To each work breakdown structure line, you can apply an index.

If you apply an index to a project line or to a task with sub-tasks, the index is applied to all underlying tasks.

An index is an additional percentage on top of the calculated value, without adding an extra estimate line to a task.

You can also use the index to, for example, add a risk or a margin.

The relevant calculations are:

  • Bid value = Calculated value + Contingency + Index
  • Calculated value = sum of Total sales prices of all estimate lines for the task

The index is applied to the sum of the Calculated value and the Contingency.

Example: Calculated value=100, Contingency=20, Index=10%. The 10% index is applied to 120. So, the bid value is 132.

If already an index is applied to a task, an additional index considers the already available index.

Standard procedure

1. Click Advanced project management.
2. Click Project quotation.
3. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
4. Click Advanced WBS.
5. Click Edit.
6. In the list, find and select the desired record.
7. Click the Cost and revenue tab.
8. In the list, find and select the desired record.
9. Click Calculate index.
10. In the Index (%) field, enter a number.
11. In the From date field, enter a date.
12. Click OK.


  • If you apply an index, the bid rate and bid value are not locked automatically.
  • An index is considered if the bid rate and bid value are unlocked when you apply the index.
  • You can remove applied indexes. To do so, click Reset index on the Cost and revenue tab. If you enter a From date, only the indexes are removed for the tasks that start on or after the From date.

Related to Notes

Review bid value and markup


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