How applicable prices are searched for on a project quotation WBS is defined by the Pricing priority parameter. You can select one of these options:

  • Quotation statement
  • Project price setup

On the Project Control Suite parameters, you define the default value for this parameter. For each project quotation, you can change the default value of this parameter.

The price search is done on creation of a project quotation estimate line. An estimate line can be created in these ways:

  • On selection of an activity ID on a new task.
  • On save of a new task without an activity ID defined.
  • Manually add an estimate line.
  • On import of a WBS template.

If you import a template, you can choose to use the prices as defined on the template estimate lines or apply the price search.

Quotation statement

If the pricing priority is set to Quotation statement, the applicable price is searched for in this sequence:

  1. Search for the applicable category price in the quotation statement.
  2. If, for a category, no price is defined in the quotation statement, search for the applicable category price in the project price setup.

Project price setup

If the pricing priority is set to Project price setup, the applicable price is searched for in this sequence:

  1. Search in the quotation statement for an applicable category price for which the Manual override check box is selected. Manual override means that a project-quotation-specific price is defined for the category. Only those category prices are used, for which the Manual override check box is selected.
  2. Search for all other applicable category prices in the project price setup.

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