You can set up categories and have these automatically assigned to engineering products, product versions or variants on release.


Name Responsible Description

Set up category hierarchy

Product manager

You can create a hierarchy of product categories and sub-categories to organize matching types and ease navigation through your range of products.

For more information, refer to Create a hierarchy of product classification .

Define categories for engineering product type

Product manager

For each engineering product type, you can define one or more category hierarchies and categories to which a product belongs. If you release a product with the engineering product type, the product, product version, or product variant is assigned to these categories.


Name Responsible Description

Set up category hierarchy

Product manager

You can create a hierarchy of product categories and sub-categories to organize matching types and ease navigation through your range of products.

For more information, refer to Create a hierarchy of product classification .

Define categories for engineering product type

Product manager

For each engineering product type, you can define one or more category hierarchies and categories to which a product belongs. If you release a product with the engineering product type, the product, product version, or product variant is assigned to these categories.

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