Set the parameters that apply to the rental return specific process of the Rental Logistics Scanning app.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click Anywhere app parameters.
3. Click the Rental tab.
4. Expand the Rental return specific section.
5. You can define the maximum number of lines that is shown in the search results of the rental return specific process.
  In the Maximum number of items in search field, enter a number.
6. You can choose to show item images in the rental return specific process.
  Select Yes in the Show image of item field.

Note: If item images are shown, the Rental Logistics Scanning app performance decreases.

7. You can allow to report damage on serialized business objects by charging costs. You can charge costs based on the 'Item groups for supplementary items' setup.
  Select Yes in the Charge costs for rental orders field.
8. You can allow to register meter values for serialized objects that have a meter reading.
  Select Yes in the Register meters for transfer orders field.
9. You can allow to report damage to bulk business objects by charging costs. You can charge costs based on the 'Item groups for supplementary items' setup.
  Select Yes in the Charge costs for rental orders field.
10. Sub-task: Define the item groups for supplementary items.
  10.1 You can allow charging costs for rental orders for serialized business objects and bulk business objects. If you allow charging costs for at least one of the business object types, define the item groups for supplementary items.
Use item groups with service items that are set up as charge cost items. You can assign charge cost items as supplementary items to rental items. Based on this setup, you can add charge cost lines to your rental orders. You can use this setup, for example, to charge damages.
  In the Item groups for supplementary items section, click Add.
  10.2 In the Item group field, enter or select a value.

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