, a duplicate score is calculated.
If Data quality studio is installed on the same environment as Data entry workflow, you can apply a fuzzy duplicate check in Data entry workflow.
For each data entry workflow template, you can define a fuzzy duplicate check step. Use a fuzzy duplicate check step to automatically check if the data, as entered in the previous workflow tasks, is a possible duplicate record.

Define to which forms a data entry workflow template applies Define to which forms a data entry workflow template applies Define the forms to which a data entry workflow template applies. As a result, you can start the data entry workflow from the defined forms Buttons to start a data entry workflow Depending on the dynamic menu form setup settings, these buttons are added to the form: Create record: To add this button to the form, select the Creation check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to create a record. Edit record: To add this button to the form, select the Update check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to edit a record. If you click one of the Data entry workflow buttons, a dialog is opened on which you can select the desired template and start the data entry workflow. Button style Use the Style to define where and how the buttons are shown on the form: New action pane tab: To the Action Pane, the 'Data entry workflow' tab is added as the first tab. This tab shows the buttons. New button group: The buttons are shown on the task bar, next to the Delete button.  Existing action pane tab: To an existing Action Pane tab, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added. This field group shows the buttons. In this case, you must select the Action Pane tab to which the 'Data entry workflow' field group must be added. You can indicate next to which existing field group the 'Data entry workflow' is added. If you don't do so, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added as the first field group of the Action Pane tab. Pending workflow For each dynamic menu form setup record, you can define if a data entry workflow can be used to edit records. To edit a record, you can start a data entry workflow only if no pending data entry workflow exists for the record. On the applicable form, for a record, you can show if a pending data entry workflow exists. On the related dynamic menu form setup, you can define how to show if a record has a pending data entry workflow. To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add: An indicator: Depending on the setup, the indicator can be the 'Has pending workflow' field or the  sign. If you add an indicator, you must also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup. A fact box: To the Related information pane of the form, a Pending workflow fact box is added. If a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, this workflow is shown in the fact box. Note: If you run a workflow in test mode, it is not shown as pending workflow. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, find and select the desired data entry workflow template. 3. On the Action Pane, click General. 4. Click Dynamic menu form setup. 5. Click New. 6. In the Form name field, enter or select a value. 7. In the Data source name field, enter or select a value. 8. In the Record ID field, enter or select a value. 9. Select the Creation check box. 10. Select the Update check box. 11. In the Style field, select an option. 12. In the Action pane tab field, enter or select a value. 13. In the After button group field, enter or select a value. 14. Sub-task: Set up pending workflow indication. 15. To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add an indicator. Select the Pending workflow indicator check box. Note: If you add an indicator, also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup. 16. Select the Pending workflow form part check box. 17. Click Pending workflow indicator setup. 18. Click New. 19. In the Form control field, enter or select a value. 20. In the After control field, enter or select a value. 21. Close the page. Notes Several data entry workflow templates can have a dynamic menu form setup for the same form. You can only apply one style to a form. So, for each data entry workflow template, the same style is applied to the same form. For example, for a data entry workflow template, for a form, you change the style. This change is applied to all data entry workflow templates with a dynamic menu form setup for the same form. You can view which data entry workflow templates have a dynamic menu form setup for a form. To do so, on the Dynamics menu form setup form, select a form record. In the Related information pane, open the Templates using the form setup Fact Box. Test workflow template version Test workflow template version You can run a data entry workflow template version in test mode. If you do so, no history is logged when you initiate a data entry workflow based on the workflow template. If you have started a data entry workflow in test-mode: The workflow dialog is opened with the first step of the workflow. So, you do not need to navigate to the form as defined in the dynamic menu form setup. When you complete a step, automatically the next step is opened on the workflow dialog. The entered data is saved in the target tables. Therefore, you are advised not to use the test-mode in your production environment. When you have finished testing, you can deactivate the workflow template version. Based on your test results, you can make changes to the version. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template. 3. Sub-task: Activate workflow template in test mode. 4. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 5. Click Activate. 6. Select Yes in the Test mode field. 7. Click OK. 8. Sub-task: Run workflow in test mode. 9. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 10. Click Test version. 11. For data entry steps, fill in the fields and do the desired action. For example, click Complete. 12. For approval steps, do the desired action. For example, click Approve. 13. Sub-task: Deactivate workflow template. 14. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 15. Click Deactivate. 16. Click OK. Is the workflow template  version ready for use? Is the workflow template  version ready for use? Activate workflow template version Activate workflow template version If the full setup of a data entry workflow version is finished, to apply it, make the version active. You can only get a data entry workflow template version activated if these conditions are met: Each step has at least one assignment. Assigned users are enabled. Assigned teams: Are active. Have at least one effective member that is related to an enabled user. Have a team type for which the Team members must be users in the system check box is selected. For each approval step, on the Outcome tab: The Approve field is set to Yes. One of these fields is set to Yes: Reject or Change request. Each step has at least one field. Organization assignments of the steps are in line. If the first step has a specific organization assignment, the next steps must have the same organization assignment or no organization assignment. Each mandatory field of the used tables is: Added to the workflow document. Configured to get a value in one of these ways: It is used as a data entry field in the workflow template. It has a default value set in the workflow document. It has a parent that sets its value. For grid controls, the fields that are used in the grid are: Part of the same workflow document record. Not a Document attachment field or a Picture field. Procedure 1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates. 2. In the list, find and select the desired workflow template. Note: If you want to activate another workflow template version than the currently shown version, first select the desired version. To do so, on the Action Pane, on the Versions tab, click Versions. On the dialog, select the desired version and click OK. 3. On the Action Pane, click Versions. 4. Click Activate. 5. Click OK. Note: You can schedule when the workflow template version must be made active. On the dialog, expand the Run in the background section and enter the desired settings. 6. Close the page. Notes You cannot change an active workflow template version. If you activate a workflow template version and another version is currently active, this other version is automatically deactivated. You can deactivate an active workflow template version manually. To do so, follow the same steps as for activation. For active versions, the Activate button is replaced with a Deactivate button. You cannot change a deactivated workflow template version with data entry workflows initiated. In this case, if you want to change the workflow template, create a new version. End End Yes No Data entry Approval Duplicate  check Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Create workflow template

Designer (Data entry workflow)

Use a data entry workflow to design a workflow that is applied when data is entered.

Create workflow template version

Designer (Data entry workflow)

You can create a new version of a workflow template. You create a new version if , for example, the current version is active and you want to make some changes to the workflow template.

If you create a new version, you can choose to:

  • Use an existing version as basis. As a result, all elements of the selected version are copied to the new version.
  • Create a blank version.


If you create a:

  • Workflow template, automatically its first version is created. Also, the first version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New version of a workflow template, based on a previous version, also a new version of the related workflow document is created.
  • New blank version of a workflow template, also a new blank version of the related workflow document is created.

Set up workflow template step - Data entry

Designer (Data entry workflow)

For each data entry workflow template, define data entry steps. Use a data entry step to enter a specific set of data during the workflow execution.

The setup of the data entry fields has these elements:

Element Description
Tab pages Each data entry step must have at least one tab page. Use tab pages to define the sections that are shown on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you can create tab pages when you select fields with the 'Select fields' function.
Field groups For each tab page, use field groups to define how the data entry fields are grouped on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you create field groups when you select fields with the 'Select fields' function.
Fields For each field group, define the data entry fields. Usually, you select the data entry fields with the 'Select fields' function.
As a result, also a workflow document is created with the selected fields.

Set up workflow template step - Approval

Designer (Data entry workflow)

For each data entry workflow template, you can define workflow approval steps. Use an approval step to approve the data as entered during the workflow execution.

The setup of the fields to be approved has these elements:

Element Description
Tab pages Each approval step must have at least one tab page. Use tab pages to define the sections that are shown on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you add tab pages when you select field groups with the 'Select field groups' function.
Field groups For each tab page, use field groups to define how the approval fields are grouped on the workflow task dialog. Usually, you add field groups when you select field groups with the 'Select field groups' function.
Fields For each field group, define the fields to be approved. Usually, you select the fields to be approved with the 'Select field groups' function.

Set up workflow template step - Fuzzy duplicate check

Designer (Data entry workflow)

In Data quality studio, you can set up and use a fuzzy duplicate check. This option checks for duplicates applying fuzzy logic. A fuzzy duplicate check compares values from several fields. based on the comparison, a duplicate score is calculated.
If Data quality studio is installed on the same environment as Data entry workflow, you can apply a fuzzy duplicate check in Data entry workflow.
For each data entry workflow template, you can define a fuzzy duplicate check step. Use a fuzzy duplicate check step to automatically check if the data, as entered in the previous workflow tasks, is a possible duplicate record.

Define to which forms a data entry workflow template applies

Designer (Data entry workflow)

Define the forms to which a data entry workflow template applies. As a result, you can start the data entry workflow from the defined forms

Buttons to start a data entry workflow

Depending on the dynamic menu form setup settings, these buttons are added to the form:

  • Create record: To add this button to the form, select the Creation check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to create a record.
  • Edit record: To add this button to the form, select the Update check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to edit a record.

If you click one of the Data entry workflow buttons, a dialog is opened on which you can select the desired template and start the data entry workflow.

Button style

Use the Style to define where and how the buttons are shown on the form:

  • New action pane tab: To the Action Pane, the 'Data entry workflow' tab is added as the first tab. This tab shows the buttons.
  • New button group: The buttons are shown on the task bar, next to the Delete button. 
  • Existing action pane tab: To an existing Action Pane tab, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added. This field group shows the buttons. In this case, you must select the Action Pane tab to which the 'Data entry workflow' field group must be added. You can indicate next to which existing field group the 'Data entry workflow' is added. If you don't do so, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added as the first field group of the Action Pane tab.

Pending workflow

For each dynamic menu form setup record, you can define if a data entry workflow can be used to edit records. To edit a record, you can start a data entry workflow only if no pending data entry workflow exists for the record.
On the applicable form, for a record, you can show if a pending data entry workflow exists. On the related dynamic menu form setup, you can define how to show if a record has a pending data entry workflow.

To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add:

  • An indicator: Depending on the setup, the indicator can be the 'Has pending workflow' field or the  sign. If you add an indicator, you must also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup.
  • A fact box: To the Related information pane of the form, a Pending workflow fact box is added. If a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, this workflow is shown in the fact box.

Note: If you run a workflow in test mode, it is not shown as pending workflow.

Test workflow template version

Designer (Data entry workflow)

You can run a data entry workflow template version in test mode. If you do so, no history is logged when you initiate a data entry workflow based on the workflow template.

If you have started a data entry workflow in test-mode:

  • The workflow dialog is opened with the first step of the workflow. So, you do not need to navigate to the form as defined in the dynamic menu form setup.
  • When you complete a step, automatically the next step is opened on the workflow dialog.
  • The entered data is saved in the target tables. Therefore, you are advised not to use the test-mode in your production environment.
  • When you have finished testing, you can deactivate the workflow template version. Based on your test results, you can make changes to the version.

Activate workflow template version

Designer (Data entry workflow)

If the full setup of a data entry workflow version is finished, to apply it, make the version active.

You can only get a data entry workflow template version activated if these conditions are met:

  • Each step has at least one assignment.
  • Assigned users are enabled.
  • Assigned teams:
    • Are active.
    • Have at least one effective member that is related to an enabled user.
    • Have a team type for which the Team members must be users in the system check box is selected.
  • For each approval step, on the Outcome tab:
    • The Approve field is set to Yes.
    • One of these fields is set to Yes: Reject or Change request.
  • Each step has at least one field.
  • Organization assignments of the steps are in line. If the first step has a specific organization assignment, the next steps must have the same organization assignment or no organization assignment.
  • Each mandatory field of the used tables is:
    • Added to the workflow document.
    • Configured to get a value in one of these ways:
      • It is used as a data entry field in the workflow template.
      • It has a default value set in the workflow document.
      • It has a parent that sets its value.
  • For grid controls, the fields that are used in the grid are:
    • Part of the same workflow document record.
    • Not a Document attachment field or a Picture field.

Set up workflow template step - Data entry

Set up workflow template step - Approval

Set up workflow template step - Fuzzy duplicate check

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