In Connectivity studio, usually, you can design the integration setup by configuration. Sometimes, it can be required to use a customization. This topic explains the standard document handler classes in Connectivity studio and how to customize these classes. Only use customized classes if you really need specific functionality.

Standard document handler classes - External documents - File based

For external file-based documents, several standard handler classes are available. Each external file-based document type has its own handler classes:
Document type Handler class Description
XML BisDocumentXml This handler class reads data from or writes data to XML files.
BisDocumentXmlV3 On a message, you can use an XML document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class instead of BisDocumentXml.
JSON BisDocumentJson and BisDocumentJSONv2 These handler classes read data from or write data to JSON files. You are advised to use the 'BisDocumentJSONv2' handler class.
BisDocumentJSONV3 On a message, you can use a JSON document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class instead of BisDocumentJSONv2.
Text BisDocumentText This handler class reads data from or writes data to text files.
BisDocumentTextV3 On a message, you can use the Text document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class instead of BisDocumentText.
Fixed text BisDocumentFixedText This handler class reads data from or writes data to text files with defined start positions and lengths for records and fields.
BisDocumentFixedTextV3 On a message, you can use a Fixed text document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class instead of BisDocumentFixedText.
EDI BisDocumentEdi This handler class reads data from or writes data to a text file using an EDI standard, for example, EDIFACT or ANSI X12.
BisDocumentEDIFACTCounter This handler class reads data from or writes data to a text file using EDIFACT. With this handler class, you can apply numbering and control counts to your EDI messages. The numbering and counts are only applied on write.
BisDocumentEdiV3 On a message, you can use the EDI document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class, instead of BisDocumentEdi.
BisDocumentEDIFACTCounterV3 On a message, you can use the EDI document in combination with a connector of type Web service, Blob storage, or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class, instead of BisDocumentEDIFACTCounter.
Microsoft Excel BisDocumentExcel This handler class reads data from or writes data to Microsoft Excel files using Open XML.
BisDocumentExcelV3 On a message, you can use the Microsoft Excel document in combination with a connector of type Blob storage or Upload and download. If you do so, use this handler class instead of BisDocumentExcel.
Microsoft Word BisDocumentWord This handler class writes data to Microsoft Word files using Open XML.
BisDocumentWordV3 On a message, you can use the Microsoft Word document in combination with a connector of type Blob storage or Upload and download. If you do so, Use this handler class instead of BisDocumentWord.

Standard document handler classes - External documents - ODBC

For external ODBC documents, several standard handler classes are available:
Document type Handler class Description
ODBC BisDocumentODBC This handler class directly reads data from or writes data to an external database.
BisDocumentODBCCData This handler class directly reads data from or writes data to an external CData database via ODBC. The record names and field names must match the ODBC table names and field names. For each record, fill in the External table field in the Line details section.
BisDocumentODBCForDb2 This handler class directly reads data from or writes data to an external DB2 database via ODBC.

Standard document handler classes - Internal documents

For internal documents, several standard handler classes are available. Each internal document type has its own handler classes:
Document type Handler class Description
D365 FO BisDocumentAxDatabase This handler class reads data from or writes data to D365 FO.
BisDocumentAxDatabase_CompanyHeader If you use EDI, you can also use this handler class. This handler class imports data into D365 FO. On import, it switches to the company as defined in the EDI history and imports the data into that company.
BisDocumentHistoryAxDatabase This handler class runs the message from the message history. It is automatically applied if you manually run a message from the message history. So, do not select it for a document.
BisDocumentAxDB_SalesOrderPostInvoice This handler class creates sales orders and automatically reserves the sales quantities. If the quantities are reserved for a sales order, the sales order invoices are created and posted automatically. If the quantities cannot be reserved, the created sales order is deleted.
BisDocumentAxDB_InventCounting This EDI-specific handler class creates inventory counting journals.
BisDocumentAxPurchaseOrderAutoConfirm This handler class imports purchase orders and automatically confirms these purchase orders.
BisDocumentLoyaltyCardPointAdj This handler class imports loyalty card reward point adjustments. Each adjustment is logged with a unique sequence number.
BisDocumentPickingListRegistration This handler class imports and creates warehouse orders. When a warehouse order is created, the related picking routes is updated.
BisDocumentAxDB_TransferOrderWave This handler class creates transfer orders. If a created transfer order is validated, it is automatically released.
BisDocumentAxDB_CustVendTransOpen This handler class exports open customer transactions or vendor transactions, depending on document record setup.
BisMdmDocumentAxDatabase This handler class exports data from D365 FO for Master data management (MDM).
Inventory journal BisDocumentInventJournal This handler class imports inventory data into inventory journals. For example: inventory counting results, inventory transfers, or inventory movements. It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
Ledger journal BisDocumentLedgerJournal This handler class imports ledger-related data into ledger journals. For example: ledger allocations or customer payments. It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
BisEdiDocumentLedgerJournalChangeCompany If you use EDI, you can also use this handler class. It imports data into the ledger journals. On import, it switches to the company as defined in the EDI history and imports the ledger data into that company.
Trade agreement journal BisDocumentPriceDiscJournal This handler class imports trade-agreement-related data into trade agreement journals. For example: discount adjustments or price adjustments. It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
WMS journal BisDocumentWMSJournal It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
Report as finished journal BisDocumentProdParmReportFinish It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
Production picking list BisDocumentProdPickList It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
Project journal BisDocumentProjJournal It creates the journal header and links the lines to the created header.
Staging BisDocumentStaging This handler class writes data to or reads data from the staging table. On write, the written staging table record is automatically approved. On approval, the data validations are done. On read, only the journals with journal status 'Approved' and message status 'To be processed' are read.
BisStagingDocumentManualApproval This handler class writes data to or reads data from the staging table. On write, the data is only written to the staging table. You must manually approve the journals. On approval, the data validations are done. On read, only the journals with journal status 'Approved' and message status 'To be processed' are read.
BisEdiDocumentStagingChangeCompany If you use EDI, you can also use this handler class. It imports data into the staging table. On import, it switches to the company as defined in the EDI history and imports the data into that company.

Customize document handler classes

You can use a customized document handler class. To do so, extend a standard document handler class.
For each customized document handler class, you can change these methods as desired:
Method Description
Open Opens the connection.
onTransactionBegin Starts the transaction. You can control this method with the Transaction level setting on the message header: Root record or Documents.
onCreateEntity Returns the entity for a record.
onInitEntity If the record is not found, it is created.
onWriteField Writes the value of a field.
onWriteEntity Writes the entity and defines if it is an update or insert.
onUpdateEntity Updates the entity.
onInsertEntity Inserts the entity.
onDeleteEntity Deletes the entity.
onTransactionCommit Commits the transaction.
onTransactionAbort Aborts the transaction.
onErrorEntity If an error occurs for a source entity, this method is called.
Close Closes the connection.

See also

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