Before you can use Project Control Suite, define the Project Control Suite parameters.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Setup > Advanced project management > Advanced project management parameters.
  1.1 Sub-task: General.
  1.2 Define the default project type for project and sub-project lines in a project quotation work breakdown structure.
  In the Default project type field, select an option.
  1.3 Define the default project group for project and sub-project lines in a project quotation work breakdown structure.
  In the Default project group field, enter or select a value.
  1.4 Define the master plan with which the project logistics is synchronized. So, on the Project logistics page, only the results of this master plan are shown.
  In the Plan field, enter or select a value.
  1.5 Define how applicable prices are searched for on a project quotation WBS. You can change this default setting for each project quotation.
  In the Pricing priority field, select an option.
  1.6 Select No in the Use advanced pricing field.
  1.7 Define the default cost code standard for your project quotations.
  In the Default cost code standard field, enter or select a value.
  1.8 Define for which level cost codes can be defined:
- Activity: You can define a cost code for each WBS line. All estimated-costs-and-revenue lines of a WBS line have the same cost code, which cannot be changed.
- Transaction: You can define a cost code for each WBS line and for each estimated-costs-and-revenue line. So, estimated-costs-and-revenue lines of one WBS line can have different cost codes.
  In the Default cost code level field, select an option.
  1.9 If set to Yes, by default, on the WBS, quantity validation is done based on the applied quantity type. You can change the default value for this parameter on the root node of the WBS.
  In the Validate quantity field, select an option.
  1.10 Select choice for Lock for editing field.
  1.11 Make selection for Auto scheduling field.
  1.12 Make selection for the Transfer to item requirement field.
  1.13 Make selection for Rounding off total amounts field.
2. In the Equipment field, type a value.
3. Sub-task: Display options.
  3.1 Click the Display options tab.
  3.2 In the Project node field, enter or select a value.
  3.3 In the Activity node field, enter or select a value.
  3.4 In the Option/Alternative node field, enter or select a value.
  3.5 In the Subcontract node field, enter or select a value.
  3.6 In the Comparison color field, enter or select a value.
  3.7 In the Indirect Cost Color field, enter or select a value.
  3.8 Select No in the Show alternatives and options field.
  3.9 Select No in the Show WBS with units and quantities field.
4. Sub-task: WBS Cost Control.
  4.1 Click the WBS cost control tab.
  4.2 Select Yes in the Use cost code field.
  4.3 In the Default journal name field, enter or select a value.
  4.4 In the Category field, enter or select a value.
  4.5 In the Default journal name field, enter or select a value.
  4.6 In the WBS budget period field, select an option.
  4.7 In the Cost code budget period field, select an option.
5. Sub-task: Project change order.
  5.1 Click the Project change order tab.
  5.2 In the Pending forecast model field, enter or select a value.
  5.3 In the Approved forecast model field, enter or select a value.
6. Sub-task: Number sequences.
  6.1 Click the Number sequences tab.
7. Close the page.

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