You can use the 'My details' page to view your user settings as provided by the rental company.

Standard procedure

1. Sign in to the Rental Customer Portal.
2. In the upper right corner of the portal, click your user name, and click 'My details'.


Fields on the 'My details' page:

Field Description
Full name Your full name as defined by the rental company.
First name Your first name as defined by the rental company.
Middle name Your middle name as defined by the rental company.
Last name Your last name as defined by the rental company.
Mobile phone Your mobile phone number as known to the rental company.
Address Your address as known to the rental company. Usually, your company’s address.
Active If Yes, your contact account is marked as active by the rental company.
Operator If Yes, you have the ‘Admin’ user role. This means that you are a DynaRent Customer Portal administrator, and you can configure the portal setup and appearance.
Customer account The rental company’s customer account identification for your company.
Language Your language as known to the rental company.
Portal contact If Yes, the rental company has defined you as an official DynaRent Customer portal contact person.

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