In Connectivity studio, usually, you can design the integration setup by configuration. Sometimes, it can be required to use a customization. This topic explains the standard web service action handler handler classes in Connectivity studio and how to customize these classes. Only use customized classes if you really need specific functionality.

Standard web service action handler classes

For web service actions, several standard handler classes are available. Each web service action direction has its own handler classes:
Document type Handler class Description
Outbound handler classes BisWsClientHandler Runs the outbound web service action. For the request message, the target connector must be of type Azure file storage. For the Response message and error message, the source connector must be of type Azure file storage.
BisWsClientHandlerV3 Runs the outbound web service action, using streaming. For the request message, the target connector must be of type Web service. For the Response message and error message, the source connector must be of type Web service.
Outbound client HTTP classes BisWsClientHttpFileRequest Calls the external web service if files are used to exchange data. The result of the handler class is the input for the web service call. This class also handles the response from the web service. This response is the input for the handler class to process the response in D365 FO.
BisWsClientHttpRequest Calls the external web service if streaming used to exchange data. The result of the handler class is the input for the web service call. This class also handles the response from the web service. This response is the input for the handler class to process the response in D365 FO.
Inbound handler classes BisWsServerHandler Runs the inbound web service action. For the request message, the source connector must be of type Azure file storage. For the Response message and error message, the target connector must be of type Azure file storage.
BisWsServerHandlerV3 Runs the inbound web service, using streaming. For the request message, the source connector must be of type Web service. For the Response message and error message, the target connector must be of type Web service.


Customize web service action handler class - Outbound

You can use a customized outbound web service action handler class. To do so, extend a standard outbound web service action handler class.
For a customized outbound web service action handler class, you can change the methods as desired. The commonly changed methods are:
  • runGet
  • rungetResponseMessage
  • rungetErrorMessage
  • HandleHttpRequest
  • RunPost
  • unPostResponseMessage
  • RunPostRequestMessage
  • RunPostErrorMessage
  • OnAfterPostResponseMessage
  • GetClassDescription

Customize web service action Client HTTP class - Outbound

To run the web service HTTP request, a separate class is used. If your HTTP request works different compared to the standard HTTP request, you can extend one of the standard client HTTP classes or create your own client HTTP class. Make sure, it implements the same interface with the same methods as exist in the standard client HTTP classes.
The required interface is:
The required methods are:

Customize web service action handler class - Inbound

You can use a customized inbound web service action handler class. To do so, extend a standard inbound web service action handler class.
For a customized inbound web service action handler class, you can change the methods as desired. The commonly changed methods are:
    • Runget
    • OnGetRequestMessage
    • onGetResponseMessage
    • ongetErrorMessage
    • RunPost
    • onPostRequestMessage
    • onPostResponsemessage
    • OnPostErrormessage
    • GetClassDescription

See also

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