If you use progress billing, set the progress billing parameters.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Setup > Advanced project management > Advanced project management parameters.
2. Click the Progress billing tab.
3. In the Format field, define the sequence number suffix format for progress bills.
4. You can use progress billing by default for new project quotations. For each project line in a project quotation work breakdown structure, you can change this default setting.
  Select Yes in the Use progress billing field.
5. You can automatically update the internal progress from the progress bill.
  Select Yes in the Update internal progress from the progress bill field.
6. In the Default Journal name ID project field, define the default journal name used for project progress bills.
7. In the default journal name ID for subcontract field, define the default journal name to be used for subcontract progress bills.
8. In progress billing, you can post a temporary fee to claim the progress bill revenue before a customer has approved the progress bill. In this field, define the line property that is used to post the fee.
  In the Line property field, select a default value.
9. In progress billing, you can post a temporary fee to claim the progress bill revenue before the customer has approved the progress bill. In this field, define the category that is used to post the fee.
  In the Revenue category field, enter or select a value.
10. In the Show number of decimals field, enter a number.

See also

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