Use quotes to make an offer to a potential customer. A quote includes the pricing details of products your potential customer is interested in.

Rental sales Rental sales Start Start Create quote Create quote Use quotes to make an offer to a potential customer. A quote includes the pricing details of products your potential customer is interested in. You can create a quote from an opportunity. You can also directly create a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales. For more information on creating and editing a quote, refer to Create or edit quotes. Additionally, on creation of a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales, define the: Quote type Rental details Rental dates For more information, refer to the notes of this topic. Notes Quote type field on the Summary tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description Quote type Define the rental quotation type: ·         Rental: The quote is not related to a rental project. On synchronization with D365 FO, a rental quotation is created. ·         Project rental: The quote is created for a rental project. On synchronization with D365 FO, a project rental quotation is created. Note: If a quote is created from an opportunity, the default quote type is applied, and you cannot change it. To create a quote of another than the default type, directly create a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales (in the Site map, click Quotes, and in the control bar click New).   Rental details fields on the Integration tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description Rental calendar The rental calendar defines the days and times for which a rental order line is invoiced, for example, only working days from 8:00 to 17:00 are invoiced. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the rate calendar is filled from the opportunity. Rate code The rate code defines how the invoice amount is calculated, for example, per day or per week. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the rate code is filled from the opportunity.   Rental dates fields on the Integration tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description On-rent date/time The start date/time of the rental period. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the on-rent date/time is filled from the opportunity. Expected off-rent date/time The expected end date/time of the rental period. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the expected off-rent date/time is filled from the opportunity.   Edit quote header Edit quote header You can edit the general quote information in: Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to Create or edit quotes. D365 FO: For more information, refer to the steps and notes of this topic. For general quote information, for most fields, a two-way synchronization is applied. If you edit: General quote information in Rental Management for D365 Sales, the changes are synchronized to the related rental quotation header or project rental quotation header in D365 FO. A rental quotation header or a project rental quotation header in D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Notes In addition to the standard quote fields in Rental Management for D365 Sales, several rental-specific fields are available. Quote type field on the Summary tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description On-rent date/time The start date/time of the rental period. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the on-rent date/time is filled from the opportunity. Expected off-rent date/time The expected end date/time of the rental period. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the expected off-rent date/time is filled from the opportunity.   Rental details fields on the Integration tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description Rental calendar The rental calendar defines the days and times for which a rental order line is invoiced, for example, only working days from 8:00 to 17:00 are invoiced. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the rate calendar is filled from the opportunity. Rate code The rate code defines how the invoice amount is calculated, for example, per day or per week. Note: If the quote is created from an opportunity, the rate code is filled from the opportunity. Contact person The contact person at the prospect for the rental quotation. Note: You can only edit the contact person on the rental quotation header in D365 FO. Invoice profile The invoice profile defines when the rental order line is invoiced, for example, monthly or weekly. Note: You can only edit the invoice profile on the rental quotation header in D365 FO. Work location code You can filter the equipment list based on the work location. The work location is the location where the rental item is delivered and used. Note: You can only edit the venue code on the rental quotation header in D365 FO.   Rental dates fields on the Integration tab of the Quote page:                   Field Description On-rent date/time The start date/time of the rental period. Expected off-rent date/time The expected end date/time of the rental period. Off-rent date/time The actual end date/time of the rental period. Note: You can only edit the off-rent date/time on the rental quotation header in D365 FO. Requested delivery date/time The date, as requested by the prospect, on which the rental item must be delivered. Note: You can only edit the requested delivery date/time on the rental quotation header in D365 FO. Requested pickup date/time The date, as requested by the prospect, on which the rental item must be picked up by the rental company at the prospect’s site. Note: You can only edit the requested pickup date/time on the rental quotation header in D365 FO.   Add quotation lines Add quotation lines Add the desired quotation lines to the created rental quotation or project rental quotation. You can add lines to a: Rental quotation for: Bulk rental items Serialized rental items Service items Project rental quotation of types: Item. The item quotation lines can be for: Bulk rental items Serialized rental items Service items Hour Expense Fee For quotation lines, a one-way synchronization is applied. You can only add quotation lines in D365 FO. When a quotation line is added in D365 FO, it is synchronized to the Products section of the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Procedure 1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales. 2. In the Site map, click Quotes. 3. Select the desired quote. 4. On the command bar, click Edit. 5. On the command bar, click Open. 6. In D365 FO, in the Lines section, click Add line, and fill in the fields as desired. 7. When you are done adding lines to the (project) rental quotation, save the changes, and close the D365 FO tab of your browser. As a result, you automatically return to the related quote page in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Send which  quote type? Send which  quote type? Send rental quotation Send rental quotation If the creation of a rental quotation is finished, send the rental quotation to the customer or prospect. You create a rental quotation document which you can, for example, send by email or mail. When you send the rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the rental quotation is not sent before.Note: You can only send a rental quotation from D365 FO. Procedure 1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales. 2. In the Site map, click Quotes. 3. Select the desired quote with quote type 'Rental'. 4. On the command bar, click Edit. 5. On the command bar, click Open. 6. In D365 FO, on the Action Pane, on the Rental quotation tab, click Send quotation. 7. Click OK. 8. When you have sent the rental quotation, close the D365 FO tab of your browser. As a result, you automatically return to the related quote page in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Send project rental quotation Send project rental quotation If the creation of a project rental quotation is finished, send it to the customer for approval.To do so, post the Quotation journal. As a result, a project rental quotation journal is created.If desired, you can print the project rental quotation.When you send the project rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the project rental quotation is not sent before.Note: You can only send a project rental quotation from D365 FO. Procedure 1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales. 2. In the Site map, click Quotes. 3. Select the desired quote with quote type 'Project rental'. 4. On the command bar, click Edit. 5. On the command bar, click Open. 6. In D365 FO, on the Action Pane, on the Quote tab, click Quotation. 7. Click OK. 8. When you have sent the project rental quotation for approval, close the D365 FO tab of your browser. As a result, you automatically return to the related quote page in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Get response  from prospect Get response  from prospect Prospect already  exists as customer? Prospect already  exists as customer? Convert prospect to customer Convert prospect to customer If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, and the prospect accepts the quotation, you must convert the prospect to a customer before you can confirm the (project) rental quotation. If the prospect is converted to a customer, in Rental Management for D365 Sales, for the related account, the relationship type is changed to 'Customer'. Note: You can only convert a prospect to a customer in D365 FO. Procedure 1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales. 2. In the Site map, click Quotes. 3. Select the desired quote. 4. On the command bar, click Edit. 5. On the command bar, click Open. 6. In D365 FO, on the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, click Convert to customer. 7. When you have converted the prospect to a customer, close the D365 FO tab of your browser. As a result, you automatically return to the related quote page in Rental Management for D365 Sales. Register response of prospect on quote Register response of prospect on quote If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, the prospect can: Accept the quote. In this case, confirm the quotation. Reject the quote. In this case, mark the quotation as lost. You can also cancel a (project) rental quotation. If you confirm a: Rental quotation, automatically a rental order is created. Project rental quotation, no rental order is created. You must transfer a confirmed project rental quotation to a project. Notes: You can only mark a (project) rental quotation as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled' in D365 FO. In D365 FO, you cannot change a (project) rental quotation that is marked as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled'. In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you cannot change the related quote. Procedure 1. Sign in to Rental Management for D365 Sales. 2. In the Site map, click Quotes. 3. Select the desired quote. 4. On the command bar, click Edit. 5. On the command bar, click Open. 6. In D365 FO, on the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, click 'Confirm', 'Cancel', or 'Lost quotation'. 7. When you have registered the prospect response to the (project) rental quotation, close the D365 FO tab of your browser. As a result, you automatically return to the related quote page in Rental Management for D365 Sales. End End Rental Project rental No Yes


Name Responsible Description

Create quote

Rental sales

Use quotes to make an offer to a potential customer. A quote includes the pricing details of products your potential customer is interested in.

You can create a quote from an opportunity. You can also directly create a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.
For more information on creating and editing a quote, refer to Create or edit quotes.
Additionally, on creation of a quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales, define the:
  • Quote type
  • Rental details
  • Rental dates
For more information, refer to the notes of this topic.

Edit quote header

Rental sales

You can edit the general quote information in:
  • Rental Management for D365 Sales: For more information, refer to Create or edit quotes.
  • D365 FO: For more information, refer to the steps and notes of this topic.
For general quote information, for most fields, a two-way synchronization is applied. If you edit:
  • General quote information in Rental Management for D365 Sales, the changes are synchronized to the related rental quotation header or project rental quotation header in D365 FO.
  • A rental quotation header or a project rental quotation header in D365 FO, the changes are synchronized to the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Add quotation lines

Rental sales

Add the desired quotation lines to the created rental quotation or project rental quotation.

You can add lines to a:
  • Rental quotation for:
    • Bulk rental items
    • Serialized rental items
    • Service items
  • Project rental quotation of types:
    • Item. The item quotation lines can be for:
      • Bulk rental items
      • Serialized rental items
      • Service items
    • Hour
    • Expense
    • Fee
For quotation lines, a one-way synchronization is applied. You can only add quotation lines in D365 FO. When a quotation line is added in D365 FO, it is synchronized to the Products section of the related quote in Rental Management for D365 Sales.

Send rental quotation

Rental sales

If the creation of a rental quotation is finished, send the rental quotation to the customer or prospect. You create a rental quotation document which you can, for example, send by email or mail. 
When you send the rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the rental quotation is not sent before.
Note: You can only send a rental quotation from D365 FO.

Send project rental quotation

Rental sales

If the creation of a project rental quotation is finished, send it to the customer for approval.
To do so, post the Quotation journal. As a result, a project rental quotation journal is created.
If desired, you can print the project rental quotation.
When you send the project rental quotation, its status is changed from Created to Sent. This is only applicable if the project rental quotation is not sent before.
Note: You can only send a project rental quotation from D365 FO.

Convert prospect to customer

Rental sales

If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, and the prospect accepts the quotation, you must convert the prospect to a customer before you can confirm the (project) rental quotation.

If the prospect is converted to a customer, in Rental Management for D365 Sales, for the related account, the relationship type is changed to 'Customer'.
Note: You can only convert a prospect to a customer in D365 FO.

Register response of prospect on quote

Rental sales

If you have sent a (project) rental quotation to a prospect, the prospect can:
  • Accept the quote. In this case, confirm the quotation.
  • Reject the quote. In this case, mark the quotation as lost.
You can also cancel a (project) rental quotation.
If you confirm a:
  • Rental quotation, automatically a rental order is created.
  • Project rental quotation, no rental order is created. You must transfer a confirmed project rental quotation to a project.
  • You can only mark a (project) rental quotation as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled' in D365 FO.
  • In D365 FO, you cannot change a (project) rental quotation that is marked as 'Confirmed', 'Lost', or 'Canceled'. In Rental Management for D365 Sales, you cannot change the related quote.

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