Use the communication profile of type Output type to define if the document is an email or an XML document. If the output is Email, you also link a template to define the contents of the email.

Standard procedure

1. Click Action and document management design.
2. Click the Document types tab.
3. In the list, click the link of the desired document type.
4. In the Perspectives section, in the list, find and select the desired perspective.
5. In the Communication profiles section, click New.

Note: The default profile type is Output type. So, no selection is needed.

6. In the Output field, select an option.
7. You can define several output type communication profiles for one document type perspective. If you do so, define the priority for each output type communication profile. The priority defines the sequence in which the output type communication profiles are tried when a document is generated. If a document cannot be generated based on the highest priority output type communication profile, the next one is used.
  In the Priority field, enter a number.

Note: The highest priority is 0.

8. If the output is Email, you must link a template to define the contents of the email.
  In the Template field, enter or select a value.
9. Close the page.

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